Jin Guo.

At this time, the Kyoto and Yucheng of Jinguo were already screaming in the wind, and Murong Yu suddenly wanted to take back the military power in the hands of Tang Yu, who guarded the border of Yucheng. Ye Yannan publicly refused to go to the city to replace Tang Yan, and even opposed Murong Yu to recover Tang. Awkward military power.

Murong Yu resolutely issued the imperial edict, and asked Tang to hand over the soldiers and return to Kyoto to return to life.

Almost all the ministers of the DPRK are holding their breath waiting for what Tang Yan and Ye Yinan will do next. When the sacred priest was just sent to the city, it was revealed that Tang dynasty colluded with the water of the Yuan Dynasty, with the intention of advocating the ink capacity.

Time passed by, and there was no news from Yucheng. After Tang Hao got the imperial edict, he said nothing at all. This clearly means that the emperor’s majesty was not seen in his eyes.

Ye Haonan, who was against Murong Yu on the side of the court, did not go up for a few days in a row. This is not to be more doubtful.

"The emperor, Tang Yan did not move in the city, but did not take the decree as one thing. It seems that the external rumor is 80% true. He has long colluded with the water to try to rebel. This must not be neglected." In the church, Cabinet Minister Song Anzhen stood up and said.

"Yes, if you continue, the consequences will be unimaginable." Some ministers came out to follow the postscript.

There are other ministers who stand up and agree with Song Anzhen.

Murong Yu was silent and looked at them quietly.

"The emperor." Lu Shiming stood up. "Jing Ning Hou collusion is a rumor. There is no evidence. It is rumored to convict the general. This is too much to say."

"Where is the leaf 淳楠?" Song Anzhen asked again, "Lu Daren, that day Ye Yannan hit the emperor in the court, openly resisting the purpose of disrespect, you see it with your own eyes. Now, a few days later, he said that he was not ill, but clearly The emperor demonstrated."

Lu Shiming frowned slightly, and he did not understand how Ye Xiaonan would impulsively attack the emperor. According to Ye Nannan's character, he should not do that.

There must be some reason for this.

"The emperor, Murong has wanted to force the palace to rebel. Although the evidence is not enough, it is still suspicious. This time he went to Yucheng to have a plan. The emperor invited the emperor to take the soldiers to capture Tang Yin and Murong." Fujisawa stood up and said.

Lu Xiangzhi looked at Murong Yu, Shen Sheng said, "You adults, there is a problem underneath, why does Xiao Wangye rebel? Why should Jing Ning Hou and Ye General help him?"

"Because... Tang Yan and Ye Yinan are the old ministers of the emperor, and Murong is the younger brother of the emperor. They want to use the ink to pick up the old ministers." Song Anzhen said.

"It turns out." Lu Xiangzhi smiled. "Qin Wang has already returned, and staying in Qin Wangfu, is it necessary for Xiao Wangye to do that?" Lu Xiangzhi asked, although he did not know what Murong Yu and Ye Nannan wanted to do, but Since they have changed their style of work, there must be a reason.

Fujita said coldly, "That is that Qin Wang wants to take the position but he does not want to come out and use his brother to do things for him."

This throne is originally Murong Cham! If he really wants to take the position, it is just righteousness. Today, 80% of the ministers in the court are loyal to the jade.

The words of Fujisawa immediately made all the ministers bow their heads, because both Murong Cham and Murong Yu were the emperors of their allegiance.

"Is it all finished?" Murong Yu, who has been talking for a long time, finally faintly opened his eyes and fell on the body of Fujisawa. "You just want to return to Beijing and return to Beijing. You have to arrange for him. Where do you see the little prince?" Rebellion, and where did you see that this was the conspiracy of Qin Wang?"

"The emperor..." Fujita frowned. Did the Emperor still believe that Murong Chong would not return to the throne? "The heart of defending people is indispensable. The rumors of Tang Yi’s collusion with water are definitely not a hole in the wind."

Murong screamed coldly, "Give Tang Yan a decree, let him return to Beijing immediately, and retreat."

The vine's eyes flashed a touch of incredible, and they have reached this point, and the emperor actually believes those people.

"Let's go." Song Hao patted him on the shoulder.

"Take me to see the emperor." Fuji said that he has been with Murong Yu for almost 20 years. Although he has been heavily punished, he thinks he is the most loyal person in the world to Murong, he does not want to see Jiangshan, who was hard to stabilize, was taken away.

Song Yan frowned. "What do you want to say? I told you, don't be impulsive, especially about Murong Cham, you should be cautious."

"Do you really believe that Murong Chong will not want to go back to this palace at all? If you are an emperor, how can you be a prince?" Rattan said coldly, "Song has been so many years." You are still too naive."

"I am not innocent, just believe in the judgment of the emperor." Song said.

Fujisawa stopped and looked back at Song Song. "Is the emperor's judgment? Did you forget the priest's house? The emperor didn't even want the woman, as long as it was about the woman, the emperor could still judge reasonably. ?"

"You are crazy! Have you forgotten any punishment before?" Song said.

"I just remember, I want to remind the emperor." Fujisawa continued to walk in the direction of the Yangxin Temple.

Song Hao stopped him. "How can you still not understand? The emperor simply does not like to be in this palace. If Murong Zhan really wants the emperor, the emperor absolutely puts his hands on it. When Qin Wang, he will not rebel in the back."

"When did you become a dog of Murong Cham?" asked Fujisaka.

"You are too paranoid." Song said.

Fujisaka no longer pays attention to Song Yu, and strode to the Yang Xin Dian to see Murong Yu.

After Ford went to talk, he walked out with a smile. "The vines, the emperor is not seeing anyone for a while, you can go back."

"I don't see the emperor?" The vines were different, why didn't the emperor see him.

"Yeah, the vines, the emperor looks tired." Ford said with a smile, but the tone was very determined, and would not let the vines go in to disturb the emperor.

Song Hao chased him up. "Look, you still don't give up."

"I am waiting for the emperor here." Fujisawa said quietly.

"Fuji, what do you want to do?" Song Hao was not angry. "Do you think that you are only awake, is the emperor so easily deceived?"

If there is no such woman, he naturally does not think that the emperor is easily deceived, but the emperor once did not want to fight for that woman, so even if he is abandoned again this time, he will let the emperor know that if he does not kill Murong Zhan, Jin Guo It will definitely be chaotic.

Song Wei felt very tired. He knew that Fujisawa was loyal to the emperor. Regardless of the past or the present, he always imposed on others with his own thoughts. He thought that after so many years, he would not think of paranoia in the past.

"Then you are waiting here." Song said, "You will regret it."

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