When I saw Mei's nucleus at a glance, I made a gesture. All of them immediately dispersed and chased. He also ran away in the direction of Mingxi's departure. Unfortunately, he almost went to the wall and found no suspicious. people.

"General, did not see suspicious people." Everyone else returned to the water home, they all found nothing.

In Wangdu City, there is almost no one who can go to the water home without a trace. If there is such a person, it is impossible to know that water can not be known. He now completely guesses who it will be.

"Will it be Huangfu?" asked one of the waters.

"Huangfu has not had such a light work." The water was gloomy, "strengthen the guards of Wangducheng, and sent more soldiers to patrol at night."

"Yes, general."

A shadow was slowly coming in the light, and she was carrying a food box in her hand. When she saw the water standing outside the yard, she stunned. "Yeah, what happened?"

When I saw someone coming, the water waved and let the subordinates leave.

The woman was carrying a lotus lamp, carrying a food box, looking at the water with a sly look.

"Looking for something I have?" The sound of the water was cold, and he walked toward the woman. The soft light fell on her bright eyes and looked at her eyes. His expression gradually softened. "What? Let the next person do it."

"The dumplings I made myself, I want to send you, don't want to pass someone else's hand." The woman smiled playfully.

The twilight of the water became hot, "Go into the house."

He took her hand into the room, and the next person took the lotus lamp and lowered his head to retreat.

The woman is about to open the food box, and the whole person has been swayed.

"Yeah..." she exclaimed, looking at the water with a smile, "I haven't eaten dumplings yet."

"Sometimes to eat again." Water slammed her under her body, put down the account, and covered the light outside.

In the middle of the night, he saw a pair of similarly similar eyes. The woman appeared in her mind, and she looked forward to her eyes. Her smile was like a branding in his mind, let him be in his dream every day. Can't extricate themselves.

"Yeah... I can't see you." The woman under her body enchanted him.

Water stared at her eyes and called another woman's name in her heart.


He entered her heavily, as if in a dream, he looked at the woman's waist and asked her again and again. She was fascinated by him and truly belonged to him.

She is his!

"No, yeah, you are lighter." The woman begged for mercy, but her hands clasped his shoulders tightly.

The speed of the water is more rapid, like the only way to imagine the woman.

I don’t know how long it took, the woman under her body finally cried, and the water just released her. The account was smashed and the woman’s appearance was seen. There was an emptiness in his heart, although like her, but after all, Not her.

"Yeah, you let the slave's body be scattered." The woman's weak boneless hands grabbed the waist of the water and looked at him with a wink.

"Ye Wei, you are also the Ye Family in Kyoto. What is the relationship?" Water suddenly asked, she was the one he had seen, the most like Lu Yu, and the surname Ye, and the eighty are the leaves. The family has a relationship.

Ye Wei, who is planning to keep a good warmth with the water, froze. "Kyoto, how can Ye Family feel that I have a relationship with Ye Family? Is it because my name is Ye?"

The water looked at her silently. "Ask me."

"Yeah, can you tell me who is the cinnabar in your heart?" Ye Wei is already in a man's heap. It is a battle, only water can bring her ecstasy feeling, but she can see it. Every time this man is asking her, her eyes are looking at her, but she is thinking of another woman.

Who is that woman? It is enough to let the water go so far.

Water slammed her hand away. "Some words shouldn't be what you asked."

Ye Wei looked at his wide and straight back, and there was a sigh of relief in her heart. She glared at the woman he had never forgotten.

"Yes, I won't ask in the future." Ye Wei said with a smile, she put on her clothes, and when she got out of bed, she felt the pain between her legs. She took a breath and slowed down for a while before going to the water. "The dumplings are afraid of being cold, and they are not good."

The water said faintly, "No problem."

Ye Wei sat down and watched him eat the slightly cold dumplings in one breath. She smiled a little at the corner of her mouth. "What happened?"

"Someone sneaked into the water house." The water said coldly, "I have done it lightly, even I have not caught up."

"You can't catch up with you?" Ye Wei is very surprised. She is clear about the martial arts of the water. It is definitely one of the best in Wangdu City. It is impossible for anyone to be more powerful than her. "Is it an enemy country?"

The water put down the chopsticks and took a sip of tea. "No matter who it is, as long as he can find it in Wangdu."

Ye Wei whispered, "Yeah, are you...have a relationship with Kyoto Ye Family?"

"Who are you from Ye Family?" Water slammed into Ye Wei, and since she asked this question, it must have something to do with Ye Family.

"Ye Yisong is my father." Ye Wei whispered, "He didn't recognize me when he was alive, so strictly speaking, I have nothing to do with Ye Family."

"What is your relationship with Lu Hao?" The water blurted out.

Ye Wei was wondering how to mention Lu Hao, and she thought that Lu Hao was the daughter of the second uncle who had been sent away. She smiled lightly. "It is my cousin, but I have never seen her."

Sure enough, it has a relationship with Lu Hao! No wonder their eyes are so similar.

"Since your father is dead, why not go back to Ye Family?" asked Water, "Why don't Ye Jia refuse you?"

"When I was a non-person, my father refused me to be with that person. I left everything with him, and later I realized that I was young and unassuming, so I could take care of me in Yunlu Palace, otherwise I would have been long. I don't know what it is." Ye Wei laughed and laughed. "Who is such a person, what qualifications are there to recognize the ancestors?"

Water glanced at her silently. "No, you should go back to Ye Family."

Ye Wei wondered, "Do you have something for me to do?"

"Would you like to use it for me?" Although he saved her, she saw that she had the same eyes as the woman. Before that, he knew that she was a person in the Yunlu Palace, but she did not know her relationship with Ye Family.

Does Lu Yan know his cousin?

She probably won't know, she won't be back.

"You are not always... use me?" Ye Wei smiled.

"Then you will not call Ye Wei in the future, call Lu Hao." Water said.

Ye Wei is surprised. "You want me to recognize the identity of my cousin? Impossible, I will be recognized."

Water sneered, "No, just want you to kill someone for me."

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