As Cheng Hao’s death is known to more and more people, the news of the return of Murong Cham and Ye Hao seems to spread throughout the world overnight. This has disappeared for four years from the once legendary couple, and everyone thought they were The dead situation reappeared and killed the second emperor of Qi.

Their return, some hatred, some people are happy.

In the early morning of the next day, the people of the Yuan Dynasty discovered that the statue outside the city gate had been restored to its original state. Where was the former lifelike appearance, it was thought that it was a day of disaster, and it was not long before I heard the news of the return of Tianzhu, and cheered. Up, I feel that Scorpio is their patron saint, or how the statue will change so much within a few days.

It must be because of the magical power of Scorpio.

Ye Hao had planned to go out to Wang Ducheng and walked away. When she saw the reaction of the people, she did not dare to go out. If she was recognized, it would certainly be too sensational.

She does not want to return to the palace.

"Mother, Mr. Huangfu came." Ming Xi walked in from outside the yard and said to Ye Hao, standing on the steps.

Ye Hao looked up and looked at the past. A long, elegant figure came into sight. It was still the elegant and elegant of Lanzhi Yushu. The gentle and watery scorpion looked at her with a faint smile.

"Master..." Ye Hao laughed and took a hand.

"Hey, you don't seem to have any change." Huangfu smiled and looked at Ye Hao softly. She was really like him. In the beginning, he stood in front of him and begged him to teach her a little girl. There has been no previous uneasiness and resentment. She has become confident and powerful, but she seems to have not changed.

Ye Hao smiled. "Master is the same."

Murong Chan came out of the house. He couldn't see the emperor, but he could feel his arrival.

"Azhan..." Huangfu saw the moment of Mo Rongzhan stunned, and the feeling given to him did not change, but at first glance, he saw the difference between the two, and he clearly felt different. The indifferent momentum is even more daunting than ever before.

"Mother, Mr. also brought a guest." Ming Xi said, pointing to the figure standing outside the yard.

Ye Hao walked down the steps and saw the slender figure behind the emperor. She was a completely strange woman. She didn't look too old. Her eyes were as uneasy as the elk, beautiful like a porcelain doll.

"She is..." Ye Hao stunned and looked at Huangfu in amazement.

Huangfu said helplessly, "I saved the memory in the woods. She lost her memory. She followed me all the time. I saw her alone and had nowhere to go. She took her, and she called Abu."

"Ah?" Ye Hao looked at the woman in surprise, the name is really strange.

When I heard Ye Hao’s voice, Ah did not immediately hide in the Huangfu’s arms.

Ye stunned and saw that Huangfu did not push Abe, and whispered to comfort her, she was the first time she saw Huangfu treating a girl like this.

"Let's get inside the house." Ye Hao said with a smile.

A did not follow the imperial concubine, and was full of vigilance against others.

"She..." Ye Hao saw that she had not spoken, and looked at Huangfu doubtfully.

"I can't talk." Huangfu whispered, only to speak the pronunciation, so she gave her a name called Abu.

Ye Hao gently decapitated, thinking that this is Huangfu's thing, and then no longer pay attention to this girl, anyway, she looks very well-behaved, as long as he is next to Huangfu, quiet as if it does not exist.

"Have you all been well in these four years?" After entering the house, after sitting down, Huangfu whispered Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "There is a good one, but we have all returned, and that is good."

Although she did not say that, Huangfu could probably guess that they had to experience many hardships in another place before.

"When I first entered the city, I heard someone talking about the death of Cheng Hao." Huangfu looked up at Ye Hao. "What happened?"

"Cheng Wei caught Zhao Ning and threatened the aunt. He wants to do anything. He should not use such a means." Ye Hao said.

She can understand that Cheng Hao wants to ambiguize the obstacles for Zhao Wei, which is the same as what they want to do for Ming Yu, but his means are not right, so she will kill him.

Huangfu frowned, and did not think that Ye Hao did not do well. However, the emperor of Qi State should not stop there.

"Don't mention the matter of swearing. Anyway, the killing has already been killed. Can you let him live? Master, how have you been seclusion in recent years?" Ye Hao whispered.

"Living in a slightly quieter place, it is not a seclusion." Huangfu smiled. "I always like to be quiet."

Ye Hao and Huangfu have known each other for many years. He knows that he is a person who has no competition in the world. When he has been exposed for a few years, he chose to avoid it, no matter who he is, it is a good thing.

At least, the courtiers of the Yuan Kingdom will not be divided into two factions.

If there are opinions, there will be disputes. Naturally, some people will stand up.

Huangfu looked at Murong Zhan, "What is the eye of Azhan?"

"Poisoning." Murong Zhan said.

"As before?" Huangfu, he remembered that Murong Zhan was blinded for the first time because of poisoning.

Ye Hao knows that Huangfu is well versed in medical skills. "You give AZhan a look. I have already given him a lot of medicine, but I still haven't seen it."

She used the Lingquan to heal him from the beginning. It could have been exhausted. Recently, it seems that there is no effect at all. Ye Hao is worried that it will always be like this.

Huangfu used to check the eyes of ink-filled Zhan.

Murong Zhan’s subconscious consciousness is to avoid his touch. After restoring the memory of the Emperor, his cleansing is even more serious.

"How?" Huangfu did not know his strangeness and thought that he was uncomfortable.

"Nothing." Murong Zhan said faintly, let Huangfu check his eyes. Although he knew that it had no effect, he knew that it would not be easy to cure the poison of the dragon in the mainland.

Huangfu looked at the eyes of Murong Chong and was surprised to find that his eyes were all gray. He did not know what the poison was.

"How?" Ye Hao asked eagerly.

"There is no clue." Huangfu shook his head. The pulse of Murong Cham was peaceful. There was no sign of poisoning. It was just that the eyes could not be seen. I am afraid... the toxins had been removed, and the eyes were completely poisoned and could no longer be seen.

Ye Hao sighed, but there was no desperate look. "Nothing, take it slowly, it will always be cured."

Huangfu looked at her and couldn't bear to fight.

"Yeah." Murong Chan held her hand and smiled lightly.

At this time, the voice of the next person came from outside, and there were several people outside who asked to see Ye Hao.

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