Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1992: Killing on the spot

Zhao Lan has been crushed by Zhao Yu in this life. No matter when Zhao Wei was in the past or when the five emperors were enthroned, she seemed to have no way to dare to be in front of Zhao Wei. She was very reluctant.

When the emperor was there, although Zhao Wei was alienated from him, everyone could see that the emperor’s favorite daughter was Zhao Wei, otherwise she would not tolerate her as arrogant. Even her free to enter the palace would follow her, other princesses. When the emperor and the minister contacted each other, they were partying privately. Zhao Wei did not scruplely buy the minister. The father and the emperor also only closed their eyes to her. The most resentful to Zhao Lan was that Zhao Wei and Cheng Hao joined forces to frame her mother. .

Even if her mother-in-law had done something wrong before, it has already passed. Is the first queen a good person?

The Emperor had always favored Zhao Wei, and even the five emperors were the princes, because the five emperors were brought by Zhao Wei, but what about? The five emperors are still not centrifuged with Zhao Wei. If Cheng Hao protects Zhao Wei, she won the emperor's position for the five emperors. Now where is Zhao Yu's survival?

She thought that in this life, she would bow down to Zhao Wei, and I did not expect that Cheng Hao would be killed by Lu Hao. Lu Hao is really her noble!

Now she has teamed up with the old department of the Five Emperors, and today she must force Zhao to abdicate anyway.

Zhao Wei looked at Zhao Lan, who was looking forward to his expectations. The smile on his face became more and more indifferent.

"The choice you give is to ask all the ministers to force abdication?" Zhao Wei looked at Zhao Lan with a smile.

"This throne is not yours." Zhao Lan said, "Now is nothing but the original owner."

Zhao Wei smiled. "In the end, is it the original owner, or do you want Zhao Lan to take someone else?"

"Three princesses, do not have to talk nonsense with him, we have already controlled the southeast and northwest gates, as long as the Imperial Palace is captured, this demon woman must surrender." Three horses said to Zhao Lan.

"You are still surrendering now!" Zhao Lan said to the ministers such as Song Hongwei.

Zhao Xiang shouted, "Three sisters, do you know what you are doing? Don't give up and let go."

"I know exactly what I am doing!" Zhao Lan said. "You are afraid of death and fear of Zhao Wei, but I am not afraid. For the dignity of the royal family, today I must not let Zhao Wei bury Cheng Hao in the Imperial Tomb. I am so Do, but also for the five emperors, the second sister, don't you think that the five brothers are pitiful in the palace?"

“Are you for the five brothers, or for yourself?” Zhao Xiang asked. “We all know well.”

Zhao Lan sneered. "It seems that you have been reused recently, so you have completely turned down to Zhao Wei."

"Three sisters, don't make a mistake again!" Zhao Xiang frowned, she was very clear about the hatred in Zhao Lan's heart, thinking that it was Zhao Wei who killed Deyi and the two emperors, "The things of Deyi and the two emperors, It doesn't matter to you, you know."

"I didn't come for them today, it was for the five brothers!" Zhao Lan called.

Zhao Yu looked up and saw Song Hongyu. "You admire the mourning and the feelings of the sisters, and now you can't be tolerant."

Song Hongwei looked at Zhao Lan and looked at it with helplessness. This scene was the first thing the Emperor did not want to see. I didn’t expect it to happen. "Please tell the emperor."

"What is the crime of forcing the palace to rebel?" Zhao Wei asked softly.

"Sin is a sin of the Nine." Song Hongyu replied in a loud voice.

Zhao Wei looked at Zhao Lan faintly. "Zhao Lan is the sister of Sui. If she is a squatting teenager, isn't she going to be implicated? Will Zhao Lan be sent to the dungeon, and then decide later, as for others... 诛 诛You don't have to, participating in the current palace will be killed on the spot."

Listening to Zhao Wei’s still calm command, Zhao Lan felt an inexplicable uneasiness. In order to force the palace today, she had secretly planned for a long time. It is impossible to make a mistake. Why is Zhao Wei so calm? Shouldn't she feel nervous?

"Yes, Your Majesty." Song Hongyu said quietly.

Zhao Lan and San Shuma looked at each other and were more suspicious of Zhao Wei’s words.

"The ministers went to the main hall and waited for the town to remove the rebels and then sent them to An Ning Hou." Zhao Wei walked to the side of the coffin and gently placed his hand on it. "They have to mess with your last journey, I am very angry." If you are there, then they will not dare to do so."

"Big sister!" Zhao Xiang looked at her nervously.

Zhao Wei did not look back at her, but walked straight to the main hall.

The other ministers looked at each other and looked at Zhao Lan. They all turned and followed Zhao Wei.

There is not only one empress in the world, but the Scorpio in the Yuan Dynasty is also a woman. In the past four years, Zhao Yuli has not made any sinful things. It is much better than the five princes of the year, even if it is a woman. It is most important to be able to restore Qi’s prosperity to the past.

"Don't regret it!" Zhao Lan looked at the ministers and was so angry that she was not the same as she imagined. She thought that there would be a dissatisfaction with the minister's ruling. They are not all behind the scenes. ? How did it get to the chin at all times, all of them turned their backs?

"Three princesses, you shouldn't be in this palace." Song Hongzhen looked at Zhao Lan calmly.

Zhao Lan said, "This palace is not a forced palace, just to bring order out of chaos!"

Song Hongjun shook his head and sighed. "You thought that you had already controlled the city gate. In fact, General Huo could not bring troops to help you."

"What do you say?" Zhao Lan's face changed slightly.

"Over the years, it has not been no reason for His Majesty to gain the trust and favor of the Emperor." Song Hongyu said, "Your every move, you know it."

"Three princesses, don't listen to him nonsense, we act secretly, Zhao Yu can't find it." Three horses immediately called.

Zhao Lan looks nervous, she does have some concerns, "Song Hongyi, you don't have to say these words to confuse the palace."

"Since you don't believe it, then I can't do anything." Song Hongyu said, he raised his hand and "take down the three princesses and the three horses."

"I rushed into the palace and grabbed the enchantress of Zhao Wei. You will be able to fly in the future!" Three horses waved their arms and asked the soldiers behind him to rush into the palace.

Da da da--

The soldiers are still doing the dreams of being rich and wealthy in the future, but there are a row of neat soldiers behind them.

In the sun, the soldiers' armor shines with a chilly glow.

Zhao Lan’s face has changed greatly. How can the National Army far beyond 100 miles be here?

"Let's let go of the weapons and surrender." Song Hongyu said that today is the departure of Cheng Hao, and it is better to see blood.

"Everyone will kill me!" Three horses roared, anyway, they are all dead, it is better to fight.

Zhao Lan stood in front of Song Hongyu, staring blankly at the direction of the palace.

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