As I thought before, I didn’t lose all my memories. I didn’t even know where she came from. She was found in the lake. The emperor saw her mermaid and brought her ashore. The fishtail formed legs and practiced for a long time to walk. In the past six months, she did not dare to approach the lake, because her legs would fall into the lake and become fishtails. Huangfu always told her to stay away from the lake.

"Do you want to catch me back?" Ah is afraid, because there is no memory, so she relies on Huangfu, she is afraid to face the new environment and people.

"I grab you back and do it?" He waved his hand. "You don't touch the water when you live here. Others won't know that you are a mermaid. You have to know that people on the mainland have no spiritual power. They are the most ordinary." People, if they know that you are a mermaid, they may kill you as a monster, so you can't let them see you."

A nodded nod, "No."

"There is one more thing." The nephew stared straight at Abe. "You can't hurt anyone, remember, it's anyone!"

"No!" Ah did not shake his head, "I... how can I hurt people."

My nephew nodded with satisfaction. "Well, that's it."

Auntlessly looking at the nephew, "How can you be here?"

"Play," said the child with a smile. He pushed the door open and stopped at the door. "If you hurt others on the mainland, you will cut off your fishtail."

"..." Aber's face turned white, "Yes."

The nephew smiled a little and went out to see her Mingxi waiting for me.

"Ming Xi." Her voice was like a silver bell, and she ran to Mingxi's side.

"So long?" Ming Xi helped the nephew's shoulder and saw her change a set of pink clothes. Ah did not come out all the time. "See?"

"Well," said the child, looking at Mingxi. "Ah is a mermaid, but she forgot how she came here. I told her, can't hurt anyone, or cut her tail."

Ming Xi lightly coughed, "She admitted?"

"Mr. Huangfu knows that she is a mermaid, so we don't have to worry about it," said the child. "She also knows, so she dare not approach the water."

"It seems that Mr. is going to protect Abu." Mingxi frowned.

The nephew took his hand and left. "You know that I am a dragon, don't you treat me too?"

Mingxi looked at her, how is that the same?

But after all, he didn't say anything. "I just hope she won't hurt Mr.."

"You can rest assured that I have quietly left a seal on her, she can't drive spiritual power." The child said with a smile, can't drive spiritual power, and Ah is no different from ordinary mortal.

Ming Xi looked down at her, "smart."

Today's nephew is not the same as the little white dragon who just left the keel mountain. At that time, she was ignorant and ignorant, and now she has become more intelligent.



Huangfu did not know what the three children had done in his house in his mind. He found Ye Hao and was talking about her going to Bailizhou in person.

"Master..." Ye Hao smiled helplessly. She knew that he was worried about her. She couldn't tell Huangfu that she is now like a martial arts master. "Shen Luoyang also went with us."

"You are not easy to come back safely, don't fall into danger again." Huangfu said with a frown.

Murong Zhan said faintly, "It is not dangerous, it is easy to solve."

"First cure your eyes and say it." Huangfu looked at Murong Zhan.

"If I don't go in person, Zhao Wei will not give up easily anyway. I will let people go out and personally bring troops. After Zhao knows, I will definitely go to Shajiu City." Ye Hao said.

Huangfu’s eyebrows are more wrinkled. “Do you want to go see Zhao Hao in person?”

"Yeah, Master, you really don't have to worry about me. I even kill Cheng Hao, will I be afraid of Zhao Wei?" Ye Yan said with a smile.

"But..." Huangfu still felt uncomfortable.

"Do you think that I am not even a woman?" asked Murong Zhan.

Huangfu frowned. "I didn't say that."

"That's good." Murong Chong beheaded, "Zhao Wei can't compare with Zhao Wei."

"It seems that you will not change your mind." Huangfu said.

Ye Hao just looked at him with a smile.

Huangfu sighed in his heart. He should have known that regardless of whether Murong Zhan or Zhai, the things they decided were never so easy to change.

"Madam, there is a girl named Ye who wants to see outside."

Last name? Ye stunned. "Can anyone say who?"

He said, "She said it was your loved one."

Loved ones? Ye said differently, said to Murong Cham, "I will go and see."

"Yeah." Murong Cham daggers.

"Master, then you should sit for a while." Ye Haodi said, followed the ring to the hall.

The nature that came to see Ye Hao was Ye Wei. She actually came in the past few days. She happened to be in the water and was washed away by the water seedlings. So she waited until today, she knew that the water seedlings had returned to themselves. At home.

Ye Hao came to the hall and saw the delicate back of Ye Weizhen. She frowned slightly, but she didn't know who she was looking for.

"Hey." Hearing the footsteps, Ye Wei turned around and maintained a superb face with a shallow smile. She was full of self-confidence and pride, and she was stationed in the face, although it was almost thirty. The skin is like a 20-year-old woman, she does not believe that Lu Hao can be like her.

Ye Wei was completely stunned when she saw Ye Hao. This is Lu Wei? Why does it look like the 17-year-old girl?

"You are..." Ye Hao was surprised in his heart. He has recognized this person as the cousin Ye Wei who is elope with others. How could she be here?

"You are not Lu Hao!" Ye Wei blurted out. Ye Hao and Lu Hao are twin sisters. Now they are at least 26 years old and have two children. How they look like girls.

Ye Hao pressed down the curiosity of his heart and looked at Ye Wei with a funny smile. "Who are you? I said that I am not Lu Hao for no reason."

"You and Ye Hao look very much like each other." Ye Wei said, "Ye Ye is my cousin."

"What?" Ye Hao pretended to be surprised. "Then you are not..."

Ye Wei carefully looked at Lu Yan. She first saw that a woman was more able to hide her age than her, Lu Yan in front of her eyes, like a mother of two children.

"I was just reckless." Ye Wei said that she was really surprised.

"I have never heard of my father and my brother mentioned that there is a cousin." Ye Hao said, Ye Yinan did not say Ye Wei.

Ye Wei laughed at herself. "I was driven out of my house by my father. Second uncle and Anan did not mention me. That is normal."

"So how do you know that I am here?" Ye Hao asked with an eyebrow.

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