Murong Zhan wants to know what happened to Tang Yan when he was in Lujia. He even wanted to know what he was upset about. He just went to the palace and went to Cining Palace. Tang Yan also quit the palace, he did not know who to ask.

Don't you swear to Tang Yan... The face of Murong Zhan becomes gloomy, and even if he has such a mind, he will not allow it.

"Your Majesty." Ford came in from the outside, bent down and bowed, and looked at the face of Murong Cham whispered, "Little King and Princess Fu Rong went to the polo field."

Ink Murray's twilight is slightly bright, "Auntie let him accompany him to play polo?"

Ford smiled and said, "The slaves have not seen it yet. The emperor is not as good as you are."

"Well, I have to take a look." Murong nodded his face with no expression, and felt that his closeness was getting more and more understanding of himself.

They haven't walked to the polo field yet. They have heard all kinds of screams. It seems that they are playing fiercely. Murong Chan deliberately slowed down and walked over. At a glance, they saw the leafhopper standing in the pergola.

She was waving with joy and yelling at him at the inkfield on the polo field.

Murong Yu and his friends are divided into two teams and are testing the polo.

The surrounding guards saw the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, and when he wanted to kneel down, he was blocked by him, lest he should interrupt the test.

He slowly walked to Ye Hao's side and looked down at her bright and happy smile.

"Hurry up, dodge and avoid..." Ye Hao commanded this ink-tolerance, and did not find more individuals next to him.

"Oh, how can he let the ball go!" Ye Hao said with a disappointment. When she raised her hand, she suddenly ran into the person next to her. She thought it was a palace man. Looking back, it was actually Murong Chan. Some did not respond.

Murong Zhan looked at her with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"You...when did you come?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, she did not find him coming.

"Hey, stand here for a long time, see you only look at them with one heart, then you will not disturb you." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao’s cheeks were slightly red, and Fu Fu said, “It’s a maiden.”

"Members?" Murong Zhan looked at her meaningfully. "It seems that you are not very suitable for your princess status, or do you not want to be Princess Fu Rong?"

"Emperor brother, Huangmei is just not used to it for a while." Ye Hao bites the emperor's brother with a special accent.

Murong Chan smiled and looked at the polo field. "How is the aunt's polo playing?"

His attention was not on her, and Ye Hao was relieved in her heart. Not long ago, she was still thinking about how to pull him down from the high position. Now he appears in front of her. She is also worried that he will see her mind, "a lot better than before."

"You are very good to the aunt, and helped him a lot. No wonder the mother thinks that you are his noble person." Murong Zhan looked at the younger brother who had been sentenced to the past and had to admit that Lu Hao’s influence on the aunt was still Very big.

Ye Hao naturally knew that she had indirectly changed the fate of Murong, and she said with a smile, "Yes, I am a blessed person."

Murong Zhan chuckled and said, "I feel very blessed."

"The emperor, you don't have to watch the folds? So... leisurely?" Ye Hao looked at him with an eyebrow, how can I have time here to tell her that there is nothing.

"If you are busy, you have to rest." Murong Chong smiled faintly. "What happened to you and Tang Yan?"

Ye Hao turned his head in confusion, what happened?

"In the morning at Lujia, you seem to be angry with him?" Murong Chan pretended to be inadvertently asked.

"No." Ye Hao grinned, thinking how this guy was so annoying, even this was noticed.

Murong Zhan’s heart is sour and sour, and she is more suspicious of her apparently concealed words. “Hey...”

He wants to test her more, but he has been found to have interrupted his ink.

"Emperor brother, why are you here?" Murong asked with a loud voice.

Others also found that Murong Zhan, have been dismissed to give him a salute.

"Let's come over and see you." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Go ahead and play."

Murong has just won a small one, and his heart is still excited. "Emperor brother, you can compare it with us."

Ye Hao knows that Murong Cham's polo is playing very well. If he is willing to teach him an ink, then they may be more likely to win in a few days.

"As for a few of you, do you still want to win?" Murong Zhan floated a smile.

"Emperor brother, I am better than before." Murong screamed, and he looked at Ye Hao again. "Hey, you and I are comparing with the emperor."

If it is changed, Ye Hao is naturally willing to agree, but her injury is difficult to heal, and the scars are not lost. If she runs again today, then she will definitely not have to walk tonight.

Not waiting for Ye Hao to refuse, Murong Chan has whispered, "How can you be as crazy as you are when you marry a girl? You can play with you."

No one knows better than him that Ye Hao’s legs have been hurt. He also personally applied medicine to her last night. How can he be willing to let her hurt herself today?

Murong was somewhat disappointed. He felt that if he was with him, he would have the chance to win the ink.

"The emperor is very rare to be willing to play polo with you, study hard." Ye Hao did not want to end, she is a painful person.

The family members probably didn't expect to play polo with the emperor one day. Everyone was very excited. Murong Chan divided them into two teams, and the two brothers smothered at the polo field.

Ye Hao looked at their brothers, and the thought of being smashed by her went to my mind again. Looking at Murong, who had a bit of a glimpse of Murong Cham, she felt more and more that he would be a good emperor in the future.

But Murong Zhan, after he ascended the throne, seems to be very popular with the people. He has to say that he is a good emperor, much better than the Emperor and the Emperor.

For her, what about the good emperor? Her sister-in-law and her brother are still unclear, and the Ye family has ceased to exist.

Ye Hao looked at them again and saw that they had been immersed in the fierce battle of playing polo. She turned and quietly left.

When Murong Chan competed with his younger brother, he also taught him how to play. When they were separated, they wanted to go to Ye Hao and found out that she was no longer at the polo field.

"Hey?" Murong Yu is also looking for her, but she has not seen her figure.

"It should be after the mother." Murong Zhan lowered his eyes and covered a piece of loss in the shackles.

Inkor smiled and said, "When I am comparing with Shunwang, do you come to see it?"

"Yeah." Murong Zhan nodded faintly. "You must fight for yourself."

"I won't lose!" Murong nodded firmly.

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