In addition to Ming Xia’s attack on the street, Murong Zhan was also attacked by a dozen people on his way back from the military camp. At that time, he was only carrying two small soldiers, and no one else, two small soldiers were killed. The other one was still protected by Murong Zhan.

Returning to the General's House, Ye Hao is going to look for him. Although she knows that it is impossible for him to be injured in the human world, her heart is inevitably worried.

"Today Ming Xi met a killer on the street, are you okay?" Ye Hao stepped forward to hold Murong Zhan's hand and looked him carefully to make sure there was no injury. Then he smiled and said, "I still think. Will she send someone to deal with you?"

"Yeah." Murong Zhan took her hand. "There are a few people outside the city, but it is a rabble. You don't have to worry about it."

Sure enough, someone is going to deal with him!

"Zhao Yuzhen is sincere." Ye Hao said, "She wants to catch you and Mingxi to threaten me."

Ink Murray smiled faintly. "Their strength is three times that of ours. We have little chance of winning in the frontal charge. When I lead the troops to attack from behind them."

Ye Hao said, "Let me go, I will bring them to Mingxi, and give me a thousand soldiers. I broke their rear forces, and you will line up in front."

"You?" Murong Chong raised his eyebrows. "I remember you didn't really go to the battlefield."

"Who said it!" Ye Hao scratched his hand. "I was on the battlefield when I laid down Dongqingguo. I said, although the spiritual power is limited, I am still sure of the soldiers, and I am taking it. With Mingxi, they are definitely no problem."

Murong Chong frowned and thought about the feasibility of this method.

"Don't underestimate me." Ye Hao cried.

"Don't dare to look down on my wife." Murong Chan faintly smiles, and the twilight is faint and moving.

Ye Hao and he went to the backyard together. "We will go to the military camp tomorrow. We don't have to wait for Zhao Wei to take the initiative to attack. Let's send the soldiers first. It is best to let her die."

Murong Zhan chuckled and said, "Mrs. has this wish, very good."

"Well, there are ambitions to have motivation." Ye Xiao said with a smile, "Can the city owner be sure?"

"Since the wife is so motivated, she naturally does not dare to slack off, and must... do everything she can to get this for her wife." Murong Zhan's mouth curled up with a smile.

Ye Hao listened to what he said in his words and whispered, "Do you want to repay?"

"You have already agreed with you, how can you repay?" Murong Cham asked faintly.

"..." Ye Hao grabbed his hand and bit it.

Murong Chan's fingers scraped her tongue. As she exclaimed, he lowered his head and blocked her mouth, and kissed her hard.

Here is in the garden! Ye Hao patted his shoulders in a sigh of relief, leaning softly in his arms.

After a while, Murong Zhan let go of her, and the voice was dull. "Go back."

"Ming Xi has not yet gone back, I have to wait for him." Ye Hao's breathing was a little anxious, and his cheeks were covered with two blushes.

Murong Zhan licked her chin, "Well."

Ye Hao grabbed his hand and looked around. "I went to see Mingxi back."

Although she couldn't see it, Murong Chan could feel the sorrow of Ye Hao's rushing away. For so many years, she still made him feel that he never tires, as if he heard her voice and laughter, he would Shutan is in the clouds.

She is obviously in love with the mainland, in order to cure his eyes, she is willing to accompany him back to the mainland of God.

Going to the mainland again means that they have to leave the daughter again. For him, this is a parting that can be tolerated, but for Ye Hao, I am afraid that it is a painful separation of flesh and blood.

Murong Zhan thinks that Ye Hao’s love for her daughter, his slender fingers stroking his eyes, or trying to cure his eyes.

Ye Hao is preparing to go out to find Mingxi, and the three children will come back in tandem.

"Mother, are you going out?" Ming Xi saw Ye Hao standing by the door and thought she was going out.

"I am going to find you." Ye Hao saw that they were all stained with blood. It was obviously fighting. "Is it hurt?"

Ming Xi said, "Not that we were injured. It turned out that Zhao Wei had lurked many killers in Bailizhou. We just met twice, but they were all solved."

Ye Hao frowned. "What about those people?"

"But we can kill ourselves, but there should be fish missing." Ming Xi said, "Mother, do you want to take them out completely?"

"No, they should go back to Zhao Wei." Ye Hao whispered, "Go out of town tomorrow, you will go back to rest."

Fire Phoenix called, "Let's go to the military camp together? Can you follow the expedition?"

"Yeah." Ye Dagger, "I will tell you later tomorrow."

This made the three children completely excited. They thought that they would only be left in the city. It is better to be on the battlefield than here.

Ye Hao shook his head and sighed, thinking that they were still more suitable to live on the mainland of God or Xuantian, where they were restricted everywhere, and they certainly lived very freely.

Should she consider leaving the mainland on the early morning?

I thought that when I left Mingyu, she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.



The next day, Ye Hao, they were not bright in the sky, the wind was very strong, and they blew their clothes and hunted. They just shaved like a knife.

Ye Hao, they have left Bailizhou and went to the military camp.

They are separated from the military camp of Qi State by a desert, and the hills are continuous. This is not a very good battlefield. It is difficult for both sides to march. However, it is very beneficial for the assault.

"Mother, what is my position? Forward?" Ming Xi asked happily, since let him come to the military camp, it is certainly not to let him sit in the camp and wait.

"No." Ye Hao shook his head faintly.

"Center?" Well, don't let him take the lead.

Ye glanced at him. "You and I took a thousand soldiers from the rear to assault them."

Ming Xi’s round eyes, “Is this a sneak attack?”

"The sneak attack is not very good, assault!" Ye Hao said with an eyebrow.

……What's the difference?

Fire Phoenix laughed, "Sneak attack, I like it."

"The strength of the other side is above us. You should not underestimate the enemy." Ye Hao frowned and said that although they did not have to worry about a few martial arts, after all, Zhao Wei’s strength was much stronger than them.

They can only win by speed, they don't know if they can succeed.

Ye Hao’s grasp of this war is actually not 100% true.

Ming Xi said, "Mother, rest assured, we are not underestimating the enemy."

"I have to go too," cried the child.

"Okay." Ming Xi said with a smile.

Fire Phoenix pouted, "Is it really where I go, you are not the wife of Mingxi."

"But I am a child!" cried the child.

"..." Ye Hao took a look at the fire phoenix.

Fire Phoenix smirked and turned his face.

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