Zhao Wei’s face was pale and her back was leaning against the red pillow. She looked at Song Hongyu and Zhao Xiang who stood outside the account.

"Is it a defeat?" Zhao Wei whispered, and the voice sounded very weak.

Song Hongyi kneels down on one knee. "The emperor is a member of the incompetent."

"If you change someone, you can never win." Zhao Wei whispered, "They are not people, they are enchanting."

How can there be enchanting in this world?

"Zhen Guohou, you used to see Lu Hao, will she martial arts?" Zhao asked again.

Song Hongyi hesitated, "I have never seen it."

"She jumped from the wall today and was unharmed. It seems that no one can hurt her." Zhao Wei continued to whisper, "Don't you feel surprised?"

"Your Majesty, you need to raise your body now, don't think about these things." Zhao Xiang thinks that Zhao Wei has begun to think about it. If he continues this way, he will only live more and more in hatred, and her body will only come. The worse.

Zhao Wei shook his head gently. "I am not thinking about it. If not, how did they do it?"

Song Hongyu whispered, "Lu Hao once went to the sea a few years ago, and came back with 100,000 soldiers, turning Dongqing into a real country today, perhaps she was once again a surprise..."

"God is so unfair." Zhao squatted on the lower abdomen, she was really unwilling.

"The emperor, the gentleman revenge, do not care about the length, your most important thing now is not revenge, but the child is born safely." Zhao Xiang whispered, "Yu doctor said, you must relax your mood, rest in bed It will take a while to keep the fetus."

Zhao Wei thought that this was the only bone blood of Cheng Hao. In any case, she had to be born. This is her life's dependence.

"Sha Jiucheng handed it to you, Zhen Guohou, what to do, you are the master." Zhao Wei closed his eyes and came to Japan to grow up, she must live well before she can take revenge.

"Yes, the emperor." Song Hongyi's salute, which allowed Zhao to temporarily put down hatred, is already a very good thing.

Zhao Xiang stepped forward and helped Zhao Wei to lie down again. Zhao Wei squinted at the lower abdomen with some pain. "If the doctor can't keep the child, they don't want to live."

Song Hongjun, who was about to quit, frowned slightly, and saw the doctor who was waiting for him outside the courtyard.

"Tang Yu doctor." Song Hongyi knows that this Tang Yu doctor is the best at preventing miscarriage. Seeing his face sorrowful, his heart is a meal, worried that Zhao Wei's body may not be so optimistic.

"Zhen Guohou, the lower official has something to tell you." Tang Yu medical trip, and Song Hongyi went to the corner.

"Is it the emperor's body..." Song Hongyi saw the look of Tang Yuji, and he felt that it was not very good.

Tang Yu doctor nodded heavily. "We have tried our best to keep the children in the emperor's stomach, but ... the emperor's heart is difficult to open, even if it is now in bed, but the effect is still very small, the lower official is afraid of powerless."

"No matter what method is used, you must keep the children of the emperor." Song Hongyu said quietly.

"Before coming to Ninetowns, the lower official persuaded the emperor. Her fetal image was inherently unstable. It is best not to travel long distances. The emperor simply couldn’t listen. There was no rest in these days..." Tang Yuyi sighed Tone, "Zhen Guohou, if the end of the drug king Valley is still there, maybe there is still a hope, with a few of us able, it is difficult to keep the child."

Song Hongying's face is heavy, Du Muya is dead, and Yao Wanggu is far from here. It is too late to go to Yaowang for help.

"If you can't keep your child..." Tang Yuyin's face is heavy, and it doesn't matter if he dies, he is afraid of losing his family.

"Tang Yu doctor, is there really no way?" Song Hongyu asked.

"The emperor has seen red today..." Tang Yuji whispered, he did not dare to speak too straightforward in front of the second princess. "This is not the first time."

Song Hongyi’s heart was shocked. He couldn’t imagine if Zhao couldn’t keep the child, she wouldn’t be crazy, and when she was going crazy, she would look for Lu’s revenge.

There is no way for Tang Yu Medicine, and other royal doctors are certainly helpless.

What can he do?

"Zhen Guohou..." Tang Yu doctor looked at him.

"You let me think about it." Song Hongyi raised his hand to signal him not to talk, he thought of a person, but she would help? "I am going out for a trip."

Tang Yuyi thought that Song Hongyi refused to help him. "Zhen Guohou, the lower official only asks you to keep your family..."

Song Hongyi has quickly left, let the palace girl then explain to Zhao Xiang, he wants to go out of the city.



Just won a war that is almost impossible to win. The military camps in the Yuan Dynasty are filled with an inexplicable excitement. They have not been rewarded yet, but their mood is more happy than being rewarded.

Murong Zhan let Shen Luoyang go to reorganize the army, and tonight can have a good meal to relax.

When Ye Haogang returned to the city, he heard that Song Hongjun outside the city was asking for advice.

"Song Hongjun?" Ye Hao raised his eyebrows, it is already this time, he also came to see her doing?

"Let him come in." Ye Hao said, her words were just finished, and she found that the ink-filled face next to her face sank, and she smiled and squatted to him. "You don't let me see him?"

Ink Murray said faintly, "Nothing goes to the Three Treasure Hall."

He really does not like Song Hongxuan. Anyone who has a little thought about Ye Hao, he feels very disgusted.

Ye Hao said, "Maybe it is to seek peace."

"Do you think Zhao will ask for peace?" Murong Cham asked.

"It seems unlikely..." Ye Hao said. "I will ask."

Murong Chan took her wrist and kissed her in her arms. "Get back soon."

Ye Hao smiled and nodded, went to the hall to see Song Hongwei.

"Song Daren, will not come to the second commemorative book?" Ye Hao walked in like a smile, looking at Song Hongyu.

"Mrs. Mo." Song Hongwei smiled bitterly. She seemed to think that he came to the next essay every time. "I came here this time and I have something to do."

Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows, "Please me?"

"Yes, only you can help." Song Hongyi nodded gently, thinking about how to speak.

"You want me to help Zhao Wei?" Ye Hao asked faintly, probably guessing what was going on.

Song Hong stunned. "How do you know?"

"I have seen Zhao Wei." Seeing her face, she knows that her body is weak, and most of her children can't keep it.

"Mrs. Mo, that is the flesh and blood of Cheng Hao, the only hope of Zhao Yu’s life." Song Hongyu whispered, "Can you..."

"I helped her, can she let go of hatred?" asked Ye Hao.

Song Hongjun whispered, "Your Majesty has decided to stop the war."

“When is it stopped?” Ye Wei asked. “After she gave birth to a child next year?”

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