Although Mingxi, they are similar to Ye Hao, they don’t want to take the waterway, so they didn’t take long to separate from the Shajiu City. This way they went to Tianjin, and the three of them were like a wild horse, and they had a good time. .

All the way to Bailongjiang, Mingxi bought a boat and crossed the Bailong River, where the land of Jinguo was.

At sunset, the west side of the river, only one of their boats is floating, the moonlight is reflected in the water, and the light is shining, so there is no charm.

When I came to the middle of the river, I found that there were several ships in front, one of them was surrounded by a large ship. It looked a little uncomfortable. Their distance was a little far away, and in the night, the other party did not find them.

Their boats did not have any lights, and no one saw them as the water flowed closer to the big ship.

"The boat over there seems to be in trouble." The fire phoenix sat on the deck and looked at the big ship in the river. "Ming Xi, is that the official ship?"

Ming Xi raised his eyebrows. "It seems to be."

"Would we like to see?" He asked with great interest, and she was interesting about anything about the mainland of the moon.

"Don't gossip, maybe it's murder and arson." Mingxi said faintly, if it is an official ship, it is even more troublesome. It may be the official ship of the Yuan Dynasty. He does not want to intervene in the Yuan Dynasty.

The fire phoenix and the deaf children were somewhat disappointed.

Their ships slowly passed through the ships, and several people on the deck of the ship were tied, and the ships that surrounded the ship seemed to be pirate ships.

There are still pirates on the Bailong River?

"That person seems to be a bit familiar..." Ming Xi looked at a teenager on the deck and searched for the existence of this person in memory.

"Is your friend?" Fire Phoenix asked excitedly.

Mingxi frowned. "Okay."

Xu Jinbei! How could his former companion encounter pirates here?

"Would you like to help?" asked the nephew.

"Go and see what happened." Ming Xi gently decapitated, since Xu Jinbei is on the big ship, he has no reason to turn a blind eye.

His words were finished, and the fire phoenix and the nephew had disappeared in an instant.

"..." This speed!

The person who was held hostage on the big ship was indeed Xu Jinbei. In addition to him, there were university students and other officials of the Jinguo Hanlin Academy.

Xu Jinbei was not on the ship. He just happened to meet his grandfather's former students and was invited to board the ship. He did not expect to encounter pirates in Bailongjiang.

Bailongjiang has not heard of pirates for many years. Suddenly there are so many people. It seems that each is fierce and sinister. Xu Jinbei feels that it is not just a pirate. But this boat is mostly a weak scholar. He has the ability to resist. It’s also a problem to go to the river and escape.

How can he make this boatman survive?

"Take the treasures of gold and silver, the woman will take it away." The pirate leader carried a large knife and stood on the deck to command a number of subordinates.

"You are just asking for money, why should you take people away?" Xu Jinbei asked with a frown.

The women on board are all Miss Qianjin, and they are preparing to go to Kyoto City to participate in the draft. If they are taken away by the pirates, even if they can be rescued in the future, the reputation will be destroyed.

"I want a woman." The leader’s cheek had a knife and it looked terrible. He stared straight at the dreaded woman on the deck and laughed happily. Meat, enough for our brothers to be fresh for a while."

" can take everything, don't take my daughter away." The college clerk guarded his daughter behind him, glaring at the leader with fear and anger.

"Bring these women to the boat." The leader sneered and ordered the subordinates to arrest people.

Suddenly, a crisp voice was uploaded from the cabin. "You are not good at doing this. Everyone says that you are giving me gold and silver treasures. You want someone else's daughter. It's too greedy."

"Who is talking?" The pirate leader clenched his knife and asked in anger.

The ship's cabin was three stories high, and a slender figure appeared on it. She looked down at the people on the deck. "I am talking, I say you, it looks so ugly, I want people to be fine." Girl with skin tender meat, are you so embarrassed?"

"Take her to me." The leader was furious, and there was still a fish that slipped through the net. "How do you let her run up?"

"This... everyone on the boat is here." A pirate scratched his head in confusion.

The leader pointed to Xu Jinbei and they asked, "Whose daughter is that?"

Xu Jinbei was equally confused because he did not recognize the girl who was who, perhaps because he was on the ship for two days, so he did not recognize everyone.



The pirates who climbed to catch the scorpion were kicked one by one.

The leader jerked back and glared at him.

"Smelly head, let me catch you, Laozi sells you to the brothel." The leader shouted loudly.

"Well, there are a lot of food in the brothel." The nephew poked his head and said with a smile.

She and Mingxi went to the brothel once and thought it was quite fun.

"Don't talk nonsense." Ming Xi said faintly. "That's not a good place."

There was another strange voice, and the leader was completely furious. "Go and grab them all."

Xu Jinbei stared at Mingxi, who appeared next to his nephew. He felt that the boy was familiar with it.

Mingxi looked at Xu Jinbei, jumped out of the cabin and landed steadily in front of the pirate leader. "What are you looking for?"

"Bad boy!" The big knife in the hands of the pirate leader cut it.

"It is impossible for water to make Bailongjiang have pirates. Where did you come from?" Mingxi easily avoided the big knife and asked faintly.

Good skill! Xu Jinbei was shocked. The martial arts of this boy seemed to be better than Yan Xiaoliu.

He is... Xu Jinbei suddenly remembered the letter that Lin Beibei gave him not long ago. He is Mingxi!

The pirate leader sneered. "You care where we come from, stinky boy, you are not the person on board, advise you not to gossip."

"I don't want to control it, but you are blocking my way." Ming Xi waved his hand. "Do you want to leave yourself, or do we help you send a trip?"

"Kill them!" The pirate leader did not hit Zhongxi in more than a dozen times, and his heart suddenly felt alert.

Mingxi smiled. "It seems that you choose to send me a ride."

"One does not leave alive." The pirate leader screamed in silence.

"Hey, fire, the other is handed over to you." Ming Xi said softly, a round knife appeared in his hand.

There are a lot of people watching here. He can't use the undead exercises and spiritual power to deal with pirates. Just practice your skills.

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