After Mrs. Lei left, Lei Jianfeng greeted everyone. He learned to be smart, no longer focused on Mingxi, and warmed up with other people, and finally eased the embarrassment at the banquet.

Although other people think that Mingxi is too indifferent, thinking about the piracy incident yesterday, plus the attitude of Bai Luoshan and Xu Jinbei to him, they only dare to linger in their hearts, continue to drink Lei Jianfeng to talk and laugh.

Not long after, Miss Lei Da came.

The woman of the cardamom is wearing a purple peony flower with a glittering satin clip. The plain pleated skirt below is calm and elegant. She comes in style, but although she is not old, she has a graceful atmosphere. Appeared at the door, people have been unable to stand.

Three thousand squares of Tengyunfeng, four seasons Qingtian Bihualong.

This is the Lei Bingfu who got these two prophecies.

Ming Xi’s faint look, probably because there are too many people who look good around him, so he thinks that Lei Bingfu is not as rumored as beautiful as the fairy, at most it is ok.

"Sister, how come you?" Lei Jianfeng asked in surprise.

"Brother, you are uncle." Lei Bingfu gathered a ritual, decent manners, every move without losing the manner of everyone's show, even Bai Luoshan looked at the decapitation.

The middle-aged man sitting next to Lei Jianfeng said, "How did Fuer come out, isn’t it a body? It’s time to rest in the house.”

"Mother said that at the banquet, the great benefactor who saved our lives yesterday, I have to personally thank you." Lei Bingfu smiled and turned to look at Mingxi and Xu Jinbei, and the voice said pleasingly, "I heard that these people It is a friend of Xu Gongzi. We can be saved this time. Thanks to the presence of Xu Gongzi on our ship, we still care about our Lei family in the sky, and the little girl thanked Xu Gongzi and several benefactors."

Xu Jinbei got up and returned a ceremony. "Thunder girl said it was heavy."

Lei Bingfu had a sweet smile on her face. She looked at Mingxi and her children. "The conditions on board are simple, and the rough tea has slowed down a few benefactors."

"The benefactor can't talk." Mingxi said faintly, "With the wisdom of Miss Lei, even if we didn't have us yesterday, I believe that you can still get out of trouble."

"The little son really can't afford me." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, she went to the other side of Lei Jianfeng to sit down. "This crispy dried fish is what I asked the fishermen to do. Several can try."

The nephew was biting the fish, and when she heard Lei Bingfu say so, she finally looked up and said, "It's delicious."

"Really? Then I will do more, so that you can take it with you." Lei Bingfu’s face with a smile on his face seems to be a happy thing to be recognized by the nephew.

"I will be on the road right away. We have different roads. We don't have to bother Miss Leigh." Ming Xi scorned.

Lei Bingfu was slightly surprised. "I thought I would always be with the same benefactors. However, it doesn't matter if I don't have a different road. I am ready to take it off."

"Thank you, you are so nice." He said with a smile.

"Little girl, what is your name?" Lei Bingfu asked with a smile, she can already confirm that the boy is the emperor of the four-year-old emperor Mingxi, she is not sure now, this little girl will be the ink What?

The news from the original Kyoto side is true. Murong Cham and Lu Hao have returned. However, since Kyoto City is still calm, Murong Yu intends to draft, it seems that they are not planning to fight back to the throne.

This is the best, she has the opportunity to enter the palace.

"Hey." The mouth of the person was short, and the child simply said his name.

Not Mo Mingyu? Lei Bingfu is very surprised. If she is not Princess Mingyu, who is it?

I haven't waited for Lei Bingfu to continue to ask, and my nephew said seriously. "You are so good, it is much better than just looking. If you don't understand how easy it is, I can teach you not to make yourself ugly. ”

"..." Lei Bingfu immediately heard the meaning of the child's words, they have long recognized that she is just the ring of easy tolerance.

Xu Jinbei coughed a little, although he had just been reminded by Ming Xi, he already knew that Lei Bingfu was dressed up as a ring, but it was quite embarrassing to say it in person.

The banquet was finally over. Lei Jianfeng and others left without much stay. Mingxi and Huohuang returned to the deck and had already vaguely seen the shadow of the port.

"Master Mingxi..." Xu Jinbei walked behind Mingxi. "You don't want to go back to Kyoto, do you want to go to Tianjin?"

"Yes, see your grandfather in the future and greet me with your grandfather." Ming Xi said to Xu Jinbei.

Xu Jinbei said, "Can I follow you?"

Mingxi looked back at him, "What?"

"I was going to study everywhere. If I could be with you, I could go anywhere." Xu Jinbei whispered that he had been with Ming Xi, who was still younger than him. He is rich in knowledge and, most importantly, he is smarter than anyone. At that time, only Mr. Huang Xi was the most transparent thing to understand.

He faintly felt that he could learn more from his journey around the world than he went to school.

"When you follow me, I can study tour, I said that I don't learn nothing." Ming Xi smiled. "We are going to take risks, not to learn."

“It’s nowhere to learn, no matter what it is, going out is an experience.” Xu Jinbei said, “I’m willing to follow wherever you go.”

Fire Phoenix came up. "You want to give Mingxi a younger brother?"

Xu Jinbei stunned, and did not understand what the younger brother meant.

Mingxi pushed the fire phoenix away. "Xu Jinbei, you are not my companion, I can't go back to be a prince, you really don't have to follow me."

"I know." Xu Jinbei said with a smile, "I am not for anything else, just want to have a rich memory of life."

"You want to be clear. After Tianjin City, we may go out to sea. It will be another matter if we will come back in the future." Mingxi said faintly, he did not mind taking Xu Jinbei, but he was afraid of his future. regret.

Xu Jinbei heard that they wanted to go out to sea, and the bottom of the eyes was a fanatical expectation. "Master Mingxi, let me follow you."

"Are you sure Xu will return to agree?" Mingxi asked.

"My grandfather had always agreed to go all over the world." Xu Jinbei said seriously.

Mingxi glanced at him. "That will follow you."

Xu Jinbei’s face flashed with joy, “Thank you for the young Master Ming Xi.”

"Since you want to follow us, don't be a young master, you will call me Mingxi." At least it sounds a little pleasing to the ear.

"Do you really promise to let him follow us?" Fire Phoenix is ​​somewhat dissatisfied, so that they can't do a lot of things, and they can't sneak into the air in the middle of the night.

Mingxi said faintly, "Do you think he is not credible?"

Fire Phoenix looked at Xu Jinbei, "That is not..."

It seems to be a person who can believe.

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