And said that he had planned to go to support Ye Hao of Ye Hao. When he learned that Ye Hao personally took the troops to Bailizhou, he had already discussed with Murong Yu, and immediately took a dozen confidants and rushed to Bailizhou. As a result, he Before leaving the border of Jin Guo, there has been news of the truce on the other side of Bailizhou. He simply returned to Kyoto. Anyway, even if he went to Bailizhou, he did not need his place.

With the return of Ye Yinan, the news of Ye Hao’s great truce was also spread in the world. The reputation of Murong Cham in the battlefield was remembered again. He disappeared for too long. Everyone forgot that he used to be an invincible **** of war. .

Murong Yu’s heart, which was raised in the air, finally landed. He understood that some things should be really broken.

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Mingyu is practicing the word. When he looks up, he sees Murong's eyes deep, as if there is an indescribable sorrow and bitterness. She has never seen such a look on his face. worry.

"Nothing, the words are written?" Murong 恪 returned to God and put down the memorial in his hand. When he reviewed the memorial, he always let Ming Yu accompany the words, and he could teach Mingyu and let himself be someone. Can be companionship.

Ming Yu invited the copybook to the face of Murong Yu. "Well, my father, my word has progress?"

"Well, it has improved a lot." Murong nodded with a smile, and the stunned and lonely in his eyes was replaced by a gentle touch. "Mingyu has been working hard recently."

"I will work very hard in the future." Ming Yu whispered, "I will not let the father of the family disappoint."

The smile of Murong’s mouth deepened, and he was about to praise the jade and understand things. Then he felt that this was a bit wrong. “Mingyu is so good.”

"Then... there will be brothers and sisters in the future, will the father also like Mingyu?" Mingyu looked down and tried to cover up the fears in her eyes.

what? Murong gave a sigh of relief and understood what Mingyu was saying. He looked at Ford with a sharp look, and the face of Ford, who was on the sidelines, gloomyly bowed and bowed out.

"What brothers and sisters, the father is only a daughter of Ming Yu." Murong's eyes sharpened, still laughing like a spring breeze.

There is some confusion on the face of Ming Yu. Although she lived in the palace from an early age, she used to have the favor of Ye Hao and Murong Cham. Later, she also had the care of Murong Yu. The days have always been beautiful, so she developed like today. The savage temper has never gone through any confession. Recently, I heard that there will be new people in the palace. There will be other emperors and princesses in the future, and she will be worried.

"Is the father not to choose a show? You will have a younger brother and sister in the future." Ming Yu said, "I will be good to my younger siblings."

"Yes, we are a good sister, Ming Ge, they are your brother and sister." Murong said with a smile.

Ming Yu is a very good child. When Murong Yu said this, he put down the gossip he heard in these days. "Father, when did the show girl enter the palace? The palace is too quiet, wait. The show girl will definitely be very busy when she enters the palace."

Murong 恪 heard a smile, this child has been in the palace for so many years, probably still do not know what is a showgirl, if it is in the former emperor's harem, but when the draft, the palace must be arrogant, I do not know how many storms.

He wants Ming Yu to always have this innocence, but he also thinks that Ming Yu should know that not everything is beautiful in this world, and the dark side that she has not touched.

If Ming Yu is only a princess, and choose a Hummer who really loves her in the future, then there is no need to know too much. However, Murong Yu is thinking of handing over Jin Guo to Ming Yu.

"In the spring of next year, the show girl will enter the palace." Murong whispered, for so many years, he does not value the lust, perhaps because he loves to think about it, even feels that he can live forever. of.

Can be an emperor... Life is not awkward.

In the past four years, he has been waiting for Murong Chong to return, so that he can return the throne to him. Now that the throne has not yet gone out, the words he said in the day are not clear, but he understands.

She owes him, it is still not enough. If he still refuses to stand for her, it will only make her more sad.

How can he be willing to make her heart a little bit difficult.

Isn't it a stand? This way she can be safe, don't worry that he will be lonely and old.

"Father, you are ecstatic." Ming Yu waited for a long time and did not hear Murong Yu back. He looked up and found that he was in a daze.

"Those showgirls are inseparable even if they enter the palace. You have seen it or not, and you have to say something to your father." Murong said faintly, gently licking the hair of Ming Yu, "in the palace." Only you are closest to the father, we are relatives, others are not."

Ming Yu smiled sweetly. "The father does not yell at me. I know what the show girl is doing in the palace. There will be a lot of embarrassment in the future."

She called his father, but he called him a future embarrassment.

Murong Yu shook his head and laughed. Although Ming Yu still refused to scream at her mother-in-law, she only had a mother behind her.

"They are not yours." Murong said with a smile, he never thought about standing behind.

There is only one queen in his mind, although she will never be his queen.

Ming Yu is still young, and does not understand the meaning of Murong Yu. The father and the daughter used lunch, and Ming Yu was taken to the palace for a nap.

Murong slammed his face and called Ford, "Who is chewing on the roots in front of Mingyu?"

"Return to the emperor, the slaves have checked, not the people in the princess palace are chewing on the back of the tongue. Yesterday the princess went to the Hundred Flowers Club, there are a few nonsense nonsense." Ford whispered, because the palace is living with Princess Mingyu. Up and down are people who have been personally trained by Ford. No one will dare to talk in front of Mingyu.

"I find out who you are, you beat and beat yourself." Murong said coldly.

Those showgirls have not yet entered the palace, and some people have already thought about coming to test his love for Mingyu.

Since he made the will of the draft, some people in Kyoto have been active. Don’t think that he doesn’t know. The reason why he ignores it is to completely throw these people out. They really think that the show girl will enter the palace. What can be changed.

"The slaves obeyed." Ford promised.

"Is the roster of the show all out?" asked Murong.

Ford said, "Return to the emperor, the list of women in the following places has been reported, and there will be a primary election in a few days, when the time will be determined to enter the palace after the spring."

Murong Yu faint dagger.

Not long after, there was a servant outside, "The emperor, General Ye asked for advice."

Ye Xiaonan returned to the palace so soon? Murong Yu sent Fu Fu down, "Let Ye Xiaonan come in."

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