"Fu Gonggong?" Ye Hao frowned at him. Every time he saw him, it meant that he was related to Murong Zhan. Ye Hao did not want to see him.

Ford smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, the emperor invites you to go to the Qing Palace."

"Fu Gonggong, I am tired of you returning to the emperor for me, I have to go to the Queen Mother, not to go to the Qing Palace." Ye Yan said with a cold face, Murong Chan wanted to find her.

"His Royal Highness, the emperor wants to invite you to play chess." Ford said hurriedly. "There is no addiction to the game. There are no opponents in the palace. Only you can play a few games with your Majesty."

Her library of books! Ye Hao’s heart moved, and last time she lost to the ink bureau of the Eighth Bureau, she felt that she was somewhat uncomfortable.

"Is the emperor not playing polo with Xiao Wangye?" asked Ye Hao.

Ford smiled and said, "The emperor and Xiao Wang Ye only came back after a fight, only to watch the memorial for a while, and suddenly wanted to play chess."

Hey, why is this in the emperor? Since I like Lu Jiasan girl so much, I had to pretend that I didn’t care to see the Queen Mother seal her as a princess. Now I have more chances to get close to her. Become a princess...

I don't know what I did in the middle of the night last night. Her Royal Highness did not seem to notice anything.

"Let's go!" Ye Hao still thought about being able to go to the library, and maybe he can win a game today.

Ford did not expect that the Royal Highness Princess actually agreed, thinking that the emperor really knows the princess, as long as it is to play chess, the princess will definitely go.

When they came to the Qing Palace, they were far away, and they saw a slender figure standing outside. Ye Yi recognized it as Xu Huiru.

The Queen Mother asked her to care more about the emperor. She immediately came to the Qing Palace to find Murong Cham.

However, she has been standing outside, is it that Murong Chong does not let her in?

"Yin Yin Niang Wanfu." Ford went up for a ceremony, "Anniling, are you?"

Xu Huiru also saw Ye Hao, she stunned slightly, said with a smile, "The Queen Mother sent the palace to the emperor to send some snacks, Fu Gonggong, but also trouble you to go back and scream."

Ford stunned, and he looked back at Ye Hao and whispered, "Yes, the goddess."

"Princess, is the noble lady to let you come to the emperor?" Xu Huiru saw Ye Hao appear here, thinking that it was for Lu Shuanger.

Ye Hao was so misunderstood by her that "some things are a last resort."

Xu Huiru nodded. "This palace understands your hardships. I am afraid that you may not be able to see the emperor."

According to her observations these days, the emperor was completely out of favor with Lu Shuanger. Lu Yan pleaded for her, and most of them returned without success.

It seems that today is no need to play chess with Murong Zhan, he should be more willing to get along with Xu Huiru, after all, is his new favorite scorpion, forget it, next time she wins him again, she deliberately ignores some unhappy feelings, do not want To know how much Murong Chan likes Xu Huiru.

When Ye Hao wanted to turn and leave, Ford came out from the inside. "His Royal Highness, the Emperor invites you to go in."

Xu Huiru's face was confidently smiling and she froze, and she looked at Fude strangely.

Ford lowered his head and said, "The goddess, the emperor said, he has no habit of eating snacks, let you take the snacks back to enjoy."

what? Xu Huiru suddenly felt that his face was being slapped. What does the emperor mean?

Why did the emperor meet Ye Hao and not see her? She has already said very clearly, she is to give him a snack after the death of the Queen Mother, even if he really does not like it, look at the Queen Mother's share, it is also the first to see her.

Xu Huiru's face was a bit of white and white, and the bricks looked at Ye Hao. Did the emperor still think about Lu Shuanger? Does he know that Lu Hao is seeking for Lu Shuanger?

Ye Hao knows that Xu Huiru is definitely not reconciled. She said nothing. At this time, no matter what she said, it was useless.

"Princess, please." Ford whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao and Xu Huiru nodded and coveted.

Xu Huiru pressed down the anger of the chest and said to the palace lady Qian Lan, "Go back."

"Anniling..." Qian Lan looked at Xu Huiru again and again.

"This palace thinks that Lu Shuanger has fallen out of favor. Now it seems that the emperor still remembers the old feelings." Xu Huiru’s uncontrollable squatting Lu Shuanger’s ability to get the emperor’s care.

"Don't the emperor know that the princess went to see Lu Guifei, so let Fu Gonggong go and ask her to come over?" Qian Lan whispered.

Xu Huiru’s glimpse, it seems that... It’s Ford who led Lu Hao to the Qing Palace.

"It seems that the emperor is still clear about the harem." How else would you know that Lu Hao went to see Lu Shuanger?

Qianlan comforted her. "The maiden, the emperor only saw a little old love in the Anyang Houhe princess. You are the most favored sage of the emperor."

Xu Huiru smiled slightly, yeah, Anyang Hou Dasheng returned, and the injury on the way was naturally highly valued by the emperor. Lu Shuanger is the sister of Lu Yizhi. The emperor expressed concern for her at this time, also because of her big brother.

When I thought about it, Xu Huiru’s heart was finally uneasy and finally relieved. However, she still had some inexplicable signs of uneasiness about Lu Hao’s ability to enter the Qing Palace.

She has Lu's handle and is not worried that she will do anything. As long as the Empress and the Queen Mother know that she is similar to Ye Hao, she will naturally not be close to her.

Ye Hao didn't know that Xu Huiru was licking her in her heart. She followed Fude and went to the Qing Palace. The last time she came through the eyes of Murong Cham, this is the place where her former soul has been the longest.

"Hey, come over." Murong Zhan was wearing a blue-and-white casual dress, sitting leisurely on the shackles of the window. He saw Ye Hao coming in and smiled and waved at her.

There is already a small number on the raft, and there is a white jade board on it. There is a mess on the board. It looks like it hasn't finished yet.

Ye Haofu had a good fortune, and looked up at the eyebrows of Murong’s eyebrows. "Emperor, Xu Xianyu is outside, don’t you see her?"

"I said, I don't want the harem to go to the dry palace. What does she come to do?" Murong Zhan said faintly, pointing to the opposite position, "sit down."

Ye Hao looked at him. She remembered that Lu Shuanger often came to the Qing Palace. Why didn’t he say that he couldn’t come at that time?

"You want to go see her?" Murong Zhan looked at her beautiful face, her heartbeat accelerated, and the extravagant picture of last night sneaked into his mind.

"Which emperor wants to see which scorpion, and it is my emperor who can intervene." Ye Hao said faintly, "Is it true that I won you, can I go to the library?"

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "If you can solve this endgame, you will let you go to the library tower tomorrow."

Ye Hao’s eyes looked at the endgame on the board slightly.

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