Ye Yuming’s identity, Fang Shaoming did not dare to delay, according to the instructions of Ye Hao, issued a notice, let the people in the city move to the heights to take refuge, and transferred the soldiers to preside over the order, the people smashed this trend. The heavy rain was fearful, and the government ordered that they did not dare to delay, and they were busy packing up the valuables of the house. They went up the mountain overnight. The remaining families did not believe that there would be any impact. Rao was how the soldiers persuaded not to leave. In the end, Ye Hao took the mandatory order and finally took the person away.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and Fang Shaoming, who was not convinced, is really worried. Is it really necessary to have a flood?

"Anniling... Wang Hao, the lower officer makes you **** up the mountain." Fang Shaoming whispered.

Ye Hao has been looking at the black sky, she looked at Fang Shaoming, "I am waiting here, you take your home and go first."

"How can it be? If there is a flood, this is the same as Anzhen, but I am afraid that I will be overwhelmed..." Although Fang Shaoming felt that Ye Hao’s words were exaggerated, he did not dare to risk leaving her alone in the city.

"So you should leave with your family, I have the ability to protect myself." Ye Hao quietly looked into the distance, the whole person looked quiet and cold.

Fang Shaoming thought that she was just a weak woman. The flood was even worse than the tiger. What ability does she have to protect herself?

"Wang Hao!" Fang Shaoming still wants to persuade.

Ye Hao frowned and glanced at him. "Don't be a mother-in-law, take your family and leave."

After waiting for Fang Shaoming to persuade, Ye Hao’s voice was cold. "This is an order."

"Who is waiting for Wang Hao, the next officer is going to find it." Fang Shaoming said.

Ye Hao looked at him coldly. "The people are now hiding in the mountains. If there is a flood, I am afraid that eating and drinking is a problem. Fang Daren does not have to waste time in front of me. No matter what the future, you have done a good job." ”

Fang Shaoming thought of the grain in the granary at this time. If he did not move away as soon as possible, he would have to be flooded.

"Wang Hao, then the next official to go to people to carry food." Fang Shaoming said quickly.

"Go." Ye Hao, her heart is still worried about when Murong Cham should return.

Fang Shaoming wanted to leave two soldiers to protect Ye Hao, and he was lifted by Ye Hao. "There is a shortage of people. I don't have to stay here."

"Yes, Wang Hao." Fang Shaoming was helpless. He had to listen to Ye Hao’s words. He took the soldiers and quickly removed the food. He took a few steps. When he turned back, he did not see Ye Hao’s figure.

"What about people?" Fang Shaoming asked slyly.

"Wang Hao is still standing there..." the soldier behind him called.

Fang Shaoming frowned and thought about it. The Qin Wangxi did not let the Qi State cease to fight until recently. It is not ordinary people who want to come.

"Let's go." Fang Shaoming said.

Ye Hao has already come to the wall at this time, standing on the high point and watching the water waves of the city river rolling, it seems that less than an hour, the water of the city river will break the bank.

The water in the city river is ok, she is worried about...

She looked at the mountain not far away, and did not know where Murong Chan went.

The sky is gradually darkening, the water of the city river has come up, and the water in the whole city is getting higher and higher.


Suddenly a loud noise, Ye Hao was shocked to look up, but saw the landslide in the distance, the mountain torrents like a beast from the other side.

Ye Hao’s face changed, and it turned out to be a flood.

She hurried back to the city, "Go fast, the mountain torrents are coming!"

Although the people have been persuaded before, there are still people in the city, as well as the officers and men who keep the gates.

"Wang Hao, what's wrong?" Some officers and men hurriedly asked.

"The speed left the city, to tell the adults, the mountain torrents came, I am afraid that several towns in the vicinity will be drowned." Ye Hao said.

Suddenly everyone was shocked, and even the people who had come back halfway and folded back regretted it and hurried back to the mountain.

"Wang, what about you?" asked the officers and men.

"I will leave with you." Ye Hao said, "Come on, or it will be too late."

When Murong Cham returns, he should go to find her.

Just after Ye Hao left less than a quarter of an hour, the torrents had already broken through the gates and drowned the entire town.

When Ye Hao and others came to the mountain, they knew that the people were placed in the temples on the mountain. Fang Shaoming already knew about the flooding of the mountains, and his face was somewhat white. Although he was embarrassed, he still arranged the people to live in an orderly way. Prepare a meal supply.

"Wang Hao..." Fang Shaoming saw that Ye Hao went up the mountain safely and finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks to Wang Hao, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

Ye Hao said, "Is food enough?"

"It can resist two or three days." Fang Shaoming said.

"I hope that the court will send personnel support as soon as possible. We have just seen the mountain torrent, I am afraid that the Bailong River will break the levee..." The Bailong River traverses the border between the Jin State and the Yuan State. If they have an accident here, there may be flash floods on the other side of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Adults!" Some officers and men returned to the muddy land. "Except for the town of He'an, the surrounding towns were flooded. The adults sent people to remind them that their people were evacuated, but some places were too late to be afraid of death. material."

Ye Hao heard that his eyebrows were wrinkled, and I was afraid that the situation would be even worse than they now know.

Is it really related to the checks and balances of Tiandao? If it is the punishment of God, it should not be the punishment of the people on the mainland.

"Wang Hao, the lower official left you a room, you have not used any food, not if you rest first." Fang Shaoming said to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao shook his head. "I'm fine, you go busy, I will go down the mountain to see."

"How can it be, Yamashita is too dangerous now." Fang Shaoming shouted.

"Nothing." Ye Hao waved her hand. When she turned to go down the mountain, she saw a figure coming over here.

She recognized that it was Murong Cham at a glance.

"Who is that?" Fang Shaoming called.

"Qin Wang." Ye Hao whispered that he had already stepped forward and ran over.

Fang Shaoming's face changed slightly, he said that Wang Hao can wait for someone, it really is Qin Wang.

Ye Hao didn't know what Fang Shaoming was thinking, she had already come to Murong Zhan, "A Zhan! You are hurt, how can you get hurt?"

"Nothing." Murong Chan smiled at her. "The river broke the bank. I have blocked the gap. I can barely hold back a few hours. I hope that people from the court can arrive in time."

Ye Hao looked down the mountain and found that the speed of the flood really slowed down.

"I will show you the wound." Ye Hao helped Murong Zhan to go up the mountain while listening to him.

"...All the auras have been sucked away, and there is an aura gap behind the clouds, which has been forced to block, only to see if the rain can stop." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao heard a big alarm, "You... too much!"

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