An earthquake occurred in Bohai City.

Mingxi, they went to Shenjia that day. When they were sleeping in the inn at night, they suddenly moved for a while. He noticed that he was wrong. He immediately went to the next door to find a nephew.

Fire Phoenix and Xu Jinbei had already been awakened. They were the first to react. After reminding the rest of the inn, they had quickly left. As they walked out of the inn, the inn and the surrounding houses collapsed.

"What happened?" Those who slept and were pulled out by their companions were still stunned.

"This is... an earthquake." Xu Jinbei still felt the vibration under his feet. "We have to get out of here and go to the empty place."

The sleeping sea city was awakened in the middle of the night, screaming, crying, shouting, and the people living here have never encountered such a natural disaster. How can they sleep until midnight? All the houses have become ruins.

Mingxi looked calm and watery. He exchanged a look with his nephew. The four people left the ruins together, and there was a burst of painful crying.

"You go to save people, I will go and see what happened." The children listened to those crying, and their hearts were ashamed.

"Don't force yourself. Although this vision has never been seen before, it is not necessarily what we think." Ming Xi whispered.

My nephew said, "You know that I am not restricted. When I was in an earthquake, I felt strange. I was afraid... Tiandao checks and balances collapsed. I still go and see, you and Huo Huang are here to save people."

The earthquake came unprepared. Although it was only a shock between the two, it had already knocked down many houses and did not know how many people were buried.

"Good." Ming Xi gently beheaded, "Be careful."

Seeing that the nephew left alone, Xu Jinbei asked questioningly, "Where is the child going? She is a girl..."

"She will come back soon, we will help save people first." Ming Xi said, let him ignore those who are buried in the ruins.

Xu Jinbei sees that Ming Xi does not seem to worry about the deaf children. He knows that he is sure that the deaf children will not be in danger and will go to help save people.

The county magistrate of Bohai City has also become a ruin. Only the soldiers on the border who can come to the rescue are already at dawn.

Mingxi saved a lot of people. The three teenagers were all dusty. They couldn’t see a clear face, but many people wanted to give them a gratitude.

With the help of soldiers, their rescue was more rapid, but hundreds of people died.

"Although it is winter, the dead are best buried as soon as possible." Ming Xi said to Wang Hao, who brought troops to the rescue.

"You are... Your Highness?" Wang Hao thought that Ming Xi was just a normal boy. Who knows that after washing his face with dust, he reveals a face that makes him feel familiar.

It looks too much like Qin Wang.

"General Wang, my name is Ming Xi." Ming Xi said with a smile.

Mo Mingxi! Wang Hao’s face was overjoyed. “How come you are here, the emperor... Qin Wang and Wang Hao?”

"They are somewhere else, not here." Mingxi said, I don't know how far they are from here, will it be affected by the earthquake.

"The young master is here alone?" Wang Hao asked in surprise, as if he did not see other entourage around Mingxi.

Mingxi smiled lightly. "No, we are four."

Wang Wei looked at Xu Jinbei and Huohuang around Mingxi, all children!

"Young Master, you are tired for a day, I will let you take you back to rest first, here are us, I have already let people report the situation here, the emperor ... the emperor will soon send someone." Wang Hao said.

“Are there any earthquakes in other places besides here?” Mingxi asked, although it was a little tired, it was not supported.

Wang Hao’s face showed a heavy look. “Only the earthquake in the Haicheng River, however, in the opposite side of the Bailong River, many places in the Yuan Dynasty were affected by the earthquake. We are here on the side of the country... I heard that there was heavy rain in the north.”

Mingxi frowned at the sky, and the clouds were dark. It didn't look like it was going to rain. There was no aura in the air. Although the aura was thin, it was not like now, as if all the aura had been sucked away.

"Hey children haven't come back yet." Xu Jinbei's face was a bit ugly. They were first-aid people, but they forgot the time. Now they think that one day and one night have passed, and the children are still missing.

"Let's go find him." Ming Xi whispered.

Wang Hao thought that they still wanted to go out to save people, and said in a hurry, "Young Master, you have not rested for a day, and you have no food or drink. You have to save someone to tell me, I will immediately find someone."

It doesn't matter if Ming Xi and Huo Huang don't eat or drink, Xu Jinbei is just a mortal.

"You are resting here, eat something first, and I go to Huo Huang to find a nephew." Ming Xi said to Xu Jinbei.

"I am going with you." Xu Jinbei said, he was tired and tired, his face was blue.

Wang Hao said loudly, "You are all here, I am going to find."

As he said, a girl with a pink jade came over, and they were different from Mingxi. Her body was clean, her face was white and pink, and she smiled at them. "Ming Xi, I am coming back."

"Hey." Xu Jinbei had a happy face.

Mingxi beheaded, "It is good to return safely."

Wang Hao took Mingxi to the camp outside the city, and let people prepare meals for them to eat. "There is a simpler place here. The houses in the city can no longer live. You must be wronged first."

"Thank you, General Wang, it is already very good." The people in the city are all placed here, mostly sleeping on the ground. They are in the camp, it is already very good.

"Master Mingxi, then you should eat first, I will go to the city to save people." Wang Hao said.

There were only four of them in the camp. The nephew whispered to Mingxi, "There is no sign of the earthquake. It is sudden. I have seen it. The aura is sucked away by the crack behind the black cloud. When I was mending, I met the city owner."

"The crack is... The sky and the balance have collapsed?" The face of the fire phoenix changed.

The nephew gently nodded. "I suspect that there is a new gap in the human world, so it will be like this."

Ming Xi and Huo Huang also remembered that they saw a black hole in the mountains. "Will it be..."

"No, it is already there, and it is not necessarily a gap." The nephew said, "I and the city owner have repaired the crack. I am fine, but the city owner has consumed too much spiritual power. He was injured." I am afraid it will take a long time to recover."

"There is my mother, but I don't have to worry too much." Ming Xi said, "It's just the new gap..."

"You guys...what are you talking about?" Xu Jinbei, who had been listening to him silently, suddenly asked his face whitishly.

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