My nephew likes white horse very much. She feels like a white dragon horse. She just misses her wings. She has been in the mainland for so long. She has seen many white horses, but none of them is so beautiful that she thinks of white dragon horses. This is no matter the color. It is still very similar to spiritual filling.

"We bought this horse." The nephew said to Ming Xi.

When her words were just finished, the horse was held in the hands of a middle-aged man and appeared to have been sold.

"Can you sell this horse to me?" The child was anxious and desperate to go to that person.

This middle-aged man is not someone else, it is Tang Deren.

"Little girl, my favorite white horse has been for a long time, it is difficult to see a good horse, it is difficult to cut my heart." Tang Deren looked at the child with amazement, frowning refused.

This voice...

Ming Xi and Huo Huang looked at each other. They all heard that the voice was heard in the secret room and the study room. It was the person who told him about it.

"Hey." Ming Xi said, she came over and took her. "The gentleman is not good, we will find it again."

"We give him more money." The nephew said, from the arms to take out all kinds of treasures.

Mingxi stopped her with a headache and secretly gave her a wink. "The beloved thing is a priceless treasure, not a silver one."

"This son said well." Tang Deren smiled. "It seems that the little girl is like the next one, and she likes the white horse very much."

"I only like this one." The nephew said that she did not look at other white horses.

Ming Xi’s eyes looked at Tang Deren indifferently. “My cousin liked white horses since childhood, but he was picky and rarely looked at one.”

"The encounter is a good relationship. There are still many good horses in the next home. How many people are not the wilderness city?" Tang Deren asked with a smile.

"Through here, stay a few more days." Ming Xi whispered, holding the hand of the nephew, "Let's go first."

Tang Deren said with a smile, "I have raised a lot of horses in the grassland. If you are interested, you can go to my ranch to see."

"You have started the ranch yourself, and I still grab this horse with me." The nephew stared at him and asked very unwillingly.

"Oh... haha, I am also at first glance, if you like it, then I will give it to you." Tang Deren said helplessly.

When the nephew’s eyes lit up, he immediately said, “We don’t know you, why are you giving it to me?”

"In the next Tang Deren, in fact, we only met on the first floor. The sons and sisters are very popular. Now they meet again, it is a fate." Tang Deren said with a smile.

"Oh, remember, you are sitting next door to us." Fire Phoenix called.

Although Xu Jinbei did not hear the voice of Tang Deren, he saw that Ming Xi and Huo Huang were uncharacteristically. They knew that this man must have a problem. Now, when he heard him say this, he realized that he was a rattan.

"This little brother has a good eyesight." Tang Deren flattered the fire phoenix.

The nephew’s eyes glared at Tang Deren for a while. “Yan’s cousin... let’s go see it.”

"Okay." Mingxi’s mouth was slightly curved, and his eyes were filled with appreciation for his nephew. It was really clever.

"Please come here." Tang Deren suppressed the excitement in his heart. It was Fang Yanzhen, and the little girl called the younger Yan Yan cousin. He did not believe that there were so many coincidences in the world.

The nephew took the white horse forward, and the action flowed like a stream of water to the horse.

Tang Deren’s eyes flashed in surprise, “The little girl riding is good.”

"The family has always been not tied to her, but also invited two masters to teach her." Ming Xi said softly.

"It turned out to be the case." Tang Deren nodded with a smile. "Listen to the son's accent, it seems that it is not on the northwest side."

Mingxi’s whole body is full of noble temperament. When he hears Tang Deren’s temptations, he is only a light smile. “We came from the south of the Yangtze River and stayed in the grassland for a long time, so stay for a few more days.”

Tang Deren laughed and laughed. "The scenery in the northwest of Yunnan and the south of the Yangtze River is a difference of one thousand and eight thousand miles. You can't see such a grassland in Jiangnan."

"Small bridges and flowing water, don't have a scene, the grassland is a thousand miles, the vastness is vast, and each is different." Mingxi said.

"There is a chance, you must go to Jiangnan to enjoy the scenery of your bridge." Tang Deren said, "I haven’t known the name of the son for so long?"

Ming Xi paused for a moment, "Surname Ji, Ming Yan."

Ji? Why is it not a surname? Tang Deren has some doubts.

"Not early today, we will visit again tomorrow." After a few steps, Mingxi looked at the sky, it was already Jinwuxi, and one day passed without knowing it.

"That's fine, too." Tang Deren is not ready in the heart of the ranch. If the young master sees what is wrong, he will not be able to visit tomorrow. "That is going to be in the ranch tomorrow." Son."

Ming Xi’s decapitation, “Okay.”

The nephew came down from the back of the white horse, and Tang Deren, "Let's borrow your white horse tomorrow."

"This white horse said to the little girl, it is yours." Tang Deren said with a smile.

"Really?" The child raised an eyebrow and looked at Mingxi. He was rude to the white horse.

"Farewell." Ming Xi arched his hand, and took them to the direction of the inn.

Xu Jinbei looked back and whispered to Mingxi, "They are... I believe you are Fang Yan?"

"It should be." Ming Xi smiled. "Ming Sunrise City, maybe you can see Fujisawa."

Fire Phoenix said, "Then we are tonight..."

Ming Xi raised his eyebrows and nodded. "What to do or how to do it."

Tang Deren did not see the few figures before leaving, and immediately went to find the vine.

"The rudder master, I asked, they really came from Jiangnan, the little girl called the young Yan Biao cousin, but the teenager said that his surname is Ji, is he Fang Fangyan?" Tang Deren asked questioningly, he thought this The teenager must have been Fang Yan, but he felt that he was not sure.

"Ji?" Fujisaki smiled. "Then he is Fang Yan, the surname, dating back to the millennium, is the branch of Ji."

Tang Deren’s eyes were a joy. “What do we do next? That Fang Yan’s seems to be passing by, and it’s not like coming to us.”

"He is not so easy to form an alliance with us." Fujisawa thoughtfully said, "This should be Fang Yunsong's temptation. He wants to ensure the safety of the party and the family will work with us."

"Then let Fang Yanzhen believe that we are winning," said Tang Deren.

Fujisawa touched his fingers and said, "The man came in a few days, try to keep Fang Yanyu here. If necessary, this young master is still hostage we negotiated with Fangjia."

Tang Deren’s face changed slightly. “I understand.”

"First out of town to arrange it." Fujisawa said.

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