Ming Yu was bored and looked at two little white rabbits and radishes in the Imperial Garden. After the end of the year, the father would not let her go out of the house often, saying that she had grown up, could not always think about it, and let her follow every day. Listening to various political affairs in the royal study, she knew that the father had begun to teach her to govern, but she found that she was not interested in politics.

She actually knows that the father wants to hand over Jin Guo to her. He has said it before others more than once. She is the only candidate for the future of Jin Guo.

Honestly, she feels that when the emperor is not fun at all, every day is exhausted and tired. In addition to watching the folds, it is a singer. The emperor is obviously the most honorable person, but he has to worry about the whole country. She would rather live a comfortable life like her mother-in-law. Anyway, it is also served by Jinyiyu.

"Princess, the sun is getting bigger, let's go back." Ningxiang whispered in a low voice.

"I heard that the showgirls are all in the palace?" Mingyu raised a delicate and beautiful face, and the eyes were sloppy and I didn't know what to do.

"Yes, princess, what do you want to do?" Ningxiang asked vigilantly.

"In the future, these girls are going to live in the palace. Since everyone wants to live together in the future, it is better for us to get to know them first." Ming Yu said with a smile, and he has already patted his hands and stood up. "Let's go."

Condensation said quickly, "Princess, those girls have not passed the final round of screening, you are now gone and I don't know who will stay in the future."

"We quietly went to look at the eyes and gave the father an eye." Ming Yu said.

The fragrance is helpless, and there is a princess who goes to the father to see the showgirl.

"I am bored anyway, if you don't accompany me, I will slip out of the palace." Mingyu threatened her own palace lady.

The scented smashed, "Princess, how are you doing this?"

"Yeah, you don't want me to slip out of the palace, then accompany me to see." Ming Yu said with a smile.

"If the emperor knows, he will certainly punish the slaves."

Ming Yu said with a smile, "Don't worry, there is me, and I am going, the father will not blame us."

The emperor is naturally reluctant to blame the princess, but how can they compare with the princess?

"Princess, you take a look, then we will come back, can't you?" asked the fragrant pleading.

"I was going to take a look at it." Ming Yu’s eyes flashed a sigh of relief and calmed her little palace lady.

The fragrance had to follow Mingyu to the place where the showgirl lived.

This time, a total of 80 girls were selected to enter the palace. They were all arranged to live in the palace near the Chuxiu Palace. Fortunately, there was no embarrassment in the palace, so the show was not crowded, but it was quiet for a long time. The palace has become more heated.

"Princess, we just sneak a look outside and look at it." Ning whispered.

"Okay." Ming Yu smiled and nodded, but did not stop and walked forward.

The fragrance followed closely behind Ming Yu. They walked along and found no showgirls.

"Where is this?" Ming Yu stopped at a palace and vaguely heard the voice coming from inside, as if it was quite lively.

"Princess, this is Chu Xiu Gong, where all the girls live in the show." Ningxiang said.

Ming Yu’s eyes bent. “Let’s go in.”

"What?" A scent, "Princess..."

She wanted to stop Ming Yu, and Mingyu had already lifted her foot into Chuxiu Palace, and the voice inside was silent.

The courtyard of Chuxiu Palace is bustling.

After Shen Fantaer came back, everyone knows that she was summoned by the emperor, so she came to please her and thought that Shen Fanta is the most promising of all the girls.

"Sister Shen, have you really seen the emperor?" The showgirl around Shen Xiaoer asked enviously.

"Yeah." Shen Xiaoer smiled faintly, his eyes were not shocked, and there was no pride.

"You are so lucky. We don't know when we can see the emperor. I heard that the emperor is very beautiful, isn't it?" Someone asked.

Shen Huaner smiled. "The emperor is naturally wise."

"It’s so good, so when I first saw Shen’s sister, I felt that you were a big blessing. Now it’s not fake, just entered the palace, the emperor will call you, this is to put you in the heart. Up." A woman standing on the side said that the tone was a bit sour.

"Where, because my father was in Bohai City, just before the earthquake occurred there, the emperor asked me to ask questions." Shen Xiaoer whispered.

"This is much better than all of us. We don't know when we can see the emperor's true face. Shen's sister looks so good, the emperor is very fond of it."

Shen Fantaer said with a smile, "Don't say it anymore. Where is the emperor? We can talk about it. It’s amazing like Lei’s sister. It’s a blessing in the future.”

Her words immediately led everyone's attention to Lei Bingfu who did not speak.

Lei Bingfu is still immersed in the memories of the past. Although it is not a dynasty, the life of the palace is really... I can't tell the familiar taste, she actually feels nostalgic.

"Oh, I heard that Lei sister is a famous talented woman in Wuling. How is it that the fashion is so eye-catching? How to enter the palace is a little amazing?" A beautiful woman standing next to Shen's children looked at Lei Bing. Fu said.

"Oh, Wuling is a small place. There aren't so many women who are so beautiful and beautiful as you are. I naturally take the lead. In fact, they are all hearsay, I am a little girl." Lei Bingfu said with a smile.

Oops, these little girls are so simple. Now they haven’t passed the final round of elections. They will not be able to stay in the palace in the future. Now they are going to be jealous. Is this going to step on her to please Shen Yun?

This kind of small means she had seen before when she was a draft woman, but the means she had seen at that time was much higher than this.

"Sure enough..."

Lei Bingfu smiled lightly, and looked up and saw a girl standing by the door. She had already seen Mingxi, and she could recognize who the girl was.

Ming Yu is relishing watching the showgirls talking. In addition to her and her father, there are only palace ladies and eunuchs in the palace. They have not been so busy for a long time. These people are really interesting to talk to, obviously not so interesting, but they are flattering. I can imagine that these people will definitely be more lively in the future.

"Who are you?" There is a showgirl who first discovered Mingyu and raised her eyebrows at this half-large girl. Is it still so young in the showgirl?

"Don't ignore me, you continue." Ming Yu said with a smile.

Shen Fantaer has stood up. She walked up to Ming Yu and smiled and said, "I have seen Princess Her Royal Highness."

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