Kyoto City.

There are many new girls in the palace, Ming Yu finally found something that can be played every day. However, because there is no serious girl in the palace, Murong Yu never ignores the draft, and everything is handed over to Murong. The screening of the showgirls is a bit slow.

Murong has recently received a lot of gifts from the show's family, hoping that he can give some girls some opportunities in the palace.

"This jasper unicorn is worth a lot of money." Zhao Ning is holding a big belly to see what others have sent, and sighs with a pair of jasper unicorns. "They are really able to stay in the palace for their daughters. ”

"Which fights for the family, and the gift is not the hope that the future will double the reward." Murong sneered, reaching out and touching Zhao Ning's stomach. "Whoever comes to see you, if you don't want to see, let They are going."

"What about these?" Zhao Ning looked at the things that had piled up half of the warehouse.

Murong squinted and glanced, "I will be sent to the palace tomorrow and donated to the national treasury."

"Then their daughters are not selected..." If they don't return, those people will think that they will help them.

Murong is cold and cold, "then let them find the emperor."

"Have you seen the showgirls? There are a few good ones. After all, in the future, you will live in the palace and get along with Mingyu." Zhao Ning is more worried that the showgirl will become a beggar in the future, and living in the harem must be Getting along with Ming Yu, Wan is not good for Ming Yu.

"There are not a few good things to go out of the limelight, but there are also those who know the book, and will be good to Mingyu in the future." Murong whispered that he did what he did for his niece.

Zhao Ning gently nodded. "I don't know when they will come back."

"It's already on the road, but you know it. The scorpion's medical skills are superb. When someone is sick, they will always go out and save, and they will delay the time without knowing it." Murong said.

"Oh, my feet..." Zhao Ning was uncomfortable and wanted to stand up, but he found that his feet were cramping.

Murong hurriedly hugged her up on the bed and skillfully pressed her calf for her. "How, better?"

"Well, it’s much better." Zhao Ning said helplessly. "When Huai Jun’s brother was not in such trouble, he really grew more and more expensive."

"Jiaogui is a little better." Murong squatted down and kissed her forehead.

Zhao Ning’s mouth showed a sweet smile. “Right, I heard that the emperor has already summoned a girl named Shen?”

"Is it out of the palace so soon?" Murong frowned, it seems that the wall in the palace is leaking.

"The first two days of Mrs. Wu’s birthday banquet, I heard the wife mentioned at the birthday party, saying that the emperor and the Shen Xiu are old-fashioned, and they have a special look at her, and let Mingyu often go to Chuxiu Palace and her. Getting along, everyone is guessing, is the emperor planning to mention this Shen Xiu..." Zhao Ning did not say any more, she has not seen Shen Yuner, I don’t know how to evaluate this woman, but she is worried that she is now passed outside. It’s amazing, I don’t know what is going on in the palace.

Although Mingyu seems to be innocent, in fact, her heart is translucent. If someone is not really good to her, she will certainly be able to see it.

Inkor said, "Shen Fanta is the daughter of Shen Haixuan in the sea city. Shen Yuexuan made a fortune before. The emperor saw her because of her father. However, the emperor and Shen Yuexuan used to be old knowledge. This is true. I heard that this is true. The life of Shen Fanta is still saved by the blind man."

"Is there still such a fate?" Zhao Ning asked in surprise.

“Yes.” Murong nodded. “But I remember that Shen Yuexuan’s family property was confiscated.”

Zhao Ning said, "It’s no wonder that the emperor has another look at Shen Xiu."

"I don't know if you look at it differently. However, the emperor's draft, the ministers of the entire court are watching, I don't know if the emperor will stand up." If there is a queen, the child born by the queen is a neat son. The identity of jade in the palace is paralyzed.

"Then you have to know more about this Shenyue, at least you must know who it is." Zhao Ning squatted.

"Well," Murong was beheaded. "You don't have to worry about this. You are going to be there soon. Don't think so much."

Zhao Ning laughed. "I am good."



In the royal study room, Murong squatted and looked at the Mingyu, who was trying hard to see the fold. A beautiful little face was almost wrinkled into a ball. Obviously, she felt that the game was difficult to understand. She looked very hard.

Murong Yu has some helplessness. Ming Yu seems to be not interested in the political affairs. Every time he plays in the royal study, he feels unhappy.

"Ming Yu, if you feel tired, take a break." Murong said softly, in the end can not bear to see her unhappy look.

"Well, my father, I am so tired." Ming Yu immediately put down the memorial in his hand, and spoiledly complained to Murong. "These ministers are not too tired to write a memorial, and they can say something in a few words. Every time I have to make a long story."

"You will focus on those few words, not all of them." Murong said.

Ming Yu said, "I haven't practiced such a kung fu yet. I can pick out the key points at a glance, the father, or else, or you can see it yourself."

"Where do you want to go?" Murong asked helplessly.

"Nowhere to go." Ming Yu looks sincere.

Murong squinted at her with a faint look. "So, the people who go to the Chuxiu Palace every day are not you? Is it your own maid to go?"

"..." Ming Yu smiled happily. If she denied it, it would be hard to condense and reveal them. "Father, I am bored before I go."

Murong Yan did not object to Mingyu to get to know the girls. "So what do you think they are for you?"

"Be careful, I am afraid that I am not happy." Ming Yu said, "Exhaustion is a way to please me."

"Do you like them to do this?" Murong asked.

Ming Yu said, "I don't like it very much, but it is very interesting to see that they obviously don't like each other, but they have to say flattery."

Murong sneered, "Ming Yu, you are now a princess. In this palace, you are the most honorable person. They all want to please you, and you will be married, but you are not really good to you. You need to see it yourself."

"If I am not a princess, will they not treat me like this?" Ming Yu asked with a smile. "I know, they please me, but they are also for the father."

"Who told you this?" Murong frowned.

"Who still needs to tell me, I have eyes to see." Ming Yu's face is full of enthusiasm, "Father, have you seen those girls? Are you particularly fond of?"

"..." Murong stunned his eyebrows. "You are thinking about everything."

Ming Yu said with a smile, "I want to know who you will stay in the end."

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