"Five killers can't kill Fang Yanzhen? Hearing Fang Yusheng's return, Beitang's eyes are surprised. The killers he sent are top in the North Ming country. Let them kill Fang Yanzhen, who is already giving a face, even a teenager. Can't kill.

Fang Yusheng said, "The people around Fang Yanzhao are highly martial, and he himself does not seem to be martial."

"It's no wonder that Fang Yunsong assured that his baby grandson came to the Wasteland City alone. The original is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." Beitang snorted.

"The emperor, then what should we do next?" Fang Zhensheng whispered.

Beitang thought about it with a sullen face. He originally wanted to use the vine. Although Fujisawa’s power in Jinguo is not enough, it is because of this that he can be used by him. As long as Fujisawa can put him into the wilderness city, he half Within a month, they will be able to **** three cities in Jinguo, and Fujisawa has the remaining forces of Qianluo, and it is easier for him to kill a few people who are in the way.

"Do you know who is the same party in Kyoto City?" Beitang asked in a low voice.

Fang Yusheng said, "It is a general of the military department. It used to be the master of the thousand Luosha. It was called Cai Qishi. He was not reused in the court. He couldn’t get along with Ye Yinan and others, and Murong Yu and other people liked Ye Haonan and others. The old ministry is very valued, otherwise Fujitsu will not come to the wilderness city."

"Since Cai Qishi can betray Murong, he will not be honest with Fujisawa. You will contact this person and join him." Bei Tangyu said that Cai Qishi’s position in Qianluo was higher than Fujisawa. He even Murong Yu is not loyal, will he be convinced by Fujisawa? However, it is the interest relationship that only cooperates. If he gives Cai Qishi a greater temptation, will he still listen to the vines?

"What about Naito?" Fang Xiaosheng whispered.

"Since it is no longer useful, keep what to do." Beitang said coldly.

Fang Yusheng frowned and hesitated. "It is easy to kill the vines, but Fang Yanzhen is not able to cope. It seems that Fang Yunsong really moved so much."

"Fang Yunsong will be heart-warming. That is because he knows that Fujisawa has the possibility to win. What may be the victory of Fujisawa? Is there our North Ming Dynasty, if we are allied with the Fang family?" Said, "Please come to Fang Yanzhen tomorrow, and talk to him personally."

"Yes, the emperor." Fang Yusheng whispered.

Beitang took a cup of tea and took a sip of tea. He looked at the window with a cold look. "Where is Murong Zhan and Lu Hao?"

He is sure to win the Jin State, but it is not without jealousy.

Murong Zhan is still alive...

This incident made him both excited and angry.

If you are alive, then you can let Murong Zhan see his own Jin Guo being taken away, but also because it is alive, it is not so easy for the North Ming Kingdom to invade the Jin State.

"The emperor, our people did not find their whereabouts, and Kyoto did not have their news." Fang Yusheng said.

Bei Tang’s snoring, "Mu Rongzhan really did not care about his throne after returning this time. He wants the beauty not to be in the mountains. When he gets the kingdom, he will let them have nothing."

Fang Yusheng felt the strong resentment of the body of the North Hall, and the coveted no longer talked.



After Mingxi left the thousand-story building, he returned to the inn. After a while, Fujisawa learned that the news came to him immediately.

"Ji Shaoye, are you okay?" Fujisawa was angry and tumbling. He knew who was going to kill Fang Yanzhen. He wanted to let Fang Jia and himself completely reverse his eyes. He wanted to force him to have no retreat to promise him. condition.

"TOEFL, no injuries." Mingxi said faintly. "However, the wilderness city of Fujita seems to be not as safe as before. The killer of the North Ming State is coming, and it is still in the first floor, if not I understand I think that you want to send someone to kill me."

Fujisaka hurriedly said, "I will never hurt Ji Shaoye. This matter has nothing to do with me, but I will check it out."

"I am afraid that it is not clear." Mingxi smiled. "Those killers have long left the city of the wilderness. How can the vines go to check, can you still go to the North Ming Dynasty?"

"Ji Shaoye, this thing is my negligence." Fujisawa whispered.

Mingxi looked at Fujisaki with a smile and smiled. "The killer who can come and go freely in the wilderness city, and the North Ming country, the vine adult, don't worry about his safety?"

"What does Ji Shaoye mean?" Fujisawa heard a slight gaze at Mingxi.

"It doesn't mean anything. I have some days in the Wasteland City. It is time to go back." Mingxi said faintly, the people in Beitang today can't kill him. It is estimated that he will soon start with Fujisawa.

If there is no guess, Beitang will kill the Fujiwara and will immediately send troops to the Wasteland City.

Fujisawa thinks that the North Hall is now in the wilderness city. It is indeed a little dangerous for Fang Yan to stay here. "I will **** Ji Shaoye back."

"There are Lauton adults." Ming Xi smiled lightly.

It didn't take long for the vine to be sent away, and the difference came.

"Young Master, are you okay?" Shen Wei nervously looked at Ming Xi, for fear that he was injured, he had already known what happened on the first floor. When he first came, he found that Fujisawa was here, so he never appeared. .

"On those few killers, I still can't hurt Mingxi." Fire Phoenix said.

Ming Xi said to Shen Shen, "The North Hall is in the wilderness city. Since he can't stand it, I can see that his alliance with Fujisawa is useless."

“Bei Tang?” The face of Shen Shen changed. “He is actually hiding in the wilderness city!”

"Fire Phoenix, you go out of the city and see if there is any change in the border of the North Ming State." Ming Xi whispered to the fire phoenix.

A look of sorrow, "Young Master, do you think Beitang is going to attack the Wasteland City?"

"He wants to attack not only the wilderness city." Mingxi said coldly, "I have told me this thing, and I have to be prepared here. Rattan don't have to count, who else in the wilderness city?" trust?"

"And Sima General, he is in the military camp." Shen said.

Ming Xi said, "That is going to be a slap in the face of the people. If you send troops to Beitang, I am afraid that it is not easy for us to resist."

The heavy and heavy nodded, "Yes, I will go right away."

"There is still no one to find out..." Mingxi thought thoughtfully, maybe Beitang could tell him who the man hiding in Kyoto was.

On the following day, when Ming Xi was planning to leave the city, Fang Haosheng came to him personally.

"Ji Shaoye, I want to ask you to say two sentences, I don't know if I can appreciate the face?" Fang Xiaosheng said with a smile, Mingxi said.

Ming Xi smiled faintly. "Okay."

He knew that the North Hall could not kill him and would definitely come to him.

"Young Master..." Xu Jinbei stopped him. "Be careful."

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