The assassination of Fujisawa did not preach out. Even Tang Deren just knew that Fang Yanzhen knew about this.

Ming Xi looked at Tang Deren with a faint look. "Is the injury of the vine adult serious?"

"You...not Fang Yanzhen!" Tang Deren found that the soldiers who were guarding the outside of the garrison had actually given the man behind Fang Yan’s body, and the man’s other Yan Yan was respectful.

No, impossible! If he is not Fang Yan, who will it be?

Ming Xi did not pay attention to Tang Deren, and did not answer anything. He entered the gate of the garrison.

Tang Deren stayed outside the door, as if it was wrong.

The garrison has been completely controlled by the sinkers.

Why is Shen Yan so respectful to each other?

"Who is it?" Tang Deren felt a storm in his heart. Did he and Fujisawa be deceived by a teenager?

Mingxi, who has already arrived in the backyard, saw Fujisawa. He was seriously injured. He had a sword in his chest and back. He was not fatal. He injured his sword and was poisoned. But it is not that easy to survive.

When Ming Xi walked into the house, Fujisawa just woke up from a deep sleep.

"Ji Shaoye?" Fujiko looked at Mingxi slightly. He wanted to sit up and feel the pain in his chest and back. He took a breath and said weakly, "Are you taken away by Fang Yusheng?"

"Yeah, I heard that Rattan is injured, so take a look." Mingxi looked at Fujisaki and said, "It seems to be very badly hurt."

Fujisawa did not speak. He looked up at Mingxi and looked at the sinking behind Mingxi.

"You are not Fang Yanzhen, who are you?" Rattan squats on his chest. He knows what Fang Yansheng took Fang Yanzhen for. Now Fang Yanzhen can stand here perfectly, and he is still behind him. His identity is self-evident.

"The vines have been painstakingly so long, and they are now out of the game... a little pitiful." Mingxi said faintly.

"If it weren't for you here, I wouldn't have such an end." Fujisawa looked at Mingxi with a cold eye. He was originally the best match for Beitang, and because of this fake Fang Yanzhen, Beitang thought he could pull it. Fang Jia, will be able to start with him without any scruples.

It seems that Beitang is also miscalculating.

Mingxi smiled slightly. "Yes, if it weren't for me, Beitang will definitely not kill you, and it will not be so anxious to want to send troops to the wilderness city. However, he will not have another chance."

"You are..." Fujiko stared coldly at Mingxi, and a young boy appeared in his mind, "Mu Mingxi."

"The vine adult is still not stupid." Ming Xi smiled and recognized his identity.

really! Fujisawa laughed at himself, and he was again planted in the hands of this boy.

"How did you know that?" Fujiko asked, he had already died shortly, so he didn't even struggle, and his people should be liquidated.

Then he stayed in Kyoto City... Has it been discovered by Murong?

He is still too indecisive.

When I did not leave Kyoto City, if I killed Murong, there would not be so many things behind.

"I saw you at the time of Bohai City." Mingxi said faintly, "Who is Shen Tongxuan, who else is your party?"

"Do you think I will tell you?" Rattan asked sarcastically.

Ming Xi said, "You don't tell me, I can find it out, but I have to waste some time. However, your family in Kyoto City is afraid to follow you."

"Those wastes don't die, and it's hard for me to survive in this world. How can I care about their lives and deaths?" Fujisawa sneered.

"In this case, why do you arrange the way for them? Fujisawa, do you think... no one knows that they have left Kyoto City?" Ming Xi asked softly.

Fujisawa was finally silent. His eyes were like a poisonous snake letter staring at Mingxi.

"I am already kinder than what you did." Ming Xi said softly.

"Oh..." Fujisawa laughed and laughed. "Even if I say it, they will not have a good life. However, Mo Mingxi, you are waiting to collect your corpse for your sister."

Mingxi’s eyes flashed a touch of cold. "You have long thought about starting with Mingyu."

"I have long expected that we will not succeed." Fujisawa smiled happily. "I did this, but I just wanted to let Murong know that he is no longer the former owner, your mother... ...your daughter...all will only be his jealousy."

"It turned out that you did this, but for the sake of the emperor." Ming Xi eyes condensed the vine.

Shen Shen knows that Fujisawa’s words are about the former Queen’s Empress, and they have sent the rest of the house down.

There are only Mingxi and Fujisawa in the house.

"How, fear that others know how your mother is a monk?" Fujisawa's eyes are full of resentment against Ye Hao.

"It turns out that you are jealous." Ming Xi looked at the vines in confusion. "What happened to my mother?"

"Lu Yan is not obstructing me, it is obstructing Murong!" Rattan yelled angrily. "If it weren't for her, he wouldn't want to fight for her. He used it for her, and the poisonous scorpion got into the body." Don't care, for her, she would rather not raise her daughter for life, and she will hand over Jin Guo to her daughter in the future. He will be able to live a wonderful life, but now he is only living for her. What did Lu Yan return to him?"

Ming Xi looked at Fujisawa with no expression. "What is this about you? You are my uncle, who is he willing to do for whom, willing to live, do you have to pass your consent?" ”

Fujita sneered, "I really don't need it. I have been with him for so many years, but I can't watch him destroying myself."

"Self-considered." Mingxi is cold and cold. "It is clearly selfish, but you have to think of good reasons for others."

"At the beginning, I should have killed Lu Hao." Fujisawa whispered, "There will be not so many things happening later."

Ming Xi looked at him coldly. "Who else is yours in the palace?"

"You are not very smart, not very powerful? Then go find it yourself." Fujisawa smiled silently, as if he had seen the expression of Lu Yu’s pain.

As long as Mo Mingyu is dead, Lu Hao will certainly hate Rong Rong.

At that time, will Murong Yu still have fantasies?

He was really looking forward to it, but unfortunately, he was afraid that he would not have the opportunity to see the scene alive.

"Do you think my sister is so easily killed by you?" Ming Xi walked over to the clothes of the vine, "I will let you live, and see you die when you lose all."

"You are afraid to be disappointed. I am going to have an accident here. Kyoto will immediately start." Fujita said with a smile. "Maybe, Ming Mingyu is dead..."

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