Ye Hao went into the hall with Fang Yunsong, the strange smell here is more obvious, but she still can't feel the movement of the monster.

If there is a monster, she can be sensed.

"Ye Dafu, is there any problem?" Fang Yunsong raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said with a clear eye, "No."

"Then please ask Dr. Ye to diagnose the pulse for me." Although Fang Yunsong has reached the ear of the ear, his face is wrinkled, but his eyes are still sharp and bright, and it looks like a spirit, not like being taken away.

"Okay." Ye Hao took the first few steps and gently placed his hand on Fang Yunsong's pulse.

If Fang Yunsong is taken away, she can see it for him.

However, his pulse was stable, and there was nothing unusual except that there was a little fire.

While Ye Hao was wondering Fang Yunsong, Fang Yunsong was also looking at her.

Who is this Ye doctor? How can I cure Fang Yan's disease?

"Fang Grandpa, you just have some liver fires rising, the body is very healthy, there are no other problems." Ye Hao said.

"Is it?" Fang Yunsong retracted his hand and looked at Ye Hao thoughtfully. Suddenly he reached out and grabbed Ye Hao.

Ye Hao stretched out his hand and stepped back. He looked at Fang Yunsong with a cold eye. "Fang Grandpa, what do you mean by this?"

"Who are you? Why do you want to sneak into our house?" Fang Yunsong asked sharply.

"It’s unreasonable to ask Mrs. Fang’s words. I came to Fangjia to treat my brother, but I don’t know what to do wrong, so I doubted me.” Ye Hao said coldly, she just didn’t feel it. Fang Yunsong has used spiritual power, but his internal force is too deep.

Fang Yunsong looked at Ye Hao with a cold eye and snorted. "A doctor who practices medicine, actually will martial arts?"

Ye Hao taunted and smiled. "I walked on the rivers and lakes. I have to practice martial arts to protect myself, but I don't know the old man in the world. It turned out to be a master."

"Ye Dafu is very vocal." Fang Yunsong did not see that Ye Hao had any flaws. Is he thinking too much?

"Just tell the truth." Ye Hao said calmly, she has not run through the sea since she entered here, just afraid to be seen her origins.

Fang Yunsong retracted his hand and glanced at Ye Hao indifferently. "Hey brother has a doctor."

Ye Hao thought that there is nothing to discover here today, anyway, he can stay in Fangjia, and that is to have a chance.

She has been able to determine that there is definitely a problem with the upper house.

Leaving from the upper house, Ye Hao went to see Fang Yan.

Fang Yanxuan is no longer here, Fang Yanyi drank the medicine, rested on the bed and closed, and heard Ye Hao come back, immediately woke up.

"Ye Dafu, are you okay?" Fang Yan asked with concern.

"You go on." Ye Hao looked at the peach blossoms.

The peach face changed and glared at Ye Hao. "Why do you let me go?"

"Peach blossom, I have something to say to Ye Dafu, let's go ahead." Fang Yanyi opened his own ring.

"Little Master..." Peach Blossom looked at Fang Yanyi in a wrong way, and suddenly there was an embarrassment of falling out of favor.

At this time, Fang Yanzhen did not have the heart to pay attention to the emotions of this ring. He still has something to say to Ye Hao.

Peach blossomed awkwardly and the committee retired.

"My grandfather, did he have anything to you?" After the peach blossoms retreated, Fang Yanzhen asked Ye Hao nervously.

"How do you think your grandfather will be like me?" Ye Hao looked at him suspiciously. Didn't he think Fang Yunsong had no problem?

Fang Yan's face is a bit whitish. "Ye doctor, maybe you are right, my grandfather he... seems to be really a problem."

"What problem?" Ye Hao asked.

"He doesn't seem to remember what he said before, but he repeatedly asked again, and... he didn't care if my body was good, he became another person, and always wanted me to eat. ......" Fang Yanyi did not want to doubt his grandfather, but Ye Hao buried a suspicious seed in his heart before. When he re-faced his grandfather, he felt that his grandfather had too many loopholes.

Ye Hao was shocked. "Have you eaten?"

"No." Fang Yanxi said, he took out a handkerchief from his arms. "I ate a sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and my grandfather didn't see it and spit it out."

"Show me a look." Ye Hao took the sweet-scented osmanthus cake regardless of nausea, and found the smell of the magical grass in it.

Fang Yanyan had a last hope in his eyes, "Ye Dafu..."

"There is poison inside." Ye Hao whispered.

"Impossible!" Fang Yan's eyes were red, and his voice was a little trembling. "My grandfather couldn't... it wouldn't hurt me."

Ye Hao glanced at him silently. "Don't you say that your grandfather was judged by two people? Perhaps the person who wants to harm you is not your grandfather."

"Ye Dafu, what do you mean by this?" Fang Yanqi asked eagerly.

"You are sick," Ye Hao whispered. "No one should say anything, wait for me to find out the truth."

Fang Yanqi grabbed Ye Hao’s hand. “Why are you helping me?”

"Because I came here for this." Ye Hao whispered.

"What do you mean?" Fang Yanzhen still doesn't understand what Ye Hao wants to do. Now I want to come. It seems that she suddenly happened to cure his illness.

Ye Hao smiled. "I will tell you later."

Fang Yan’s face was confused, but Ye Hao couldn’t explain too much to him. “You rest first, I will come back to you later.”

"Ye Dafu, will you hurt my grandfather?" Fang Yanyan looked at Ye Hao firmly.

"If your grandfather is murdered, I will save him." Ye Hao definitely promised.

Fang Yanyi gently nodded, although he had doubts about Ye’s origins, but he did not know why, he believed that this person would help him.

Ye Hao took the piece of osmanthus cake that had been eaten to find Murong Cham.

"Azhan, Azhan!" Ye Hao ran into the house, did not see ink capacity Zhan.

Strange, where Murong Zhan went, she just found him in the room.

"Hey, I am here." Murong Chong came in from the outside and immediately closed the door.

"Where have you been?" Ye Hao asked with a sigh of relief and frowned.

Murong Zhan gently grabbed her shoulder. "There is a monster in the room, not from the Xuantian continent, but on the mainland."

"What?" Ye Hao’s face suddenly changed. "Have you seen it?"

“No.” Murong Zhan whispered, “There is a kind of demon beast called the ghost beast on the mainland. It has been disappeared for many years, and it can steal the memory of people, but it can also hide its own breath, especially the high quality of Jindan. The ghosts of the order can control the thoughts of others..."

Ye Hao’s mouth was stunned, and she was the first to hear such a monster. “So, is he not able to do whatever he wants?”

"Not at all." Murong Zhan said, "This ghost is afraid of light."

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