Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2107: Little Buddha Hall

Shangfang is quieter than Ye Hao’s imagination. She and Fang Yanyi walked along the road, and almost no one met. The Fang family is a famous family. Fang Yunsong is also the head of the family. How can he go to the house with so few people?

"Very quiet." Ye Hao said, "Is the house always so?"

"No..." Fang Yanxi said, "There were a lot of people who used to go to the house. I don't know when I started. My grandfather didn't like others to wait. I heard that many people have been sent away."

Ye Hao’s mind flashed a terrible thought. She shook her head and told herself that it would not be like that. The ghost beast is at least the monster of the gods on the mainland. It is not really like the beast, even people eat it.

"The people who have been sent away have already gone home?" Ye Hao still couldn't help but whisper.

"This... I didn't ask about it, what happened?" Fang Yanzhen asked.

"That should inquire about it." Ye Hao did not say the reason, "Fang Laotai suddenly changed his temperament, it must have happened."

Fang Yanyi looked at Ye Hao with hesitation, "Well, I will let people inquire."

"Where is there?" Ye Hao pointed to the back of the yard, which seemed to be more secret and remote.

"Oh, it was my little grandmother's little temple. My grandfather didn't believe in Buddha. Since my grandmother died, it was abandoned." Fang Yanxi said.

Ye Hao whispered, "Can I go over and see?"

Fang Yanxi said, "There is nothing there, there is dust everywhere, my grandfather will not go there."

"Maybe it's really there." Ye Hao said that she didn't run the sea, and she didn't use any spiritual power, but she felt that something in the little Buddhist temple was staring at her.

"Well, I am going with you." Fang Yanxi said, "When my grandmother was there, I went there. In addition to the Buddha statues, there are verses copied by my grandmother everywhere. Later I was thinking about going in, my grandfather would not give it. ""

Ye Hao asked, "Since your grandfather does not believe in Buddhism, how can he still have a small Buddhist temple."

"After all, it was the place where my grandmother used to go most often. My grandfather naturally wanted to keep it."

They walked through the courtyard and walked a long way. This came to the vicinity of the Little Buddha Hall. Although the small Buddhist temple was not broken, it was only covered with weeds. It has been seen that it has not been taken care of for a long time.

This is the westernmost part of the upper house, not close to the main courtyard. It is estimated that the former old lady knew that Fang Yunsong did not believe in the Buddha and set the small Buddhist temple in this place.

"There are footprints." Fang Yan, who walked in front, pointed at the ground with a few sparse footprints.

Ye Hao walked up to see, and when she saw those footprints, her face changed slightly.

Fang Yanzhen did not find the same thing about Ye Hao. He stared at the ground in disbelief. Hesitatedly said, "This footprint... looks like it is not a grandfather, is it a bit too big."

This footprint seems obvious to be mortal, how can a person's footprint be so big.

"I look." Ye Hao took Fang Yanyi a few steps back and let him stay away from the small Buddhist temple. If there is no guess, the ghost beast should be hidden inside.

If it is not the day, maybe the ghost beast has already appeared.

"Ye Dafu, what is this footprint?" Fang Yanqi asked in amazement.

"I don't know..." Ye Haoqiang smiled. "This should not be a footprint. Fang Laoye will not be here. Let's go somewhere else."

Fang Yanyi shook his head. "I think it's a bit wrong. Ye Dafu, let's go in and see."

If she goes in, she may not be able to protect Fang Yan!

"Don't go in, let's find your grandfather first." Ye Hao grabbed Fang Yan's wrist and prevented him from approaching the Little Buddha Hall.

"Maybe my grandfather is inside." Fang Yanxi said, "Let's go in."

"No..." Ye Hao stopped him.

Suddenly, there was an old, deep voice behind them. "What are you doing here?"

Fang Yanxi jerked back and saw Fang Yunsong, "Grandfather, I... I am coming to you."

"You know that I don't like anyone to come here." Fang Yunsong snorted, his eyes gloomy and invisible to see Ye Hao.

"There are footprints here, grandfather, is there someone inside?" Fang Yanyi asked at the footprints of the ground.

Ye Hao really thought about holding Fang Yan's mouth. "Where is this footprint, I am wrong."

"The Little Buddha Hall has been closed for many years, and there are people who can be there." Fang Yunsong said coldly, "If you don't go back, it is for you to come to the sick, not for you to play."

Listening to Fang Yunsong’s harsh tone, Fang Yan’s heart was more suspicious, and he felt that there must be someone in the small Buddhist temple.

Why should my grandfather stare at them?

Ye Hao slightly looked at Fang Yunsong, strange, how his looks look so different from yesterday, yesterday was a ruddy, spirited old man, but today he feels that the oil is running out, as if the vitality suddenly dried up. .

No normal person will age so fast, which is clearly a problem.

"Fang Grandpa, I found a problem for you yesterday, can you let me do it for you?" Ye Hao whispered Fang Yunsong.

"Yeah, grandfather, Ye Dafu's medical skills are very powerful." Fang Yanxi said.

Fang Yunsong looked at Ye Hao with a cold eye. "I have no problem with my body."

"Your look doesn't look very good." Ye Hao said with a smile. "Maybe I didn't know clearly yesterday..."

"The old man is very good!" Fang Yunsong's tone is more chilly. "This is not the place you should come, go!"

Seeing that Fang Yunsong was angry, Fang Yan’s heart was more suspicious. He turned his head and looked at Ye Hao.

"Okay, then let's go first." Ye Hao nodded to him gently, Fang Yunsong did not want her to see a doctor, then she could not force him.

"Grandfather, let's go first." Fang Yanzhen whispered, and Ye Hao left the small Buddhist temple, and took a few steps. He couldn't help but look back and saw Fang Yunsong looking at him with a gloomy and indifferent look.

Fang Yanyi whispered to Ye Wei, "I think Dr. Ye, I think there is a problem with the Little Buddha Hall. My grandfather is also... No, I have to bring them back and let them find a way."

"Don't worry, check it out first." Fortunately, everyone in the house is in the college. If they are all in the house, they may be missing in the same way as those of the next.

"But..." Fang Yanzhen is still not at ease.

Ye Hao whispered, "I am going to find your big brother. He will go to find you in the uncle. You are now in the room and it is not convenient to do anything."

"Good." Fang Yanzhen thinks that Ye Hao said that it makes sense. He will be stared at his grandfather when he is doing anything in the house. Nothing can be done at all.

"Give it to me." If the ghost beast is really in the Little Buddha Hall, it should hear them talking outside.

Will it come to Fang Yanzhen this evening?

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