Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2114: misunderstanding

sick? Murong looked at the ruddy face of Ming Yu, and looked at her sullen look. She only felt angry and funny. This is angering him.

"Why didn't you go to the doctor?" Murong squinted and turned to look at Lei Bingfu, deliberately angered. "You don't know if the princess is sick? Why didn't you ask her for medical treatment?"

Ming Yu stood up in anxiously. "It has nothing to do with Lei Huizhen. I... I am sick."

Lei Bingfu continued to bow down on the ground, and did not care much about Murong’s anger. She knew that he was deliberately scared.

"Your illness is so fast, it seems that tomorrow is the ability to go to the study room." Murong said faintly.

"Father of the Emperor!" Ming Yu slammed her feet. "When did you let me out of the palace?"

Murong stunned her and said, "Don't always think about going out, you are a princess, you are living in the palace."

He knows that Mingyu is longing for life outside the palace, but he can't promise her. She must first get used to the palace to be able to experience life outside.

If she is like her mother, she will not return after she leaves.

"I am not going to other places, I am going to find my cousin cousin." Ming Yu said.

"Let them enter the palace to accompany you." Murong said faintly.

"How is that!" Ming Yu’s feet, "The father is not letting me out."

Murong Yan calmed his face. "Ming Yu, you are no longer a little girl, you can't just think about playing all day."

Ming Yu muttered his mouth and did not speak.

"Get up." Murong squinted coldly and glanced at Lei Bingfu, who was still on the ground. This opened her up.

"Xie Huang Shang." Lei Bingfu stood up from the ground and stood silently, not disturbing Murong to teach his daughter.

Mingyu has been looking up to see Lei Bingfu, and she thinks that her guess is too right. Lei Huizhen’s mind is not on the father’s body. Instead of other shackles, she has already asked her father to sit down and wait for a variety of services.

"Hey, go back." Murong said to Ming Yu.

"No, I have to live here for a few days at Lei Hui." Ming Yu said reluctantly, "I am too stuffy, no one is talking to me."

Murong Yan looked at Lei Huiwei with a slight blink of an eye. "Do you want the princess to live here?"

Lei Bingfu said, "Return to the emperor, the courtiers can't control the princess's idea."

"Father, you asked Lei Hui, what I want to live here." Ming Yu called.

"No!" Murong screamed, "You are a princess, you should live in your own place, Mingyu, you are not too small, no more willful."

Ming Yu grievances to look at Murong Yu, she just wants to go out of the palace, in the end nowhere, she has not gone out for half a year.

"Hey, come." Murong said with a frown.

Lei Bingfu looked at Mingyu, and some worried that she would anger Murong at this time.

Although Murong Yu is her daughter, he is an emperor after all. As his majesty is getting heavier, it is impossible to condone her again and again.

"But..." Ming Yu turned to look at Lei Bingfu.

Lei Bingfu smiled at her slightly.

Murong Yan looked at Lei Bingfu sharply. He knew that Mingyu always liked to come to Lei Huizhen recently. Did this Lei Huiyi say something to Mingyu?

He is not allowed to use any of Ming Yu to compete for favor. If Lei Bingfu dares to do so, he will never spare her.

Lei Bingfu seems to know that he is suspicious of himself, and her eyes calmly look back at Murong.

"Lei Hui, then I will go first." Ming Yu said to Lei Bingfu.

Murong Yu took back his sight and turned and went out.

Looking at the back of Murong Yu and Ming Yu, Lei Bingfu raised an eyebrow and knew that he should be misunderstood.

Although she did not intend to take another life, but did not want Murong's mistakes to hate her, she must still need his trust in the palace to live a good life.

what can we do about it?

It seems that I really want to think about it.

Ming Yu followed Murong Yu back to Fengyi Palace. Since Ye Hao left, she moved here to live.

"Do you really want to go out of the palace?" Murong sat down and looked at Mingyu gently.

"Father, I have not been out of the palace for a long time," Ming Yu said softly.

Murong Yu put his hand gently on her shoulder. "Ming Yu, not the father does not want you to go out of the palace. Your identity is not just a princess. You can only protect you in your own hands before you remove all threats." Under the eyes, do you understand?"

"I don't understand." Ming Yu shook his head. "I know that the father wants to protect me, and I want to be able to be alone in the future, but you are so careful to protect, I can only live under your wing, and How can I protect myself?"

"Ming Yu, you are still small, it is supposed to be protected." Murong said.

"But my brother is the same age as me, but he has been able to go to the world alone. He can also catch the North Hall. Father, don't you think that Mingxi is the best person to become a Prince in the future?" Asked, she knew that the father wanted her to become the crown virgin, but she felt that she did not have the ability at all.

Murong Yu gently licked her head. "Ming Xi is very powerful, but Ming Yu is also very smart."

"Father of the Emperor..." Ming Yu looked up at Murong Yu.

"You want to go out of the palace, but you must first learn how to protect yourself." Murong whispered, "Your mother is best at the sleeves, and let people make a pair of your wrists. You have to learn." Can you go out of the palace."

Ming Yu’s eyes lit up. “Does the father want to teach me martial arts?”

"It is very hard to learn martial arts. Do you want to learn?" Murong asked with a smile.

"Think!" Ming Yu nodded, "Lei Hui will be martial arts, I can let her teach me."

Murong Yan frowned slightly. "Is she often close to you?"

Ming Yu smiled. "Lei Hui is too lazy to take the initiative to come to me. I am going to find her."

"Knowing people knows no one, you don't want to trust a person too easily." Murong whispered.

"Father, don't you even believe in your own embarrassment?" Ming Yu asked seriously. "There are so many awkwardness in the palace. Don't you have a caring heart?"

Murong frowned. "These shouldn't be your question."

Ming Yu did not speak. Although she was young, she did not mean that she did not know anything. She saw that her father liked her mother, but her mother-in-law loved her, and the father was no longer meaningful.

"When you go back to the Qing dynasty, wait for the sleeves to be done, and then let people send you." Murong said, "Don't go to Lei Huizhen to study martial arts, you will pick a martial arts aunt to teach you."

"Good." Ming Yu nodded, it seems that the father is not very fond of Lei Hui.

She thinks that Lei Huizhen is actually quite good.

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