Ming Yu had not returned to his palace, but he met a small palace girl who was shrinking in front of the door. She had never seen the palace lady. She didn’t know which palace she was. She stood in front of the Fengyi Palace and watched carefully. I don't know who I am looking for.

"Go and see." Ming Yu said to the fragrance behind him.

The first step of the scent, screaming at the little palace girl, "Where is it, how is it sneaky in the princess?"

The little palace girl was shaken a little, and turned to see Ming Yuyao as Chunhua stood not far away, she snorted, "His Royal Highness, beg you, save our family, ask for you……"

"Stop, who told you to talk nonsense in front of the princess!"

Mingyu slowly came over and looked down at the little palace girl who was shivering on the ground. She seemed to have seen this palace girl. "Who is your goddess?"

"Back to the princess, our maiden is... is Shen Guifei, only the princess can save our maiden." The little palace girl has been eagerly seeking.

Shen Fanta? Ming Yu a glimpse, think of Shen Fantao, I don’t know what to do wrong, and the father’s order was forbidden. Although she did not drop her position, she has not allowed Shen Fanta to go out. The people in the palace are mostly low. I am afraid that the days of Shen Xiaoer’s life are not good.

"If your goddess has something, you should go to the emperor, not to come to me." Ming Yu said, although Shen Xiaoer has some research, but also loves her, but also has a little relationship with her mother, she does not want to see There is a bad end to Shen Fanta.

The little palace woman asked, "Princess, if there is really no way, our maiden will not let the slaves come to you. Since our maidens have been forbidden, they have already tasted the warmth and warmth. A few days ago, our maiden was sick, even please The royal doctor was not allowed... It was not good for a few days, and the slaves saw it badly before they came to the princess."

"Who doesn't allow Shen Gui to ask the royal doctor?" Ming Yu frowned and asked, "Coscent, you accompany her to the Royal Hospital, please a doctor to see Shen Guifei."

Ming Yu did not take the initiative to go to the Chuxiu Palace to visit Shen Yuaner. She did not think that Murong Yu was so easy to be deceived. Who is really sincere to her, she can know.

Shen Xiaoer is indeed very sick. She was full of expectation and hope to enter the palace. When she was a child, she had a conscience of Murong. Now she is already a young girl, and she is in the moment of seeing Murong. It was already a glimpse at first sight, and thought that she could get his favor. I didn't expect to have a sleeper. She had already entered the cold palace.

Yes, although her position is still there, she has not been sent to the cold palace, but she is no different from being beaten into the cold palace.

"Cough and cough..." Shen Xiaoer coughed up. She was banned for only a few months. She was already thin and only had a bone left. The cough has not been good. She feels she is dying.

She is too unwilling!

It’s already at your fingertips, and it’s like this.

Shen Xiaoer feels dizzy, as if the whole person is sinking in the water, and even breathing is difficult.

"The niece, the royal doctor is coming."

She seems to hear the voice of the palace lady, Shen Xiaoer wants to open her eyes, but she has no strength at all.

When the fragrance saw the appearance of Shen Fanta, she was shocked. God, a woman who was like a jade a few months ago, but now she is lying thinly, the whole person has no vitality, it is... let People saw the sadness.

Li Yu’s doctor gave Shen Xinger the pulse, and the brow was locked. After a while, he stood up and said, “Shengui’s thoughts are too heavy, the righteousness is not enough, and the evil spirits can’t be evil. The lungs will cause chest pain, the evil heat is inside, burning the lungs, it will cough up blood..."

The jujube on the side listened to the cold sweat and cried and asked, "Li Yu, what is the disease of our goddess?"

"It's lung disease, but fortunately it's not the lungs. The old man tries to take a few pills." Li Yuyi didn't say a bunch of words that they couldn't understand.

"Okay, good." Zaoer nodded, as long as he can cure their goddess.

Ningxiang said to Li Yuji, "Li Yu doctor, then it will bother you, and the slave will go back to the princess."

If it is not for the princess to come out, I am afraid that Shen Fanta is really going to die.

"...Is it so sick?" Mingyu heard the return of the fragrance, and some of them were awkward. What did Shen Yuner think about, how to turn himself into this.

"Li Yu medical road is caused by too much thinking." Condensed back.

Ming Yu frowned, she knew that Shen Yuner was forbidden, but... Is it because of the ban, so is it sick? That is too weak.

"Let Li Yu doctor to treat Shen Guifei well." Ming Yu said.

For the first time, she understood that all the women in this harem seem to depend on the emperor's grace to survive. Whoever loses favor, loses the power of life in this palace.

I don't know why, Ming Yu feels that if she is replaced by Lei Bingfu, she is estimated to be able to live well.

"And, let the House of Government not slow down Shen Guifei, the other people in the palace are also, if Shen Guizhen did something, they do not want to have a good day." Ming Yu whispered.

"Slave this to explain," said Ningxiang.

There are all kinds of snacks coming in, "Princess, the emperor will give you a snack."

"Take these snacks to Lei Huizhen, and say... it was sent by the emperor." Ming Yu blinked and said.

"Princess, this is not good." Hesitating, isn't this a false message?

Ming Yu also knows that it is not good. She waved her hand. "Forget it, let it go."

At the time of dinner, Murong Yu came to find Mingyu to eat together, and Mingyu told him about the illness of Shen Fanta.

"Father, what is wrong with Shen Guizhen?" Ming Yu asked.

"Her father colluded with Fujisaka, although she did not have time to rebel, but she also had thoughts." Murong said faintly, "In his contribution to disaster relief, he asked Shen Yuexuan to make up for it and expel him from the wilderness city." ""

Ming Yu said, "That is also the fault of Shen Yuexuan. What is the relationship with Shen Fanta?"

Murong faintly said, "I haven't blamed her, and I have a small punishment."

I really want to blame Shen Yun, she is not in the palace now.

"The father is really a little pity and jade will not be." Ming Yu sighed, is there no woman except her mother who can walk into his heart?

"You are a little girl who has not left the cabinet, what is said!" Murong whispered the Ming Yu.

Ming Yu spit out the powdered tongue. "I am also telling the truth."

"Don't say anything like this." Murong stunned uncomfortably. "If Shen Fen is ill, let the doctors heal, and wait until they are sure that they will stop moving."

"Okay, then..." Ming Yu also wants to mention Lei Bingfu.

"Use it!" Murong Yu interrupted her and didn't want to mention it.

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