Shen Shen was helped by Xu Jinbei, "Ming Ming Xi, we have to save the North Hall."

“What about Fang Weisheng?” Ming Xi asked, not eager to find Beitang.

"Here!" There was a dark guard who was forced to come over.

Fang Yusheng’s face was smugly smiling, and he looked at Mingxi with a provocative look.

"Your emperor ran, you are not afraid of death?" Ming Xi smiled and looked at Fang Yusheng.

"As long as our emperor leaves Jinguo, I will not sit still. You wait and wait, when it is time for you to ask for mercy," Fang said.

Mingxi chuckled and said, "Whether your emperor can live away from Jinguo, that is another matter. You think... who else in Beimingguo wants Beitang to live back, as long as he does not go back, Beitang One of them will be able to ascend to the school.

Fang Yusheng thought of the niece behind the two emperors, his face changed slightly. "You don't want to confuse the people. Our prince and the great prince are filial people, and will definitely save the emperor."

"Is it?" Ming Xi smiled. "Then we will make a bet. Those who come to save the North Hall will definitely look for opportunities to start with him and then blame the kingdom."

Ming Xi’s words not only made Fang Xiaosheng’s face change, but even Shen Shen’s face was stunned.

"You..." Fang Zhensheng was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He wanted to refute it, but he thought that the two emperors had already struggled in the DPRK. No one could afford to go into the water. The emperor and Qian Guizhen had already reached the point of the deadly enemy. No matter who they are in, they must not have a way to live.

He has been secretly supporting Qian Guizhen. He feels that Prince Edward is the most appropriate, but he knows more about what the Queen is. For many years, the Great Emperor still has a very important position in the eyes of the emperor, and the Queen Empress also Sitting firmly in the East Palace is not just the strength of the natal family.

Who would want to start with the emperor first?

Fang Yansheng flashed this thought in his mind and hurriedly shook his head. How was he confused by Mo Mingxi?

"This official does not bet with Huangkou children, our Prince and the Great Prince will never make such a big rebellious thing." Fang Yusheng said.

"Let him be optimistic." Ming Xi said to the fire phoenix, and looked at the sinking. "You will heal first, I will go back to Beitang."

"Young Master, I am going with you." Shen said.

Mingxi glanced at him. "You are hurt, first heal it." He said to Xu Jinbei, "Look for the doctor to heal them, I will come back soon."

He left the fire phoenix and Xu Jinbei, and went to the direction outside the city with only the nephew.

"Bring him back to the inn." Shen said pointing to Fang Yusheng.

Fang Yansheng looked at Mingxi's back with a heavy face, and he began to feel uneasy. He hoped that Mingxi would not find Beitang, and he hoped that Beitang could save someone when he was in danger.

The man who came to save the emperor today...should be a prince. He recognizes that there are several people who have seen it in the money house.

Your Royal Highness, is it really so unsettled?

"You don't have to look at it, can you see if your emperor can come back alive, just look at his luck." Xu Jinbei said to the other person, it is no wonder that Mingxi is not in a hurry to catch the North Hall. It was originally intended to make him see clearly. Your own situation.

However, if those people are really coming to kill the North Hall, then at this time the wilderness city will not soon confront the two armies?

"Shen Daren, you should go to rest first, let's just look at him." Xu Jinbei said to Shen.

"Okay." Shen looked at his subordinates and was injured. Fortunately, there was no harm. He looked at Fang Yusheng and said, "Don't let him run."

Fire Phoenix laughed. "With us watching, he can't run."

Shen Shen and other people went back to the inn to heal, this time he took eight dark guards with him, and there were six people injured.

"Adult, what is Miss Mingxi doing?" asked a dark guard who was injured in his arm.

"Yes, we are desperately trying to catch the North Hall, but he let the North Hall go away..." Someone whispered.

"We still go back to the emperor in this matter."

"Yeah, if the North Hall can't catch it, this pot is our back."


A sullen look gave them a cold look. "Shut up! Master Ming Xi has his own idea."

At first, he didn't know what Mingxi was going to do. He obviously couldn't easily catch Beitang, but he didn't seem to be rushing to bring him back to Kyoto. He only heard about Fang Yusheng and Xu Jinbei.

Master Ming Xi is waiting, waiting for someone from the North Ming Dynasty to save the North Hall, no, it should be to kill him, it seems that the North Ming State is to be civil first.

Really... a deep and deep mind, how big a child of Ming Xi has already thought of so much.

"Shen Daren, although this is true, but the North Hall is now gone, how do we have to return to the emperor." Another dark guard whispered.

"I know." Suddenly frowning nod, what happened on the road, no matter how big or small, must have been returned to the emperor. If he does not report it, it is his problem. "You should heal first."

"Adults, who will come to save the North Hall today, who will be? If it is a soldier, martial arts should not be so powerful..." There is a dark guard who talks about the black people who appear today, I feel that they are not that simple.

Sinking, I remembered those people who played today. "Their styles are skilled and skilled. They should not be soldiers. I am afraid that they are the killers of some sects in the North Ming Dynasty."

"Can the sergeant still have a killer?" Others exclaimed.

"In the northern meditation, there are indeed some sects who will secretly kill the murderer." Shen said, "These killers are not the money family, that is the king's."

It is not a secret that Qian Guizhen and the Queen of the Kings are not in the same position in the North.

I don't know who wants to kill the North Hall.

It seems that this matter can't really be crushed to hold the emperor, or to go back to the secret letter.

"I thought it was the killer of Thousands of Rakshasa at the beginning. The moves seemed to be quite similar." There is a secret guard who said that he and the killer of Thousand Rakshasa had handed over, so it was still a bit impressive.

Thousands of Luosha? Suddenly contemplative, since the dissolution of Thousands of Rakshasa, those killers disappeared. However, there are thousands of killers in the entire Thousand Lorongs. They cannot all enter the army as soldiers.

Maybe those people didn't listen to the emperor's words as an ordinary citizen, or a killer? It’s just not in Jinguo.

Shen Shen said, "I will write back to Kyoto immediately."

If these people used to be thousands of Luosha, would they still save the vine?

Fujisawa was also held in jail in the Wasteland City. His poison had no solution at all. If it wasn't for Mingxi to let the doctor hang his life, it must have died.

I don't know if he has any hidden forces in the North Ming State.

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