There were two people just beside Ye Hao, one is Mo Huaide and the other is their own teammate. Who is going to examine is very clear, but in order to be fair, the two are still taken away.

Mau Wade's face was scared and blue, and he looked back at Shun Wang. He hoped that Shun Wang would plead for him. Unfortunately, Shun Wang was suppressed by the momentum of Mo Rongzhan, and he did not dare to speak again, for fear that he would be involved.

"The emperor, the emperor, you are gracious, my son will not murder the princess." Mo Huaide's father Xinyang Hou fell to the ground to plead.

"Xinyang Hou, if your son is innocent, he will naturally let him go. If he really murders the princess, he will not cure you a crime of copying the house. It is already in your old age." Said.

Xinyang Hou suddenly shakes like a sieve. He knows that the crazy horse is related to his son, but for his son to lose the whole family, then...

Ye Hao has quietly changed back to the women's dress and returned to the Queen's side.

The Queen Mother gently grabbed her hand and took a shot. "It’s all a mess. Just if your emperor saved you, you are afraid that the injury is even heavier than the aunt."

Because the distance is a little far away, there is no Tang Yan's eyesight in the Queen Mother. I can't see the panic and worry on the face of Murong Zhan. She only thought that the emperor was saved for this sister.

"I just want to export gas to Auntie." Ye Hao said, "They are deceiving too much."

"They can't be arrogant for a long time." The Queen Mother whispered, she knew very well that the people in the clan looked down on her origins and thought that the emperor was not orthodox, so she always had some troubles behind her. She believed that the emperor would solve it sooner or later.

This time, Murong’s victory was announced directly to the ancestral hall. The Mohist Orthodox they represent has been replaced. Today’s emperor is Murong Cham, who does not want to admit it.

The next thing was that it wasn't about Ye Hao. She helped the Queen Mother's hand back to Ci Ning Palace.

Not long after, Murong Yu came back. Because he won the polo match, his spirit looked very exciting. He took Ye Hao and said non-stop. "Hey, you played polo so much. You used to play polo. ?"

"When we were in the border town, we often played polo." Ye Hao said with a smile, whether it was Lu Hao or Ye Hao, she had been in contact with polo since she was a child. She often took her to play with her brothers. It.

Murong looked at her with admiration. "Hey, how good you are if you are a man."

Ye Hao knocked on his forehead. "What, you still look down on the woman?"

"I don't mean this. If you are a man, you can accompany me every day." Murong said.

The Queen Mother shook her head in a smile. "Your emperor knows that you want to play, only to condone you for a few days. Now that the game has passed, you should study well."

Murong showed a scared expression. "I hate going to the study."

"Since you don't like to go to the study, you will go to the royal study room later, and you will read the book yourself." Murong Zhan came in from the outside, his face was flat, and his voice was cold and harsh.

Murong huddled and narrowed his neck. "I am going to the study room."

"The emperor, those clan rooms did not make trouble with you?" The Queen Mother looked at the ink to the Zhan Zhan.

"Do they still dare to make trouble?" Murong Zhan coldly screamed. "They want to use the sixth brother, the sixth brother left the Kyoto Yunyou. Only the old five and the old eight brains are unclear, and they are given the gun."

The old guys of the ancestors, old and not, do not care about the people of Limin, just thinking about what orthodoxy, the royal family has never had any orthodoxy, which emperor became the emperor, he is orthodox.

"Today's Shun Wang still hurt the aunt." When the Queen Mother thought of this, there was a sigh of relief in her heart.

Murong Chong looked at his brother and looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said with a low head to the Queen Mother. "After the mother, Aunt’s shoulders have just been treated a little, and I will re-apply him."

The Queen Mother gently decapitated, "Then go down first, today is shocked and affected, go back and have a good rest."

Sitting next to the Queen Mother, Chen Rongzhan was cold and cold, and he knew clearly that Ye Hao had an excuse to leave because he wanted to avoid him.

Murong Yu was in a good mood, but he was still a little afraid of the emperor, and he followed Ye Hao.

Ye Hao took her own ointment and re-applied him. He told him not to play polo in the past few days, so that he could return to the emperor's rest.

She also wants to rest. Today, a polo is very tired. She went to the Queen Mother to say goodbye and wants to leave the palace. The Queen Mother stayed in the palace for a few days.

"After the mother, I will be a medical girl in a few days. Can I not accompany you often when I arrive?" Ye Hao said with a smile, still insisted on going out.

There was no way for the Queen Mother to let her aunt personally send her to the palace gate.

Ye Hao came back to Lu Jia, and was immediately called by Lu Yan’s party. When she saw her immediately pulling her hand and looking at it, “I heard that you were almost injured at the polo field, how are you, okay? ?"

In the face of Lu Yizhi's concern, Ye Hao only felt disgusted and resisted. She pushed Lu Yuzhi's hand and said with a smile. "If you look at me standing here, I know I am not hurt."

Lu Yanzhi said coldly, "When you are older, you will not let them go."

"How do you know what I am doing at the polo field?" Ye Hao asked in confusion.

"Nature is someone who comes to me and said that the game between Shun Wang and Xiao Wang Ye is betting all over Kyoto. He can only win and not lose. Now he loses, he has to lose his entire body." Lu Yi said faintly.

It seems that although Lu Yizhi has been injured at home, what can happen outside, he is still clear, "Bet? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Lu Yanzhi smiled. "Don't you all be in college these days? How can you know what's going on outside? What's more, this thing is also secret. The game between Shun Wang and Xiao Wang Ye is the opening of Changpingfang. Wang won is a loss of two, Xiao Wang Ye won is a loss of ten, at the beginning many people are buying Shun Wang win, if not before a few hours, someone bought a hundred thousand two gambling Xiao Wang Ye win, estimated Shun Wang It won't be so desperate."

Ye Hao was surprised to see Lu Yizhi, "100,000? Who is betting? Changpingfang is the biggest gambling bureau in Kyoto. Is it related to Shun Wang?"

"It is the casino of Shunwang." Lu Yizhi simply explained.

"One million two is also worthy of his shot and hurt the little prince?" Ye Hao scorned, she did not believe that such a big gambling house did not even have one million.

Lu Yan’s face said seriously, “100,000 gold.”

"..." Ye Hao lived, even though Ye Jia had countless gold and silver jewels before, she had never heard of anyone who dared to bet like this.

100,000 gold... Changpingfang estimates that the oldest may not be able to produce one million two gold.

"Who is betting?" Ye Hao asked.

Lu Yan looked at her meaningfully and said, "How many people in this world can bet like this?"

Murong Cham? ! Ye Hao’s mind flashed his figure at once.

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