As Ye Yunan expected, the North Ming State really wants to surrender the Beitang publicity in the first time.

"General, Qian Danqing sent people, if we don't hand over their princes before tomorrow, we will go to war..." Ge Kuan said that the final tone was raised. "It seems that their prince is more important than the emperor. I don’t care about Beitang or our captives."

“Does the money family want to go back to the North Hall?” Ye Xiaonan asked softly. “The North Hall does not go back. The Prince is a good man, and the money is the big winner. They don’t care about the life of Beitang.”

Ge Kuan stunned. "I am going, Qian Danqing is too embarrassed."

Yan Xiaoliu said, "But the North Hall is not in our hands."

"Yes, the North Hall’s propaganda is not what we caught, maybe he is also dead.” Ge Kuan called, "Let people go with Qian Danqing."

"They won't believe it." Ye Yinan said, "The order is going on, the whole army is on standby, and we are almost in battle with the North Ming State."

Ge Kuan and Yan Xiaoliu both looked awkward, "Yes, general."

Although I know that Qian Danqing would not believe it, Ye Yinan still let the messengers go back to them. They did not arrest the Beitang propaganda. As for the guards they died, they have nothing to do with their country.

Qian Danqing listened to this and almost killed the messenger who sent the message.

In addition to Jin Guo, he couldn't think of anyone who would take the Beitang propaganda. It didn't matter if the North Hall was taken away as a prisoner, but the Prince Edward must not have an accident.

"The general, are we really going to send troops?"

"The emperor is still in the hands of Jin Guo, and the whereabouts of His Royal Highness is unknown. In case..." After the war, Jin Guo will kill the North Hall? What if His Royal Highness is in their hands?

What Qian Danqing is most afraid of is that Beitang is in their hands.

"Let people look for it again, even if it is just a clue, you must find the trace of the Prince." Qian Danqing said coldly.

He remembered the young boy he met in Jinguo. It turned out to be the son of Murong Cham. Murong Chong once let Beitang eat the biggest defeat in his life. A few years later, his son personally took the North Hall. It is.

On the way back, he always thought, fortunately, Murong Chan is no longer the Emperor of the Jin State, otherwise the teenager is the Prince in the future.

What a terrible opponent.

Qian Danqing now feels that he thinks a little innocent. Even if Mo Mingxi is not a prince, he has a sister who is a princess in the palace.

"The general, the emperor..." A young man walked over to Qian Danqing and whispered, "We are going to assassinate the emperor. The Prince still doesn't know. If the emperor returns in the future, he will tell the Prince." ""

"As long as the North Hall can't come back, you can do it." Qian Danqing said with a blank expression.

Can the North Hall really not come back? Seeing that the boy seems to be protecting him.

Qian Danqing didn't want to know what the Beitang Temple was at this time. He just wanted to let the Beitang publicity come back as soon as possible.



Beitang Xuanyuan in the wilderness city for a long time, finally slowly adapt to his identity as a mortal, he found that the mortal is more interesting than the monster, although the things he eats can not let his Jindan get cultivation, but the taste It is indeed much better.

He is increasingly satisfied with the benefits of this body.

The biggest advantage is that the practitioners on the earth will not find him, unless it is the cultivation of the Holy Emperor, otherwise they will only treat him as an ordinary mortal.

He has just won the battle and can't use his own ability. However, when he adapts to the body in the future, although he is restricted, he is still better than the mortal.

"Northern Ming Dynasty sent troops!" Suddenly, there was a scream outside.

"The gates have to be closed, and they have to fight!"


Beitang Xuanyuan was drinking alcohol in a big mouth, suddenly heard a noise outside, he picked an eyebrow, walked out of the inn, and saw people on the street with panic.

"What's wrong?" He grabbed one of them and asked in confusion, isn't he still okay? I ran all over.

"To fight, North Mingguo came over." The man cried, "Hurry and go home to prepare food."

Beitang’s mind has memories in his mind. When he hears this person, he knows what it is for.

Because "he" did not return to the military camp, it only triggered the war between the two countries.

In fact, he just wants to adapt to the body first.

He should go back and be a good friend of the Prince of the North.

Beitang Xuanqi walked slowly and walked against the people.

Yan Xiaoliu stood on the wall. He was ordered to close the gate and inspect the city wall. He knew that the people in the city were worried about the war. The street was also noisy, so he always turned his back to the street.

"Why did the man go out, the gates have been closed." A soldier snorted around him.

"Anyone who doesn't come to the city, hasn't he already passed the order?" Yan Xiaoliu frowned slightly, looked back and turned back, and did not see Beitang Xuanzhen in his eyes.

"The order has been passed down, so that the people in the city do not leave the city," the soldier said.

Yan Xiaoliu nodded gently. Suddenly, his face changed slightly, and he turned his body violently, looking at the man who came toward the gate in a sharp manner.

The young man...

"Take him down!" Yan Xiaoliu shouted loudly. "He is a North Church!"

He dared to go alone into the city!

No, the guards of the Beitang Xuanzhen are dead. How can he be in the Wasteland City?

Yan Xiaoliu saw the portrait of Beitang Xuanzhen, so he was able to recognize that the man who is walking on the street today is him.

Beitang Xuanqi looked up and saw the boy who wanted to eat it in two days. He seemed to smell the fragrant smell of the boy's blood. It was the taste of the elixir.

"If you have encountered it, then kill it and take it away." Beitang screamed and smiled, his smile was terrible.

"Stand up!" Yan Xiaoliu came down from the city wall, just in front of the North Hall.

Beitang Xuanzhen did not care that he had been surrounded. He opened his hand and caught the past with Yan Xiaoliu.

Yan Xiaoliu stunned and avoided his hand sideways.

I almost forgot, he is not a corpse now, and his hand can't hurt people.

"Beitang Xuan, you want to leave here today." Yan Xiaoliu said, there are some doubts about his tricks.

He remembers that the spy returns, and the martial arts announced by the North Church is not very good.

"I will not only leave, but also take you away." Beitang Xuanqi sneered, took out the sword hanging around his waist, and played with Yan Xiaoliu.

Yan Xiaoliu found that the martial arts of the North Hall was much better than he had imagined, and he could not stand it.

"What have you eaten?" Beitang announced that he was holding the neck of Yan Xiaoliu. "It's really fragrant, I want to drink your blood."


Yan Xiaoliu's sword was heavily stabbed in the past, but was blocked by the North Hall.

This person... actually said to drink his blood?

He remembered the monster he saw two days ago.

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