Mingyu was not the first time to go to Qinwangfu, but she was the first to know that the small yard that she had prepared for her was so delicate and elegant, just beside the upper house, in addition to the various flowers she liked, and the swing. And the pavilion, she liked it at a glance.

"You live here with your nephew. Everyone is cleaned every day." Ming Xi said to Ming Yu.

"Can't I live with you?" asked the child in confusion.

Ming Xi lightly coughed, "Hey, we have grown up, can't live together, you live with Mingyu."

The nephew was naive and naive, and she did not know that men and women were not allowed to give, and he did not want others to talk about her indiscriminately.

"Okay." The nephew seemed to understand and nodded. Anyway, she was very happy to get along with Mingyu.

Ming Xi and after they had had lunch, they went to Lujia to find Lu Shiming.

Lu Shiming was very happy with Mingxi’s return. “I heard that you entered the palace in the morning and thought you would stay in the palace today.”

"I and Ming Yu are both out of the palace. She is in Qin Wangfu and will come over tomorrow." Ming Xi said with a smile.

"I haven't seen Mingyu for half a year. I heard that she was assassinated in the palace last time. Fortunately, there is no serious problem. Your grandmother and Xiaoyaniang have been in the palace to see her." Lu Shiming whispered, "You Have you been suffering outside for half a year?"

Mingxi said, "We haven’t suffered hard. We have a good life. When they were in the Wasteland City, they all regarded me as a young master. I dare not treat me."

Lu Shiming heard the frowning. "The vine is too ignorant of Fang Yunsong. With his temper, it is impossible to be a thief."

“Grandfather knows Fang Yunsong?” Mingxi asked.

"I used to study at Fangjia College. Fang Yunsong is my teacher." Lu Shiming said that although his time at Fangjia Academy is not long, but one day is the father of his teacher, Fang Yunsong used to be his teacher. Can't change.

Ming Xi whispered, "My grandfather, there is one thing I want to tell you."

Lu Shiming saw that Mingxi’s tone was serious and he couldn’t help but ask, “What?”

"When Fujita was caught by me, he said that his grandfather was with him." Mingxi said, "I am afraid that he has done something to frame you."

"The same party?" Lu Shiming stunned. "I have never had a relationship with Fujisawa. I can't even talk about it on weekdays.

Ming Xi said, "This thing is also known to the emperor. However, he should be aware that this is the vine's nonsense, so he did not believe it."

Lu Shiming looked up at the grandson. If it was really only the **** mouth of the vine, Mingxi would not specifically tell him about it. "What do you find, continue."

"On my way back to Kyoto, I went to check out the people who had been in Kyoto City before Fujisawa. One of them was Lu, called Lu Shizhou. Now it is the prefect of Shenzhou Prefecture. It has already let the secret guards catch it. Is going to Kyoto City, this person... Have you ever asked your grandfather to do something?" Ming Xi whispered.

Lu Shizhou? Lu Shiming’s face changed. Of course, he knew that this person was the nephew of the Lujia branch. He came to Lujia when he came to Kyoto last year when he was in charge of his duties. At that time, he asked him to have a good thing.

"He wants to open a river trade in Shenzhou. At that time, some people opposed it in the DPRK. He came to ask for help. Instead, he opened the trade for the people of Shenzhou. I saw him wholeheartedly for the benefit of the people. A few words, is it... related to this?" Lu Shiming asked in surprise.

"Fuji wants to transport weapons, can not take the maritime trade of Tianjin City, can only take the river from Shenzhou, and ... also found that Lu Shizhou colluded with salt sellers, all of which fell into the hands of Fujisawa." Ming Xi Said, these were discovered not long ago, and should not have been sent to the hands of Liu Shu.

"What?" Lu Shiming was shocked. "The animal is actually... it’s so big!"

Ming Xi said, "Are you helping Lu Xizhou in front of the emperor and helping others?"

Lu Shiming shook his head. "I think again. Since I spoke for him in front of the emperor, my colleagues in the court regard him as my nephew. Everything will give me three faces. I don't know what he has done. ""

"My grandfather is loyal to the emperor, and the emperor will not believe in the vines with this." Ming Xi said, he will come to remind Lu Shiming, but also worried that he will be used.

"I immediately went to the palace to plead guilty." Lu Shiming said, "This matter does not require the emperor to ask me, I will tell the emperor one by one."

Ming Xi did not block Lu Shiming. After all, Murong Yu is only his six uncles. He does not know how Liu Shu will think about Lu Jia. If he really believes that Lu Shizhou has a relationship with Lu Shiming, he can only find another way. .

"You go to your grandmother first, I go to the palace to see the emperor." Lu Shiming said to Ming Xi.

"Good." Ming Xi nodded lightly. After Lu Shiming left, he also went to the backyard to find Yu.

He told me that Hee was coming back and was waiting in an anxious room. He wanted to go directly to the study room to find a baby grandson.

"Grandma." Mingxi began to call people when he didn't enter the house.

"My Mingxi..." He walked out directly and put Mingxi in his arms. "I see, have you suffered, see, how much is black, and you are thin, you are a child." What do you want to do when you run out? You are so relieved."

Ming Xi smiled and listened to the screaming screaming, and shouted at him with distressed emotions. He smiled. "Grandma, I am not thin, I am growing taller. You see, I am as tall as you."

It was only when she found out that her grandson who was shorter than her before she left was almost as tall as her. "It is also thin, and it must be suffering outside."

"Grandmother, I took Mingyu out of the palace. She lives in Qinwangfu today and will take her to visit you tomorrow." Mingxi diligently diverted attention.

"I haven't seen Mingyu for a long time. The emperor has been holding her in the palace. So little children, I don't know if I will be wronged in the palace." He said that he was red-eyed, since the showgirls After the palace, she didn't worry about Mingyu for a day. Don't say that jade is just a princess. She is not the daughter of the emperor. If they are pregnant, can Mingyu still have the status of today?

Su Xiaoxiao walked to the side of the family. "Mother, isn't it that Yu will come tomorrow? You will see her soon."

"Little aunt." Ming Xi gave a small ceremony to Su Xiaoxiao.

"Ming Xi is coming in and sitting down, have you used lunch?" Su Xiaoxiao held the hand of Yu, and let Ming Xi go back to the house together.

He said immediately, "Yes, I have prepared a snack, you eat a little more."

Mingxi smiled and nodded. "Okay, I will eat."

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