Mingxi didn't feel that he would look at the wrong person, but now he can't find the figure. He was very impressed with the young man. When he was in Bohai City, he didn't know himself and he was silent in order to save people. The body reveals the loneliness that makes people feel sad, and does not know what happened to him.

The youth seems to have said that he is called the ring.

"Brother, what are you looking at?" Ming Yu walked out of the tea house and saw Ming Xi standing at the door. She looked at the crowd in his sight and wondered what he was looking at.

"Nothing." Ming Xi said, "Go up."

They sat in the teahouse for less than a while, and after dinner, Mingxi took them to the temple square to see the lantern show, until the first tree flower appeared on the wall, they came outside the wall.

The high walls have rust stains. Three men wearing straw hats and sheepskins are standing under the wall. When they throw a spoonful of molten iron to the wall, they are red pearls of the size of pearls. The 哗 的 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

"Wow, so beautiful, so beautiful!" Mingyu saw this scene for the first time, and she was so clap.

I have never seen a child, and I look at the blooming tree flowers without looking at me.

"They are standing in the middle of the tree flowers, can't they be burned?" Ming Yu asked curiously.

Mingxi smiled and said, "The heads they wear are able to prevent those iron flowers from hurting them."

"Why don't they put fireworks on?" Ming Yu asked puzzledly, the difference between tree flowers and fireworks is not big.

“Which civilians can afford fireworks.” Ming Xi whispered, “It’s good to be able to see the tree flowers.”


Suddenly, the iron stove in the middle of the tree flower made a loud noise.

The tree flowers fell brilliantly, the iron furnace exploded, and the hot iron flowers shot toward the crowd.

"Ah, it's hot!" the people standing in front yelled, and soon they were on fire.

"Ming Xi..." Ming Yu's face changed.

The three people who fight the tree are also surrounded by fire.

"Fire, save people!" Ming Xi immediately called, "Ming Yu, you are next to your nephew, hurry to hide behind."

"I bring Mingyu to the back." The nephew said, if it wasn't for Mingxi's use of spiritual power to block those tree flowers, Mingyu must have been burnt at the forefront.

Ming Xi immediately went to the fire phoenix to save people.

The people who were originally in the excitement of the city were confused. The people standing behind knew that there was an accident in front of them, and they were anxious to escape. Many people were squeezed to the ground.

"Help, save your life..." The people who were on fire made a terrible cry.

Ming Xi and Huo Huang have come forward to save people.

The nephew took the hand of Ming Yu to avoid the crowd, and took her to the head of the crowd and sent her to a safe place.

"..." Ming Yu looked at her with a shocked look. She always knew that her children should not be as simple as Ming Xi said that she was an orphan, but she did not know that her children would be martial arts.

No, no, my nephew is flying with her, just like the fire phoenix took her with her.

"Hey, I don't mind here, you can help Mingxi to save people." Ming Yu said to his nephew.

"I am going to help Mingxi, then what do you do?" The nephew looked around and she sent Mingyu to the city wall to avoid the crowds who were flustered. It should be no danger.

Ming Yu said, "What can I do? The walls are guards. You are going to help Mingxi."

Besides, the dark side of her side must have the secret guards arranged by the father, and there is no danger.

"Okay, then I will go first." The nephew nodded and flew directly down the wall.

A few of the dark guards caught up to protect Mingyu’s sight of this scene, and I was shocked. I felt that the little girl’s light work was too good.

Under the wall, the screams are getting more and more fierce. Although Mingxi and Huohuang have saved a few people, there are too many people who have been splashed with iron flowers, and the crowd is too chaotic, adding a lot of trouble to save people.

Some soldiers have arrived and are helping Mingxi to save people.

Fortunately, there are rivers near the city walls, and it is easier for them to take water.

"How did the iron stove suddenly explode?" Fire Phoenix asked while saving people. "How many people have burned this."

"Don't talk nonsense." Ming Xi said, never heard that the iron stove that hits the tree will explode, but I don't know if it is an accident or an artificial one.

The nephew came to their side. "A lot of people are being stepped on the ground, and if they go on like this, they will be trampled to death."

"How come you, Mingyu?" Mingxi asked strangely.

"I sent her to the wall, I will help you," said the nephew.

Ming Xi looked up at the city wall, and she saw the Ming Yu standing on the side, and stood several dark guards near her.

"We are saving people separately." Ming Xi said.

Huo Huang said, "We can only extinguish the fire. We can't cure their injuries."

"It is very close to the medical clinic. We will send people to the medical clinic first." Ming Xi said, "There are medical doctors and medical doctors in the medical clinic. There are people everywhere in the city. I am afraid that I will find a doctor after I am not good."

"You will send the injured person to the hospital soon." Fire Phoenix said to the soldier next to him.

The soldiers did not know who the fire phoenix was. He heard him telling them to do things, and his face was disdainful.

"Send those injured to the hospital." Ming Xi took out the token of Qin Wangfu.

"Yes!" The soldiers recognized Ming Xi's identity and did not dare to slow down.

Ming Xi and Huo Huang went to save the people who were trampled.

Just when they were scattered to save people, Ming Yu didn't know when she came down from the city wall. She could see it more clearly in the heights. She saw a child being squeezed into the burning iron stove. She wanted to call Mingxi, they went to save him, but they did not see them.

She can only run down the wall, and the dark guards hurriedly stopped her.

"Princess, you are here, belong to save people." Dark guard said.

Ming Yu’s eyes were firm, and she saw that Ming Xi saved one after another. He was like a shining sun. No matter where he went, he could not move his eyes.

If he has not left, he has always been the prince of Jin Guo, then how brilliant he will be.

She doesn't want to always hide behind Mingxi.

"No, I can go." Ming Yu said.

"His Royal Highness!" The Dark Guard hurriedly caught up.

Just as Mingyu walked to the side of the child, there were more than a dozen black people around them, each with a long sword in their hands.

"Protect the princess!" Several dark guards immediately kept Ming Yu behind.

Ming Yu looked at the black people surprisingly and calmly, and suddenly understood that everything that happened tonight was directed at her.

"Who are you?" Ming Yu asked coldly.

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