Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2149: Don't kill him

It was not easy to start a medical workshop. Ye Hao gave the medical clinic to Hou Peidong. In the eyes of others, Hou Peidong was just a teenager who did not learn any skills. With the importance of medical clinics in Jinguo in recent years, Everyone discovered that the teenagers who had been despised by them were no longer just a child.

Today's medical clinics are bigger than eight years ago. Although Ye Hao went to the sea when the medical workshop was first founded, Murong Zhan did not neglect the medical clinic. Similarly, in the past few years, Murong Yu also gave the medical Great tolerance and support.

It’s not that no one has provoked it, but unfortunately it has been resolved by Hou Peidong.

Although Hou Peidong is not a doctor, there is absolutely no one in the management of medical clinics.

He is only returning to the hospital in Kyoto City today. Now there are medical clinics all over the country. He will go to the inspections during the break, and he did not expect to come back to encounter such a big thing.

"Hou Daren, the medicine for burns is not enough." A medical woman came over in a hurry and said to a man in a brocade.

This young man is not someone else, it is Hou Peidong.

"People go to the city to deploy and send all the burns to the hospital." Hou Peidong screamed, "Let Joe to step up the potion."

The doctor said, "Dr. Qiao is already concocted, but there are too many patients, and we can't get away from it for a while."

Hou Peidong looked around with a cold look. This kind of thing happened tonight is definitely unexpected. He has been playing games for many years. He has never had anything to do. How can this happen?

"Who sent these injured people?" Hou Peidong asked the soldiers next to him.

The soldier did not answer, and he heard a clear voice. "It is me."

"Master Mingxi."

Hou Peidong turned his head and looked at the past. Some of them looked at Mingxi with suspiciousness. He felt that he was a bit familiar, and then saw the Princess Mingyu around him. He suddenly realized that he knew who the boy was.

"Chen Chen has seen Princess Her Royal Highness." Hou Peidong flashed a glimmer of light and looked at Ming Xi, "Ming Xiu Xia."

He knew Lu Hao that they came back a few months ago, and thought that the people who would never see again in this life finally came back.

If Lu Hao didn't trust him so much at the beginning, he may still be just a son of Houfu.

They are able to come back, really good.

"Hou Daren, is the medicine in the medical workshop enough? I have already let people go to the palace to send the medicines to spare." Mingyu looked around worriedly. Some people’s injuries looked heavy. I don’t know if I can support them. Go on.

"Not enough, I have already gone to the city to deploy." Hou Peidong whispered, "Chen heard that there was an accident in the tree, and the princess and Master Mingxi could be injured?"

Ming Xi shook his head. "We are fine. What about the three people who fight the trees?"

"They are more seriously injured and are still unconscious now," Hou Peidong said.

As I spoke, there was a burst of exclamation outside.

Ming Yu turned his head and looked back. A tall and tall figure appeared on the door of the medical workshop.

Father? She snorted and watched Murong step by step toward her, stopping in front of her, her tone a little nervous, "Mingyu, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Father, how come you?" Ming Yu whispered, so quickly passed to the father's ear, after the father did not let her follow Mingxi to go out.

Murong Yu came to the front of Ming Yu, hands on her shoulders, and carefully looked at her up and down, sure that she was not injured, and then spoke quietly. "First come back to the palace, you will definitely be behind the scenes." Isolated."

"Father, I am fine, Guantuan and Mingxi saved me." Ming Yu pointed to Mingxi next to him.

Guanuan? Murong Yi felt that the name sounded familiar, and looked sideways, his eyes sharply falling on the young people around Mingxi.

Murong Yu met with the squad. When he went to the priest's palace to save the sorrow, he met Lu Yizhi on the road. At that time, Guan Guan was only a teenager, and he always followed Lu Yanzhi, and the martial arts was very exquisite.

“Who sent you here?” Murong Yan reached out and clasped the neck of Guanuan. “Who wants you to be close to Mingyu?”

"Let's let go!" The barrier was struggling, and the iron bars in his hand slammed into Murong.

Murong Yu lightly avoided, and found that the martial arts of Guan Guan was more exquisite than when he first encountered it.

"Six uncle, what are you doing?" Ming Xi held his arm.

"Do you know who he is?" Murong asked coldly, "I actually let him be there!"

Mingxi heard a shock, "I saw him in Bohai City to save people, Liu Shu, have you seen the ring before?"

"Father, he saved me. If it weren't for him, I might have been killed." Ming Yu called.

"Yeah, six uncles, Guantuan did not hurt Mingyu." Ming Xi said.

Guan Guan grips the iron bar in his hand. He knows that this person's identity is not low, so he does not continue to work. If he really wants to kill himself, he will not be arrogant.

Murong’s eyes stared coldly at the ring, thinking that Lu Yizhi was dead, and it was difficult for him to put down his vigilance.

"Who made you come to Kyoto City?" Murong asked coldly.

"The emperor ... the emperor, the emperor ... the minister brought him." Wang Qu came in from outside the door, saw this scene shocked and could not speak, "Is this child saying the wrong words anger you, Chen Give him a sin, the emperor..."

Murong Yan looked at Wang Qu with a frown. "You brought him? Do you know who he is?"

Wang Quyu was in the same place. "He...he was wandering around. He was rescued in Bohai City. The younger brother of Mingxi was handed over to the court to take care of him. He saw that his martial arts were not weak, and he was childish, so he stayed in the military camp. This time I will bring him back to Beijing."

"Yeah, six uncles, shut the ring is stupid, injured and still save people, I let Wang General look after more." Ming Xi followed.

Murong Yusong’s neck was closed and his face was still cold. “He used to be Lu Yi’s.”

Both Ming Xi and Ming Yu have heard of Lu Yizhi, but they are young, and they don’t remember what Lu Yuzhi did. He only knows that he is the enemy of Yan Niang.

"Lu Yizhi is already dead, how can the customs ring be in Bohai City?" Ming Xi asked.

"You are close to Mingxi, they want to take revenge for Lu Hao?" Murong asked coldly.

Guan Guan frowning and looking at Murong Yu, "Who is Lu Yuzhi?"

"You don't remember Lu Yizhi?" Murong stared at him tightly.

"Who is he?" Guanuan confused, he really does not know who Lu Yizhi is.

Wang Qu was busy whispering, "The emperor, the head of the ring has a big scar, will it be because of the injury, so forget the previous things."

"Father, don't kill the ring." Ming Yu whispered.

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