The three black men were detained in the dark guards, and Shen Shen was interrogating them. However, no matter how severely tortured, the three of them did not say a word, and looked indifferently as if they could not hear him. a threatening word.

I have been in the dark guard for many years, and I have encountered such a situation for the first time. Anyone who has been hard-working before, in the face of the torture of the secret guards, will certainly have fear and hesitation, where are these three people, even There is no sound at all.

It is really weird.

"Shen Daren, Master Ming Xi came." A dark guard came in and whispered to Shen.

"Look at them." Shen Qian wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a deep breath to see Ming Xi.

Mingxi was the first time they came to the secret sanctuary. They didn't feel it outside. When they came in, they found that there was a **** smell.

The sorrowful sighs are the next one. "How can I bring Master Mingxi to such a pickled place?"

"Nothing, Shen Daren, I asked to come in. I want to see the three assassins." Ming Xi explained that he knew what the secret guard was. If he was afraid, he would not come in.

"This..." Hesitantly hesitated. "Ming Xiu Xi, the three people are very hard, tortured for a long time, still refused to reveal a word, the blood in the prison room is terrible, afraid of dirty your eyes."

Ming Xi said, "No matter, I have already seen bloody."

When he heard that Ming Xi said so, he had to take him to the torture room and secretly guarded all the criminal chambers. Different prisoners had different arrangements. The three assassins were arranged in the innermost punishment room.

When Mingxi saw the three of them, their blood was scarred and there was almost no intact skin, but the look on their faces was still indifferent, as if they did not feel pain at all.

"They still refuse to confess?" Mingxi's eyes flashed a bit of a strange, have been labeled like this, how many people are loyal to their master.

Shen Xiao nodded gently, "I will not say a word."

Ming Xi went to one of them. "Who made you come?"

The man only looked at Mingxi with a calm look, as if he did not hear Mingxi’s question.

"Use the sentence!" Shen said coldly, let the subordinates continue to use the three assassins.

Mingxi looked at them with a slight brow. This kind of punishment is more than the pain that the human body can bear. As a mortal, they can't have any pain.

"Open your mouth and look at it." Ming Xi suddenly said.

I looked at Mingxi with a singular look and personally went forward to open a black man's mouth. He screamed in shock. "No tongue?"

"Adult, neither of these two."

"Don't ask them." Mingxi said faintly, "I can't ask."

Shen Shen whispered, "Go get a pen and paper, they can't talk, can't you write it?"

"They are not only the tongue is pulled out, I am afraid that even the ears can not hear the sound." Ming Xi whispered, "They are specially trained dead soldiers, the body has been feeding medicine since childhood, I do not know the pain is not aware, I can't talk, I can't hear what others say."

These people have already suffered more terrible pain, and they are naturally indifferent to their questions.

"That... don't ask?" Shen Wei looked at Mingxi with amazement. "I didn't expect anyone to train a dead man."

Even when Qian Luozha was still there, their killers were not dead.

"Now if you kill them, you can't ask words, let them live well, the dead people need to feed the medicine often, they are not afraid of pain now, it is the drug's medicinal properties, and they have to wait for their medicinal properties." Ming Xi whispered Say.

"Yes." Shen Shen gently nodded, my heart was surprised, how old Master Ming Xi was, he actually knew more than him.

Mingxi looked at three black people, "Shen Daren, then they will give it to you, I will go back first."

Shen Shen personally sent him to the door, outside the door of the secret guard, there are several teenagers waiting.

"Shen Daren please stay." Ming Xi said to Shen.

"Ming Xi, how come, have you asked?" Xu Jinbei, they came over and asked.

"I can't ask, they are dead." Mingxi said faintly, "I haven't dawn yet, first go back to Qin Wangfu, and tomorrow I will go to the palace and ask Yan Xiaoliu."

"Good." Xu Jinbei nodded.



Murong Yu took Ming Yu into the palace, and he personally sent her back to Fengyi Palace.

"Father, I am really fine, you don't have to worry about me." Mingyu can feel the tension of Murong, but she is calm and not scared by what happened tonight.

"If you are not shutting up to save you tonight, what do you do?" Murong whispered, although he did not see the scene with his own eyes, but the scene of the dark guard, he can think of it.

If Mingyu has a little hurt, he will not feel bad about himself. If you know it, you will definitely feel more distressed.

Ming Yu said, "But I am still saved, my father, I will be more careful in the future."

"The father will not let anyone hurt you." Murong whispered that those people did not want Mingyu to become the female emperor of Jinguo in the future. He wanted to let Mingyu sit in that position. Bullying Ming Yu.

"I will protect myself too." Ming Yu said seriously.

Murong Yan smiled and licked her head, remembering Yan Xiaoliu, who was far away from the wilderness city. He asked Yan Xiaoliu to go to the Wasteland City. The original intention was to want him to practice more and he would protect Mingyu in the future. The news of serious injuries, if you let Mingyu know, will definitely worry.

Then don't tell Mingyu about this news for the time being.

"It's not early, take a rest, and see you again tomorrow." Murong said.

"Good." Ming Yu smiled sweetly.

Murong Yu still went to check what happened tonight, and he did not accompany Ming Yu. He left after a few words.

"The emperor." Xue Lin and Wu Chong went to a ceremony.

"Tonight's business, check whether there is any relationship with the palace." Murong screamed coldly, Ming Yu will go to the temple fair is not everyone knows, it must be leaked, "Yejia and Lu The family also checked."

Check Lujia and Yejia? Xue Lin stunned. "Yes, the emperor."

Lu Jia and Ye Jia are both princess's foreigners, and it is impossible for the princess to be disadvantaged.

"Go." Murong walked forward to the front. He thought that the cleaning six months ago had calmed Kyoto City. I didn't expect anyone to want to hurt Mingyu.

"The Minister of the Cabinet passed into the palace." Murong said.

For a moment, I’m already in the middle of the night, and I have to meet with the cabinet minister.

Murong Yu returned to the royal study, not long after, Shen Jin went to the palace to seek.

"Come in." Murong condensed.

"The emperor..." Shen Yi took a gift and told Murong Yu about the situation of the three black men. "Now the doctor has been asked to heal them and temporarily save their lives."

Dead man! Murong’s twilight is even colder than ice. “Make sure they let them know the mastermind!”

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