"Six uncle, how is Yan Xiaoliu injured?" Ming Xi asked, Xu Jinbei can only hear about Yan Xiaoliu's injury, and the other does not know anything at all.

"How do you know that he was injured?" Murong asked faintly, and it was not unexpected that Mingxi would ask Yan Xiaoliu.

Jin Guo and Bei Ming Guo have already fought, and the wars over there will always be rewarded to him. Yan Xiaoliu was injured, he only knew it yesterday.

"I heard it." Ming Xi said, "Six uncles, Yan Xiaoliu's injury is not heavy?"

"The North Hall declared that it was hurt." Murong Yu did not really want to know how Ming Xi knew exactly. After all, he was not an ordinary young master. "The injury is very serious. You have already sent a medical officer."

Mingxi has a slight glimpse, "The Prince of the North Ming Dynasty? Impossible! His martial arts will never be better than Yan Xiaoliu."

Although he has not seen the propaganda of the North Hall, he has been checked before. The North Hall publicity does not like martial arts. His martial arts is still mandatory by Qian Danqing.

"Have you seen the North Hall publicity?" Murong asked.

"No, but Yan Xiaoliu's martial arts is definitely better than Beitang Xuanqi." Ming Xi said.

Murong sighed, "On the battlefield, it is not martial arts, it means everything."

Ming Xi was frowning and felt that Murong Yu had something to look at him.

"Ming Yu is here." Murong Yu's face sank, he did not want Ming Yu to know Yan Xiaoliu's injury.

The door of the royal study was pushed open, and Mingyu hurried in. "Father, father."

"How can you run in like this?" Murong Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at the Ford outside the door with some disappointment.

"The slave didn't see the princess, and asked the emperor to punish him." Ford said helplessly, he just wanted to stop Mingyu. He didn't expect the Mingyu ghost to be very good. He easily avoided him. Where are the other small palace people? Dare to force her.

Ming Yu took the sleeves of Murong Yu. "Father, don't blame Fu Gonggong. I am too anxious to know the truth."

"What do you want to know?" Murong Yu let them all retreat.

"The three assassins have been recruited? Who is going to kill me?" Ming Yu asked, she wants to know who it is, actually using such cruel means, even so many innocent people.

Ming Xi looked at Ming Yu, and Ming Yu’s feelings for Yan Xiaoliu. If he knew that he was injured, he might want to go to the wasteland immediately. In this way, he would not give others more opportunities to start with her.

He agreed with Murong’s statement that he should not let Ming Yu know about Yan Xiaoliu.

"Not yet, they are not willing to say anything, you have already checked it." Murong said.

Ming Yu is different, and there is the truth that the secret guard can't ask. She thinks that no matter who, as long as she enters the dark guard, she will say everything.

"The three assassins are dead, not talking, and they have been feeding medicine since childhood. The body does not know the pain. It will take another few days, and the drug effect will not be controlled and then interrogated." Ming Xi explained.

"Dead?" Mingyu never heard of a dead man. "The people who were injured yesterday... killed a few people?"

Murong licked her head. "Twenty-three people are dead. You will be kind to the family of the deceased."

"So much?" Ming Yu felt angry and sad, isn't the injured person more?

"There are some people who were killed when they fled." Murong whispered that he knew that Ming Yu’s heart was charitable and that he did not intend to let her know. However, if you think about it carefully, you should let Ming Yu go. bear.

Ming Yu said, "Wait a few days, let people do a ritual for these people in Huguo Temple."

These people are all tired of her, she can only compensate as much as possible.

"Good." Murong Yu was surprised. He thought that Ming Yu would be uncomfortable crying. She did not expect her to be stronger than he thought.

Mingxi stood up and said, "Six uncles, if there is nothing else, then I will go out of the palace first."

"Okay." Murong decapitated, thinking that these days still have to make people stare at Mingxi, lest some people even let Mingxi not let go.

"Brother, I want to..." Ming Yu whispered Mingxi.

Ming Xi smiled and said, "Take you out of the palace in two days."

I knew that I would say this, Ming Yu snorted in my heart.



Mingxi did not return to the Qin Wangfu, he went to the secret guard.

"You want to see... Beitang?" Shen He heard that Ming Xi’s intentions were stunned. He thought he was coming to see the assassin. How come to see the North Hall?

"Yes, there are a few words that I want to ask him." Ming Xi whispered, "I still hope that Shen Daren will be able to get through."

Shen Qiang said hurriedly, "The words of Master Ming Xi are heavy, please come with the official."

The North Hall was originally captured by Ming Xi, and there should be no problem if you want to see one side.

As a captive of the Jin State, the life of the North Hall in the Darkhouse is still quite good. At least one room is for him to live in. Although it is not a secret guard, it is much better than a cell.

"Murong 恪? When did he come to see him?" Beitang 叫 every day will be called to see Murong 恪, day by day violent, but unfortunately, no one can do so.

"Don't be noisy, call every day, keep a dog quieter than you."

The north hall was suffocating and screaming.

When Mingxi came all the way, he heard that the Beitang’s mouth was full of screams, and there was the emperor’s grace, just like a madman.

"North Hall." Ming Xi pushed the door and looked at the tall man who was walking back and forth in the house.

"You..." Beitang looked at Mingxi, who was the most hated person in his life. He would have the loneliness of today, that is, thanks to this stinky boy.

Mingxi said faintly, "There are a few words to ask you, your son Beitang Xuan, how is his martial arts?"

"Why do you want to tell you!" North Hall said.

"If you don't worry about your son being changed, you don't want to say it." Although martial arts on the battlefield does not mean everything, Yan Xiaoliu is not just a martial artist. When he was a child, he followed his own books. He and Huangfu both taught. After Yan Xiaoliu, he could not have the secret of the North Hall.

He suspected that Beitang Xuan was replaced by Qian Danqing!

Beitang frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"What is your son's martial arts compared to you?" Mingxi asked again.

"His martial arts is Qian Danqing, and there should be 40% of the skill." Beitang hesitated, but also answered the question of Murong Yu, "What do you want to ask?"

Only with the skill of Qian Danqing, it is even more impossible to win Yan Xiaoliu.

“Thank you.” Mingxi nodded faintly and turned away.

North Hall is furious and wants to rush. "Mu Mingxi, what do you want to do? Hey tell you, your son is not so easy to be defeated by you!"

When Ming Xi walked out of the dark guard house, the anxiety in his heart did not ease. He always felt that any thoughts were ignored. He slowly walked back to the Qin Wangfu.

"Former Master, our lady, please hurry to Ye Jiayi." Outside the Wangfumen, a carriage was parked, which was Yejia.

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