It was Jin Shanshan who came to see Mingxi. She heard last night that Yu had encountered an assassin at the temple fair. When she sent people to Qinwangfu, Mingxi did not return. Later, she learned that Mingyu was brought back to the palace. Therefore, she knows that Mingyu is innocent, or she will not have no wind all night.

However, she received a letter from Ye Yinan early in the morning, so she immediately came to find Mingxi.

Ye Jia’s people have been out for a long time, from Qin Wangfu to the Imperial Palace, and finally found the Lord in the Dark Guard.

The aunt is actually looking for him so urgent? It seems that there is an urgent matter.

Mingxi came to Yejia at the fastest speed, and Jin Shanshan was waiting for him in the hall.

"Auntie, are you looking for me?" Mingxi strode in.

"Ming Xi, you are finally here, I have been looking for you for a long time." Jin Shanshan saw Ming Xi immediately said, "You have written in the wasteland city, and I am willing to hand you this letter as soon as possible."

When Ye Yinan went out, he would not write a letter often. Even if he had a letter, he would only report peace. One of the letters was given to Mingxi. He also told her that she must hand it over to her nephew. It seems that there is an urgent matter.

"Hey, give me a letter?" Mingxi stunned. He took the letter from Jin Shanshan's hand and quickly opened it. He hadn't read the contents of the letter yet. He had changed his face and kept the letter in his hand. .

"Ming Xi, what happened?" Jin Shanshan asked nervously. She was worried that Ye Yinan had difficulties. In order not to let her worry, she deliberately wrote to Mingxi.

"It’s a small six." Ming Xi said, "Auntie, I have to do it beforehand."

Jin Shanshan seized the hand of Ming Xi. "Isn't that what happened to you on the side of the wasteland?"

"No, it doesn't matter to you, you don't worry about your aunt." Mingxi said with a smile.

"You didn't lie to me?" Jin Shanshan is still very suspicious.

Ming Xie said seriously, "No."

Jin Shanshan loosened the hand of Ming Xi. "I also heard that Xiao Liu was injured. I don't know how his injury is."

"Small six is ​​a little hurt, but there is nothing wrong with it." Ming Xi said that he did not even believe in himself. If he did not receive a letter from him, he felt that Yan Xiaoliu’s injury was a mortal. He was hurt, but now he doesn't think so.

"I hope that Xiaoliuji people have a heavenly body." Jin Shanshan said.

Mingxi nodded, "Auntie, then I will go first."

"Well, what do you need to help your mother, even though." Jin Shanshan said.

Mingxi took Ye Xinnan's letter back to Qin Wangfu, and found the nephew and the fire phoenix in the backyard. The two of them were planning to go out.

"Hey, fire, where are you going?" Mingxi asked.

"The people in the palace just said that Jade is looking for you, we are trying to find you." said the child.

Ming Xi saw the letter in his hand and gave it to his nephew. "This is the letter that you gave me, look at it."

"This is..." When the child opened the letter, he saw the portrait inside. "The corpse beast! Have you met the corpse?"

"The corpse ran to the military camp and went there. It didn't hurt me. He had never seen such a thing before. He thought it was a beast." Mingxi said quietly. "I went to see Beitang today, he The son’s martial arts is flat, and it is impossible to hurt Yan Xiaoliu. However, you have seen the letter from you. He said that Beitang’s propaganda has disappeared for two days. Wugong is even worse than Qian Danqing... Yan Xiaoliu is not The injured on the battlefield was seen in the north of the wilderness city and was injured by him."

The nephew was shocked to see the letter in his hand. "Ming Xi, you... Do you suspect that the corpse bessed?"

"Besides this possibility, I can't think of other reasons." Ming Xi whispered.

"If the corpse beast really won the North Hall, then the war in the wilderness would not stop." Fire Phoenix frowned. "The corpse beloved likes to eat the corpse. The battlefield is the most dead soldier. With his heart."

Ming Xi said with a deep voice, "I am afraid we have to go to the wasteland again."

If the North Hall is really a corpse, it will not be his opponent. He has to save Yan Xiaoliu and help the corpse.

"Then you have to go to the advanced palace to find Mingyu, she seems to be anxious to find you." Dear said, it is not difficult for them to go to the wasteland, and they have to seize the corpse.

"Good." Mingxi nodded. "I am in the advanced palace, you are ready."

Ming Xi and Huo Huang looked at each other and said, "Okay."



It was not long before Murong’s exit in Mingxi’s palace, and he learned that he went to the North Point to see the North Hall.

For this little nephew who has been missing for a few years, he always felt that he couldn’t understand it. On the day of returning to Yunshan, he first knew that Mingxi had a fire and anger. After so many years of disappearance, the martial arts of this little scorpion is also leaps and bounds, maybe Still above him.

Why is he going to see the North Hall? It seems that the propaganda of the North Hall can hurt Yan Xiaoliu.

"The emperor, the North Hall is still noisy to see you." Du Fu told Ming Rong to go to the secret sanctuary to tell Murong Yu, and said that the North Hall was arguing all day at the Darkhouse.

"Then take him to see you." Murong said in a cold voice, he thought about it and said, "Go to the dark guard."

Du Fu took a moment, and some wondered why Murong had to go to the shelter in person, but he did not ask, "Yes, the emperor."

Beitang was half-dead by Ming Xi, and it was a anger. Suddenly he heard that Murong Yu wanted to see him. He still did not respond until he saw a tall and handsome man appearing in his sight. He believed. I finally saw Murong.

"Murong, what time do you want to take care of?" Beitang asked with a grin.

"You are a captive, you are the hostage of the negotiations, but you seem to have no one wanting to talk to you in the North Ming State. No one wants you to go back." Murong said faintly.

Bei Tang shouted, "That is Qian Danqing's stalking from the middle. As long as he goes back, he can naturally stop the war between the two countries. Murong Yu, you don't want to spend your troops in the future to be envied by Qi and Yuan."

"You are right." Murong smiled. "But, why do you believe in you, can you go back to Beiming, can you be your emperor? Your son, maybe you will soon be self-proclaimed." Emperor."

"Impossible!" Beitang is not willing to believe that his son will be so ruthless, "He said, give you ten cities, you will go back."

"What do you want to do in ten cities? Wait for the princes of your northern meditation to fight yourself. You may be able to ask for your entire northern dynasty." Murong said with no expression, there was no negotiation at all. condition.

Beitang钰 heard that Murong Yu said that his face was already gloomy like a piece of ice.

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