Lei Bingfu finally knows why Murong Yu wants to order no one to disturb Mingyu. It turns out that Mingyu is not in the palace.

She is really envious of Ming Yu.

When you are at an appropriate age, it is a very happy thing to be able to go out and see this world.

It is the saddest thing that she grew up in the palace and was eventually killed by the true sex.

Ming Yu can freely experience some of her wonderful things outside, very good, she does not want Murong to find Mingyu so quickly.

However, Murong told her to do things, she still has to do it.

On the following day, Lei Bingfu let people go to Jin Shanshan to enter the palace.

"Mother, Mrs. Ye is coming." Lilac went back and forth.

Lei Bingfu looked at himself in the mirror, um, very good, the makeup is very dignified and quiet, the clothes are not demon, not giving people a feeling of being too strong, the most suitable for her.

"I have seen Huisiang Niangniang all the time." Jin Shanshan did not know that Mingyu was not in Kyoto City. She only heard that Yu was sick and was eager to hand in the palace, and she got the news that Lei Hui called her into the palace.

She thought that Lei Bingfu was looking for her because of Ming Yu's illness.

Lei Bingfu opened her body and only accepted half a ceremony. She personally supported Jin Shanshan’s hand, and said with a smile, "Mrs. Ye is very polite, please sit down."

Jin Shanshan was anxious to visit Mingyu, but he could not directly speak to Lei Bingfu. He had to sit down and sigh. "Thank you for your support."

"Mrs. Ye, please invite you into the palace today because there is something I want to tell you." Lei Bingfu sent all the people in the temple down, and he whispered to Jin Shanshan.

She knew that Murong Yu did not send a dark guard to stay around. He knew that Jin Shanshan would be martial arts. If he was discovered, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Mother, please say." Lei Bingfu's tone is a bit serious, Jin Shanshan sat up straight, worried about what happened to Mingyu.

Lei Bingfu can be counted as countless people. Although she saw Jin Shanshan for the first time, she knew that this was a simple and neat woman. She had inquired about Mrs. Ye before, and heard that she used to be the daughter of the general of the North Ming Dynasty. After being arrested by Ye Yinan, he learned that his father was killed, and later he and Ye Rongnan lived together for a long time. The two also fought together on the battlefield.

The daughter of the famous, has a bright and upright style.

"It's related to Mingyu..." Lei Bingfu said how to tell Jin Shanshan about things.

Jin Shanshan’s expression is tight. “Mother, is it the disease of Mingyu...”

"You don't have to worry, Mingyu is not sick." Lei Bingfu said busy.

“Is not sick?” Jin Shanshan stunned.

Lei Bingfu coughed lightly. "The thing is like this. The night before, Ming Yu disappeared in the palace in the middle of the night. It was taken away by Ming Xi, and he still left a note saying that he was going to the wasteland."

"..." Jin Shanshan's look froze, and Mingxi actually took Mingyu to the wasteland?

"It seems that Mrs. Ye did not know the decisions of several children before." Lei Bingfu said, "Ming Xi even did not say anything."

Jin Shanshan almost stood up. "How can I know that Mingxi did not mention it at all?"

"The emperor is also very anxious for this matter, even for the injury of Yan Xiaoliu, Ming Xi and Ming Yu are not so sneaking away." Lei Bingfu said a cup of tea.

"That is of course, the wilderness is chaos, they are still children, how can I go?" Jin Shanshan did not say good, if she let her know this, she will stop them.

Ming Xi is also true, actually secretly missing Ming Yu.

Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "In fact, there is no such thing as Mingxi’s beside the princess. Master Mingxi and his two friends are all martial arts."

"Listen to the sissy, it seems that I am not worried about the safety of Mingyu outside?" Jin Shanshan frowned and asked, it really is not his own, and he does not care about the safety of Mingyu.

"I just think that girls can go out and go very well." Lei Bingfu knows what Jin Shanshan is thinking, but she is too lazy to explain, "However, Mrs. Ye, Master Ming Xi took the princess before going to Yejia. I don't know what it is for?"

Jin Shanshan’s face was cold. “Is it true that Hui Niang is doubting our Ye Family?”

Lei Bingfu sighed, "Mrs. Ye, I just want to know that in addition to the injury of Yan Xiaoliu, the two children will be so anxious to go to the wasteland because of what."

"How can I know about the whole body." Jin Shanshan’s tone is still full of anger. She has heard that Yu is very close to Lei Bingfu, so she is holding a three-pointed attitude towards this Lei Huizhen. If we have our own children, will we still be good at Mingyu? Nowadays, it is better to get the attention of Ming Yu. I heard that Lei Bingfu is very favored, mostly because of Mingyu’s reason.

"I don't know if Mrs. Ye doesn't know, I just ask." Lei Bingfu smiled slightly. She knows that no matter who is Lujia or Yejia, she must be wary of her or other favored people. This is all human. Often, she didn't care about her heart. She lived for so many years. If she couldn't even break this point, then the Queen Mother of her first few years was also white.

She is not sincere about Ming Yu, and she does not need to be recognized by others.

"I really don't know." Jin Shanshan looked at Lei Bingfu, pressed his emotions down, and calmed down the reason for entering the palace today. Lei Bingfu is just a benefit, although he has the highest position in the palace, but there is no In charge of the trivial things in the palace, if it is not the imperial concession, she can not call herself into the palace.

What does the emperor mean? Do you suspect her, or Ye Family?

Jin Shanshan’s heart was irritated and did not like this inexplicable temptation.

"Mrs. Ye, you don't have to think about it, this palace is only concerned about Mingxi and Mingyu, and Mingxi once had the grace of this palace." Lei Bingfu whispered.

What does this mean? Lei Bingfu, is this showing to Ye Family? Ming Xi has long known her?

Jin Shanshan’s doubts were too many, and she took a deep breath. “The day before yesterday, I let Ming Xi go to the house, because the general had a letter to him, and after Mingxi had read the letter...” She recalled Mingxi The expression, "I seem to be very worried, I don't know what the letter is saying, or it is related to Yan Xiaoliu's injury."

Lei Bingfu slightly raised his eyebrows, it seems that it is related to Ye Minnan's letter, but now it is speculation, she is completing the task.

"The emperor has sent people to find Mingyu." Lei Bingfu said, "However, I believe that Mingxi will protect Mingyu."

"That is of course." Jin Shanshan's mouth twitched a smile, but his heart was anxious to know what Ye Yinan had written to Mingxi. He knew that the day he had asked clearly, and he would have to send a letter to the wasteland.

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