There were a lot of people who were burned, and several injuries were heavy. Ye Hao re-opened the veins one by one and reopened the medicine. Unconsciously, it was already dark. Looking at the dark night outside, she remembered Murong Zhan entered the palace for a long time, and has not come to him yet, it seems to be very busy.

"Anniling..." Hou Peidong came over with a tray in his hand. "You didn't eat anything in a day, first eat some snacks, I have already made people prepare for dinner."

Ye Hao said with a smile, "I don't feel hungry."

"Those patients are reluctant to have a good time, and they seem to have a lot of pain." Hou Peidong said.

"I just raised my hand, they are innocent disasters." Ye Hao sighed in a low voice. "Hou Daren, you have worked hard in these years."

Hou Peidong shook his head and smiled. "The girl is heavy."

"I am not a queen, you are not suitable for my goddess." Ye Hao laughed.

"Oh, I have forgotten it again." Hou Peidong gently smacked his mouth. "You are now Qin Wang."

Ye Hao smiled at him. He remembered that when he first saw Hou Peidong, he was still a rogue. He did not expect that he would become mature and stable in the past few years. "It is not too early. I should go to the city. I will come again tomorrow. ”

"Then I will **** you back to the city." Hou Peidong immediately said.

"Don't be so troublesome, I rode out of the city myself." Ye Hao laughed. She was anxious to come to the hospital today. Even the carriage was not set, and she picked a horse from Yejia.

In Hou Peidong's memory, Lu Hao often overlaps with Ye Hao's image. They are all beautiful ladies. When she hears that she is riding out of the city, he is a bit unimaginable.

"But...something is not very safe now." He remembered that Ye Daye personally taught Ye Hao to ride horses. It seems that Lu Hao was also good at riding since childhood. However, he heard that there was an assassin on the tree flower day. Want to assassinate the Princess of Ming Yu, Lu Yan is the princess's biological mother, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be danger.

Ye Hao hopes that the assassins will dare to appear to kill her, and by then she is more likely to force who is going to hurt Ming Yu.

"Hou Daren don't care too much, I have my own way to protect myself." Ye Hao waved his hand and gestured to Hou Peidong not to worry.

"Wang Hao..." Hou Peidong was trying to persuade her to **** him back to the city, but saw that Ye Hao had stepped out and went out.

He hurriedly chased behind her and went outside the gate of the medical clinic. Ye Hao’s horse was tied to the big tree. She had already acted on the horse and turned back to wave with Hou Peidong. “Hou Daren does not have to send it.”

After that, she has left.

Even the time for Hou Peidong to send someone to **** is not given to him.

Hou Peidong looked at the back that had disappeared into the night, only to hear the snoring of the fading, he thought that she still had such a heroic side, and did not find it before.

"Hou Daren." He medical officer did not know when it appeared, standing behind Hou Peidong.

"He medical officer, is there something?" Hou Peidong looked back and saw the medical officer, his expression was cold.

"Hou, don't you go home?" He medical officer asked with a smile.

Hou Peidong said faintly, "Do not return."

He medical officer frowned and said, "Hou, you have not returned home for a long time, my wife misses you..."

"He medical officer!" Hou Peidong aggravated the tone. "Ben Hou's family affairs, outsiders are inconvenient to ask, returning home, when to go home, are the things of the prince, I hope you recognize your duty."

"I just care about my wife, see my wife miss Hou Ye every day, but I can't see Hou Ye, and my heart is for her..." He Medical Officer's face was stiff, and she was the first time she was down by Hou Peidong, and suddenly felt that she couldn't stand her face.

Hou Peidong showed a sneer. He and his wife, He, were originally respectful. In the past two years, He did not know where to hear the rumors. He always thought that he had raised an outside room and had a few troubles with him. A diverticulum was placed at home, but He did not stop. He stopped crying and hangs with him. He was at home with several diverticularies all the time. He was happy, but he was The medical officer, taking advantage of himself and He had a little relative, and suddenly regarded himself as his elder, and even he said a few more words with the medical woman, she was looking for a doctor.

If he hadn’t looked at He’s face, he had already taken the old woman away.

"He medical doctors have to worry about things too much. In the medical workshop, the doctor can also worry about the things in the shogunate. It is better not to be a doctor here. Go to Houfu to be a steward." Hou Peidong faint Say.

When the medical officer’s face changed, wouldn’t she want her to become a slave? "Hou Ye doesn't want to listen to my concern, then I won't say it later."

"After the treatment of medical doctors, other things in the medical workshop, He medical officer is best not to intervene, it is not what you should manage." Hou Peidong said.

"Yes..." He medical officer said that he had to gnash his teeth, and his heart was resentful. It must have been that Lu Hao said in front of Hou Peidong that she was not, or how Hou will be like this to her.

But what about her? Even if Lu Hao is no longer a Queen's Empress, or Wang Hao, she is a little medical officer, how to fight against a Wang Hao.

Hou Peidong did not pay any attention to her and turned back to the hospital.



When Murong Cham came out of the palace, he went directly to the dark guard house. Although the people in the dark guards knew him, he still took the handcuffs of Murong.

"Wang Ye, please here." Shen Shen heard the news, personally came out to meet the ink to enter the ink, "We listened to the meaning of the young Master Ming Xi, looking for the doctor to treat the two dead soldiers, but there is still no improvement, they I still don't feel the pain."

Did not feel the pain, it is still not willing to recruit.

Murong Cum said softly, "Take me to see."

Shen Shen took Murong Chan to the room where the two dead men were closed. Although it was still in jail, it was obviously much better than the previous place.

"Wang Ye, they are two of them." Shen said pointing to the two people lying on the bed.

Murong Zhan walked over. The two men were **** and unable to move. They had no glory. If there was no breathing, there was no difference with a dead person.

"The doctor said that their blood is poisonous, Wang Ye, don't approach them." Shen Shen whispered.

"No problem." Murong Cum said softly, he took one of the wrists of the person, how the body's body is trained, there will still be feelings, it is impossible to really feel a little pain, they are only trained to numb, The ability to withstand pain is stronger than normal.

He pressed his hand on one of his foreheads and infused a piece of spiritual power.

The man suddenly developed cold sweat and his teeth trembled.

The sinking looks shocked.

"Who sent you?" Murong Zhan asked quietly.

His words were just finished, the man spit out a black blood, his eyes turned white and passed away.

Murong Cham's face changed slightly.

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