Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 217: Medical supervision

Ye Hao thinks that she can't meet a man who can make herself unable to care for her. So, for her, if she wants to be a relative in the future, as long as she can be with her, she can take her out of Kyoto after her revenge. That's enough, she has no other requirements.

If Tang Yan is willing to give up her wealth and wealth for her, go to Tianjin City with her, and go to the border town. In short, she must avoid the ink-filled Zhan, and live a peaceful and peaceful life. She is willing to marry him. .

She gave Tang Yan a month to think clearly, and did not want him to promise her under the impulse, and blame her in the future.

Soon they arrived at the day when they entered the palace. Their life experience has been investigated. Now they have to go to the palace to check their bodies. Make sure they don't have any dark diseases to stay in the court.

The medical inspectors who examined the body were two aunts who used to be medical doctors before they were promoted to medical prisoners. In addition to Ye Hao and Chen Jinru, there are three girls who are two years older than them, on their way to the palace. Five of them have already met each other.

However, they have some scruples about the identity of Ye Hao.

It is the turn of Ye Hao to check the body. The two medical prisoners know that one of the doctors is a princess. Only those who are not surnamed Lu are obviously the one in front of them.

"The Princess's Highness does not have to be checked," a medical prisoner whispered.

Ye Hao looked at her and gave her a look. "Why?"

"If there is a dark disease in the temple, then it is not the fault of the entire Royal Hospital. His Royal Highness must be different." The medical supervisor said with a smile.

"However, though, you still check it as usual, so as not to fall into the wrong population." Ye Hao said, she knows that there are still people waiting to deal with her in the Royal Hospital. She does not want to have any mistakes.

The two medical prisoners glanced at each other. Since the Princess of the Princess said so, they naturally did not say anything, and they checked for Ye Hao.

When I was about to check, Huang’s medical officer came over to inspect. She looked at Ye Hao sharply and looked at the two medical prisoners. “Is it checked?”

Two medical supervisors gave a ceremony. "Yellow medical officer, we are going to check the princess."

Huang’s medical officer said with a cold voice, “There is no princess in the hospital of the Royal Hospital. If you want to be a princess, go back to the harem. In the Royal Hospital, there are only medical doctors and royal doctors.”

Ye Hao knows that she had offended Huang Huangguan before she drove Huang Fuxiang out of the college. Now she has become a medical woman, and Huang’s medical officer will not easily let her go.

She was slightly blessed. "The Yellow Medical Officer said that there are no princesses here."

Huang’s medical officer didn’t expect Ye Hao to be able to bow to her, so she couldn’t find what she was looking for. She snorted and turned and went out.

After the medical examination passed the examination, Ye Hao was taken to the Royal Hospital. In the following days, they still need to continue to follow the medical officer and the doctor. If there is a commandment outside the palace, the lady is sick and is not suitable for the male doctor. Then, the doctor will judge the condition and then the doctor will prescribe.

The hospital’s surname, Gong, is a middle-aged man with a beard. It looks amiable, and there is a doctor’s right, that is, there are two medical officers, in addition to the yellow medical officer, the other is a man. In the palace, only the medical officer and above can see the Queen Mother and the Emperor close to see the doctor. The remaining ten doctors are all for the treatment of other sputum treatments, or they have to go to the hospital to have a dysentery. .

In addition to Ye Hao, they are five new doctors, and there are ten other doctors who were selected in the previous two years. This year, they will send some to the local camps.

Ye Hao was only returned to the doctor's office, and Murong Yu came to see her.

"Hey, when are we going to hunt?" Murong's shoulder injury has been raised, and he spent a few days in the study, and now he is so mad.

"How do you know that I am here?" Ye Hao looked at Murong Yu with a funny smile. They had no separate room for the doctor. She and Chen Jinru had a wing, and the doctors were not far from the Royal Hospital.

Ink Murray looked at her room with a disappointment. "How do you live in this place, the good Cining Palace does not live, do you have to squeeze here?"

Ye Hao said with a smile, "The doctor must have a medical girl."

"Hey, this king thinks that you are asking for trouble!" Murong sneered, and even said something unpleasant.

"Oh, OK, I am asking for it. I like it. You want to go hunting. Do you agree with your mother?" Ye Hao said with a smile. At this time, it was the best time for hunting in March. And only in the royal hunting ground, two days is enough.

Murong said, "Of course I agree, this is what I promised before my mother. When will you accompany me?"

Ye Hao poked his shoulder. "No pain?"

"There is still a little bit of pain, but it doesn't matter." Murong said.

"Then I won't hurt if I go." Ye Hao frowned and checked his shoulders, and there was a little cyan. She snorted. "The Eight Kings can't play this stick, and his gambling is gone."

Murong looked at Ye Wei with amazement. "Do you know that the Eight Kings are gambling?"

"I only knew a few days ago, what is the end of the Shun Wang now?" asked Ye Hao.

"I heard that Changpingfang has been closed. Shun Wang shut himself down in the palace. It’s right. Last time, Mo Huaide moved his horse on the horse. The emperor wanted to marry him. Xinyang Houjin Palace I asked the emperor, and finally hit his 80th board, and also won the title of Xinyanghou." Murong said excitedly.

Ye slammed her mouth. She had already guessed that it was Mo Huaide. However, Murong Zhan had to win the title of Xinyang Hou for her, which was beyond her expectations.

In doing so, he directly offended the clan.

"I went to the emperor and asked him when he would let me go hunting." Murong said excitedly.

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "At least two more days."

"Zhen, this king knows." Murong snorted impatiently, then dismissed and asked Ye Hao, "Do you really want to live here?"

"Come on." Ye Hao waved and rushed. "Remember to wipe the medicine I gave you."

Murong ran out with a bang.

Chen Jinru walked in from the outside and curiously asked Ye Hao, "Hey, who is the party?"

"Little prince." Ye Hao smiled. "Where have you been?"

"I went to the Royal Hospital and looked at it. Tomorrow we are going to the Royal Hospital to help with the medicine." Chen Jinru looked back and did not see Xiao Wangye.

Ye Hao turned back to make a bed. From today, she is a medical woman. With such an identity, she is closer to Murong, and she is more likely to have the brothers and sisters of Lu Hao.

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