Murong Zhan saw Ye Hao still in the space, he did not bother her, and together with Ford into the palace to see Murong Yu.

Ford habitually walked behind Murong Cham. He grew up with Mr. Murong Zhan. When he learned that Murong Cham and Ye Hao disappeared, he was still sad for a long time. Later, he served Murong, and he was also a long time. Only used to it.

In fact, he would rather wait for Qin Wangye to go to Qin Wangfu. However, Qin Wangye does not seem to intend to let him go out.

"Wang Ye..." Ford whispered. "Are you still coming back for a few days, are you used to it? Are the people around you waiting for you?"

"Well, it's okay." Murong Zhan nodded faintly. After he recovered his body, Jie Jie was more serious than before. He basically didn't need other people to serve.

Ford hesitated, "that slave..."

Ink Murray glanced at him with a glance. "You are waiting for you at the emperor's side. If you want to go out to the palace to support your old age, you will go to the Qin Wangfu."

"Master Ziye!" Ford was warm and moved to see Murong Cham.

"Well, you don't have to say much, now you are very good in the palace." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Ford knows about Murong Cham and immediately understands what he means.

When I came to the Qing Palace, Murong’s handsome face was black like the bottom of the pot.

"I thought that you would see you in the morning!" Murong Yan stared at Murong Zhan coldly.

Even the shackles have been said, and it is obvious that it is really mad.

Murong Zhan laughed. "I didn't say yesterday that I want to enter the palace today."

"What have you been doing?" Murong asked.

"Go check something." Murong Zhan sat down and said to Murong Yu, "Have you asked to check Huguo Temple? Have you found suspicious?"

Murong Yu remembered what he had found, and his face was dark. "These are the monks of Huguo Temple. Their identity is not suspicious. It is a sudden accident. It is the behavior of the locusts who control them."

"Is there no other person to go in and out of Huguo Temple?" Murong Zhan raised his eyebrows. Since those monks are not suspicious, they are just being controlled. It is no wonder that their actions at the time were very rigid and they should have a little self-consciousness.

"On that day, the entire Huguosi temple was guarded by people, and no one could enter." Murong said.

If it is really a Gorefiend, it does not necessarily need to enter from the door, it is okay to fly directly from the sky.

"That is no clue." Murong Zhanjun eyebrows, it is no wonder that Murong will not wait for him to be angry, "it is better to check the cloud down palace."

Murong Yan blinked a little, "Clouds down the palace? Do you think it is related to the rivers and lakes?"

The martial art and the imperial court on the rivers and lakes have always been that Jingshui does not commit river water. The people who have settled in the palace will assassinate the Mingyu and the scorpion. It is to be against the court. He can destroy the entire cloud palace at any time. "I have never heard of it. Through the clouds, the palace is good at using cockroaches."

"I have never heard of it does not mean that it does not exist." Murong Zhan said.

The blood worm is very similar to a locust, but it is not a cockroach. This is still different from cockroaches.

"I will let people check it out." Murong said in a deep voice, he looked at Murong Zhan deeply. "Do you have something to say to me?"

Ink Murray smiled lightly. "What do you want to know?"

"All." Murong said coldly.

"Can't tell you." Murong has a thin lip and a slight hook. "Some things, you don't know better than you know."

Murong’s heart was filled with anger, and he grabbed the clothes of Murong Chan. “What are you hiding? You and I have been missing for so many years, even Mingxi’s return has become different. Are you one? I don’t say anything, do you know how we guarded Yunshan in the past few years? How many things have we done to find you?"

Murong Zhan took Murong’s hand and pushed him away. “Don’t touch me any more.”

A deep internal force! Murong Yu was shocked in his heart, his tiger's mouth was still numb, but Mo Rongzhan just pushed him away without much effort.

Their previous martial arts were almost equal.

"You..." Murong Yan looked at Murong Zhan in surprise.

"The place I went with, not what you can imagine." The voice of Murong Cham is cold. If it is not for Murong Yu to take care of his daughter for so many years, he has already met his clothes. He was beaten out.

Murong’s heart was holding a anger that could not be vented. He wanted to know what he had experienced in the past few years. How did her martial arts be practiced, obviously... obviously she had no martial arts before, he thought To know her experience, even if she has nothing to do with him, he still can't control what he wants to care about.

"Do you let her suffer? Do you let her be wronged?" Murong asked coldly, if there is Murong Zhan around to protect her, why do she have to learn martial arts, he wants to know, kneel in another Where is the place suffering?

When Murong Zhan remembered that he had erased his memory for more than a year, Ye Hao was indeed suffering and being wronged. "We dispersed and later met."

"No matter where you are, you always let her be wronged." Murong said, "I said, if you can't protect her, I will protect her."

"You don't need your protection." Murong Chong's voice is cold. "If you have nothing else, then I will go back."

Murong stopped him. "That is not a locust at all, you are hiding the truth, right? I have seen the locusts of Qi Ruoshui, and have been swallowed by mites. There has never been a locust that can control human behavior, but also Being able to control so many people at the same time cannot be explained by locusts."

Inkor Zhan looked at him and looked at him. "It is called a blood worm, although it is different from a locust, but the difference is not big, it is even more dangerous."

"Why are they killing?" asked Murong.

"It's not necessarily to kill her. If you really want to kill your life, you shouldn't just control those who have no martial arts." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Yesterday they want to take away." ”

Probably the person who controls the blood worm does not know that Ye Hao is a cultivator, and it is not low.

Murong’s eyebrows are wrinkled. “You protect you.”

"I thought you let go." Murong Zhan said coldly, he would naturally protect Ye Hao, but he did not need Murong to open his mouth.

"If it is you, can you let it go?" Murong asked, wouldn't he want to let go? But she was branded in his heart like that, but it was not good. When she saw her, his heartbeat could not control himself.

Ink Murray said faintly, "I don't need to let go, she is mine."

Whether it is the past and present, she is his.

Murong’s face was gloomy. “Then you will cherish it!”

"I have always cherished it." Murong Cham said that he regarded her as a treasure, for fear of losing again.

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