Murong Yi thought that drinking could burn out the fire in his heart, a fire he himself hopes to extinguish.

let it go! He said to himself again and again.

Unconsciously, Murong Yu had already drunk two altars of wine, and his gaze had begun to cast a layer of drunkenness. He gently put down the glass in his hand and coveted what he was thinking.

Although Lei Bingfu loves wine, she never gets drunk, especially in front of outsiders. When she takes a few cups, she will stop drinking more, just silently watching Murong sipping a cup and a cup.

It’s a man who is so crazy.

Love is deep and there is no complaint, especially when you are strong.

Probably speaking, Murong is like this.

She is really sympathetic and envious of him, can fall in love with a person, and sometimes is a kind of luck, like her, even the ability of a lover is not, everything is done for calculation, what can she do?

"The emperor, although it is wine, but it is also wine, drink more hurt." Lei Bingfu whispered, have been so sad, and then hurt is not good.

However, was he not quite normal before? Is it because yesterday saw Qin Wangxi almost in danger, so he inspired his mind?

Yesterday, if I didn’t meet an assassin in the courtyard, she really didn’t see that he was so keen on Qin Wang’s...

"Oh..." Murong Yan was obviously drunk. He couldn't hear the words of Lei Bingfu, just whispering the name of Ye Hao.

Rao is the iron-hearted person of Lei Bingfu. He heard his painful whisper and felt that his heart was hurting.

"The emperor, Qin Wang is not here." Lei Bingfu could not help but say, want to remind him that it is best not to lose his mind, let people know that he secretly loves Qin Wangxi, really is not a glamorous thing.

Murong Yu was silent. He sat cross-legged, his waist straight and his head lowered. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Lei Bingfu almost thought that he was asleep.

Suddenly, Murong Yan looked up and his dark eyes stared straight at Lei Bingfu. "Hey, why is he?"

"The emperor, you admit the wrong person!" Lei Bingfu frowned and said that although she is also very beautiful, but compared with Qin Wangxi, with the small pearl placed next to the night pearl, there is no light.

Murong’s hands crossed the shorts and held Lei Bingfu’s shoulder. “If you don’t meet you in Dongqing, you’re fine...”

It turns out that Murong Yu and Qin Wangxi met in Dongqingguo. It is strange. How could Qin Wangjun be in Dongqing? At that time, should she still marry Murong Cham?

"I only regret one thing in this life. Why did I leave Kyoto City in the past? If I don't leave, I will meet you earlier, meet you before him, protect you... Don't let you be wronged and not let you suffer. "Murong's hands clasped the shoulders of Lei Bingfu tightly, and the voice was getting lower and lower."

"I don't want you to owe me..." Murong's voice was a little more sobbing. "For you, I am willing to be swallowed up by locusts. Don't feel owed to me, so I am more uncomfortable."

"When you go out to sea for two years, I want to meet you, take you with me, and don't let you come back to Kyoto, even if you are a queen, even..."

Murong Yu lost his voice.

Lei Bingfu only hoped that he was a blind man at the moment. She did not hear Murong’s deep confession and did not see him crying.

But she heard it and saw it.

Qin Wangxi should know the heart of Murong.

Murong Yu was swallowed up by her locusts... locusts, it would be dead.

She heard that Murong Yu was a person who died once. Is it for Qin Wang?

Oops, how do you say this, Murong Yu is too infatuated.

"The emperor, the courtiers let people wait for you to rest." Lei Bingfu said that she only wants to hurry back to the palace, pretending not to drink here.

"Hey, I can't put it down, I can't put it down..." Murong Yu suddenly put Lei Bingfu in his arms. "Don't let me down, I can't do it."

Can't be your bastard! Lei Bingfu was groaning in his heart, his face full of smiles. "The emperor, you wake up, the courtier is not...not awkward."

Murong Yan suddenly held the face of Lei Bingfu, bowed her head and kissed her, and her thin lips spit breath. "Hey, hey..."

"..." Lei Bingfu's eyes have a moment of loss.

Did he regard her as a substitute? How much is this drunk?

When he last served in the bedroom, he didn't seem to even look at her, let alone kiss her.

Lei Bingfu’s mind was filled with a strong anger, and suddenly he lifted his foot and kicked Murong.

Who is her?

Murong 恪 喝 喝 恪 恪 恪 恪 , , 恪 恪 恪 恪 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕I slept in the past.

"..." Lei Bingfu licked his mouth for a long time, and his heart was annoyed. He couldn't blame her for being too heavy. It was too much for him.

"The emperor, can't blame, it's your own drunkenness." Lei Bingfu whispered, hurriedly stood up, stuffed his glass into the corner, not forgetting to clean up the dried fish, 趁There are no palace people outside, and they quickly flee from Yongshou Palace.

Fortunately, she did not let the cloves follow today. Fortunately, Murong is also a person to drink.

No one found out, I hope he will remember nothing after waking up tomorrow.



When Murong Chong returned to Qin Wangfu, Ye Hao just came out of the space. She read the book and looked dizzy. When she saw the ink, she complained on his shoulder. "A little clue has not been found. Now the brain is too More things, headaches."

"Don't look too long, don't look at it tomorrow." Murong Zhan distressed her eyebrows.

"That won't work, I will continue to see it tomorrow." Ye Hao felt his fingertips warm, knowing that he was using his spiritual power to relieve fatigue for her. She looked at him with a smile. "Where are you going today? Not very good."

Murong Chan took out a piece of cloth from his arms, "Things found in the valley, the clouds are falling."

Ye stunned. She knew that her mother used to be a cloud palace. "You mean, the beast in the valley is eaten, and that person may be in the cloud?"

"Not necessarily, but the cloud is still suspect." Murong Zhan said that today he entered the palace and Murong Yu said, there is no intention to tell Ye Hao.

She was already full of enthusiasm for Murong. If she was told that he had not let go, he must feel uncomfortable.

How can she make her feel uncomfortable because of other men!

Ye Hao said, "Let's go check the cloud down the palace!"

"No, I will check it out, you can find out how to control the blood worms." Murong Zhan said.

"Well, then you are careful." Ye Hao thought for a moment and thought it would be better to take action separately.

Murong Zhan licked her head, "Well." He paused and suddenly said, "I will not let you suffer and suffer."

Ye Hao heard a smile, and the twilight was gorgeous. "I know."

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