Lu Jia is only a small family in Kyoto. Lu was originally a county magistrate. Now it’s just a matter of retreating to Kyoto City. Lu Qiongqiu’s brother has only been a scholar for more than a decade. I feel lazy at home every day. I always feel that I will be developed in the future. The most embarrassing thing is Lu’s wife Li, and now Lu is up and down.

Bai Xiaozhou once again knocked on the door of Lujia, or the small ring that opened before the door. When I saw the white boat, she showed her eyebrows. "How come you are, isn’t it clear to you? We have nothing in Lu’s family. Grandma, you are going."

"I am not coming to find your grandmother, it is to find Lu Daren, Qin Wangxi wants to see him." Bai Xiaozhou said with a smile.

Xiao Yanhuan heard the words of the white boat and whispered softly. "Kid, I want to make such a lie to come to see our old man, which Wang Hao wants to see our old man, how to let you talk."

"Girl, I have already brought it. If you don't go, it is the matter of your Lu family. Which king is the king of Qin, the master of your family will be very clear." Bai Xiaozhou did not quarrel with Xiaoyan, anyway, he has already said Brought it.

boom! The small ring closed the door.

It’s fierce! The white boat groaned, and he sat down at the front door.

Xiao Xiaohuan closed the door and went back to the house. Li asked, "Is there another person in the medical center?"

"Yes, ma'am, that kid said that Qin Wangxi wants to see the old man, let the old man go to the medical hall immediately, and the slaves should say something to the old man?" Xiaoxuan asked in a low voice.

Li’s stunned, and a pair of Liuye’s eyebrows were a bit sharp, “Qin Wang?”

"Yeah, most of the kid is lying, Qin Wangxi wants to see our old man." Xiao Xiaohuan called.

"You are going to tell the old man about this." Although Li’s tone is very unpleasant, he still let Xiaoxuan go and said, she knows the relationship between the medical hall and Qin Wangxi, maybe Qin Wangzhen really Just at the medical center.

Xiao Xiaohuan stunned. "Mrs. The old man still doesn't know... I was injured in the medical hall."

"Since someone finds a home now, that is, the broom star is still alive. It is a big life. It is also unbearable. Let the old man go. I want to know if it is important for his grandparents, or to sweep the stars. "Lee snarled in a mean way."

"The slaves will go." Xiao Xiaohuan replied, and ran to the back yard.

Lu Xiucai yawned out of the back room and saw his wife yelling at him. He explained, "I read a book until midnight yesterday and only slept for a while today."

Li sneered. "How about reading more books, it is not like this."

"You have to look down on me, I will be able to win the champion in the morning and evening." Lu Xiucai shouted.

"If you are not your good sister, now you can still have a good time, because your sister is the broomstick, my aunt is not with us, don't think they will help you." Li hated shoutingly.

She finally managed to let Lu Qiongqiu marry her cousin. She thought she would kiss her. She would like to ask her aunt to help them. In less than two years, her cousin was killed by Lu Qiongqiu, and she was harmed. In the head of the maiden's head can not lift the head, it should not be this matchmaker, so that Lu Qiongqiu killed his cousin.

Lu Xiucai touched the tip of the nose in a loss-making manner. He did not expect that his brother-in-law would die so early. As for whether his sister was dying, this is not known, but he did not dare to say in front of Li, otherwise She must be even better.

Lu Daren learned that Qin Wangxi had to meet him at the medical center. He had quickly called out the clothes and called the only two little sisters in the house to go out.

When he heard the news, Lu Xiucai went out. "Hey, where are you going?"

"Qin Wang Hao summoned, I am going to the medical hall. Since you are at home, you can go with me." Lu Daren said.

"Well..." Lu Xiucai looked back at Li and gazed to see the nobles behind Lu Da, but the medical center? How can Qin Wangxi be in the medical hall?

Li’s look indifferently as the father and son left, she snorted and ordered the little ring. “Prepare, I’m going out.”

Ye Hao was treating other people in the medical hall. She had never seen the white boat coming back. She also guessed the reason.

"Wang Hao, Bai Xiaozhou is back." The doctor said.

"I will come when I go." Ye Hao whispered to Lu Qiongqiu who had already woken up.

They came from the Lu family and the father. They all had never seen Ye Hao, but they knew what the status of Qin Wangxi was. It was the empress of the empress.

Ye Hao frowned at the father and son who was kneeling in front of her. "If you don't plan to pick up Lu Qiongqiu, you should also tell her husband's family. What does it mean to let her alone be alone here?"

Lu Daren stunned. "Qiu Er is in the medical hall? Isn't she going back?"

"Hey, that..." Lu Xiucai supported me.

"Lu Qiong was burned when he saw the tree flowers a few days ago." Seeing the reaction of the father and son, Ye Hao understood what was going on.

"Burn it?" Lu Daren looked at Ye Hao and looked at his son. "What the **** is going on?"

Lu Xiucai knew that her sister’s affairs could not go on, and this whispered, “Aqi took two children out on that day, but the result was a tree-flower explosion. Both children were injured and raised today. It’s better, you didn’t see the injuries on the hands of Jie and Feng, and their mothers are distressed.”

"So you pushed all the mistakes to Lu Qiongqiu. In order to protect the two children, her body was burned by fire, and she almost died. Have you ever thought about her?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

"You..." Lu Daqi almost turned upside down. "That is your sister, why are you in your heart!"

"Hey, Jie Er and Feng Er are also your grandsons. Qiuer's life is not good. He is born to be a husband. You see her only come back for a few days, and the two children are injured." Lu Xiucai whispered.

Lu Daren remembered the death of the son-in-law, and he was tearful. "You are a good wife, you can't even ask your sister, and immediately tell Liu Jia, let Liu Jia take Qiuer back."

Ye Hao mouth floated a sneer.

"Hey, they Liu Jia has already driven Qiu Er out." Lu Xiucai shouted. "She can't go back to Liu family."

"You know that your sister is homeless, and she will stay in the medical hall and ignore it. Even her life and death are not inquired." Ye Hao looked at Lu Xiucai coldly. "A good person who reads the sage book." ""

Lu Xiucai bowed his head. "I can't even care for my children."

"Qin Wangxi, what happened to Qiuer now? Do you have a look at her?" Lu Daren asked shyly.

"You answer me first, do you want to pick her up?" Ye Hao asked softly.

Lu Daren hesitated, "The lower officials will take care of Qiuer."

Ye Hao smiled and said to the white boat, "Ask you to ask Lu Qiongqiu if you want to see her father and brother."

Bai Xiaozhou turned into the ward, but saw Lu Qiongqiu hiding behind the door, his hands covering his mouth and crying in tears, "Lu Niangzi..."

"Please ask them to go." Lu Qiongqiu said a word hard.

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