Although Lei Bingfu really did not want Murong to stay in the palace, he is now here, and he is still a sick person. If she really ignores it, it will definitely not benefit her.

Just as before, the wait for the emperor as a job for survival, had to do, the better the work, the better for her.

"The emperor, are you awake?" When he heard the soft couch uploading, Lei Bingfu went up to see it, and he saw that Murong Yu had already sat up.

"Ford?" Murong squinted at Lei Bingfu. It seemed that he was not used to waking up to see others. He only found his voice hoarse.

Lei Bingfu pointed to the outside, "Fu Gonggong is outside, the emperor, you should drink medicine first, and the courtiers will call Fugonggong to come in."

He actually slept very fast, and he didn't have half an hour. It seemed like he slept, and he seemed to be sicker.

Murong Yu has not been sick for a long time, and this feeling of weakness and weakness is very annoying.

He took the medicine from the hands of Lei Bingfu and raised his eyebrows in disgust, but he still resisted the idea of ​​throwing away the medicine.

"The emperor." Lei Bingfu took a sweet plum to him.

"What time is it?" Murong Yu ate sweet plum, only to feel the smell of the mouth was diluted.

Lei Bingfu said, "Is the emperor hungry just after noon? Do you want to pass on the meal?"

He stood up and said faintly, "Go and go to the Qing Palace for meals."

Did he get sick like this, just come to her to sleep for half an hour? As far as he is, how can he still want to review the memorial?

Murong stood up and took two steps. He was dizzy in front of him. He stopped and rubbed his eyebrows. His body has always been strong. How can he be so sick at once?

"The emperor, are you okay?" Ford, who was about to come in and waited to see Murong’s pale face, hurried to help him.

"No problem, just a little dizzy." Murong said.

Ford helped Murong to sit down, "The slaves go to the royal doctor."

"The emperor, you just woke up, it is better to rest more." Lei Bingfu whispered that he looks like this, it looks really bad.

The stronger the body, the real illness, it is definitely more serious than the average person.

Murong Yu did not speak. He knew that he was drinking and drinking at Yongshou Palace that day, but he did not expect it to be so serious.

Lei Bingfu saw that he did not speak, she would not talk more, just standing calmly.

The royal doctor soon came, and gave Murong a shock to the pulse. How was it two or three hours, the emperor's cold was more serious.

"The emperor, you are getting hot now, don't go out and get the wind again." The doctor said nervously, "It is necessary to get hot."

Murong screamed and frowned. "When can it be good?"

"The emperor, as long as the fever is good." The royal doctor said that the temperature of the emperor is now hot, naturally feel weak and weak.

"Then let the cockroaches get rid of heat." Murong screamed coldly.

The royal doctor hurriedly said, "It is better to force the emperor to moxibustion and force the sweat out of the body."

Murong Yan frowned and looked at the bed in the temple. Now he has no strength to go back to the Qing Palace, and he can only recover from it here.

He lay down in a difficult way, the royal doctor gave him a sweat and acupuncture, and Ford changed his clothes for Murong, so that he was busy, and in the afternoon, Lei Bingfu will send the porridge to the Murong. before.

Murong Yan looked at her, although she had no appetite, but if she didn't eat it, the body recovered too slowly. He ate the porridge and the side dishes, and there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. Lei Bingfu had already prepared to hand him a towel. child.

"The emperor, the slaves are waiting for you to sleep." Ford whispered forward.

"Yeah." Murong faintly responded, and looked at Lei Bingfu.

Lei Bingfu retired with interest.

This is her sleeping hall. He is lying on her bed. He still cares if she is standing here, thinking she sees him rarely?

Murong’s news of raising a sickness in the palace did not know how it was transmitted. Lei Bingfu went to the corner. No matter who asked to see Murong, he ignored it. All of them let Fuford deal with it. She didn’t want to offend people.

I want to come to the palace to see Murong’s awkwardness, but they are all stopped outside the palace.

Liu Wei and others did not see Murong Yu, and they even more resentful of Lei Bingfu.

When I was about to enter the night, the front door of the palace finally calmed down. Lei Bingfu came out from the small side hall next to it, holding a piece of red bean cake in her hand. She smiled and looked at the exhausted Ford. Fu Gonggong, I am working hard."

"Lei Hui, you finally appeared." Ford looked helplessly at the master who had seen it when he saw the trouble. Really, he had never seen such a direct escape from trouble. Here is the palace, actually He is here to thank the guests.

"I fell asleep accidentally, just woke up." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, so she did not know anything.

Ford said that you can really sleep, how long it has been.

"Is the emperor still not awake?" Lei Bingfu asked, his eyes looked inside.

"Not yet." Ford worriedly said, "Isn't the goddess not going to see the emperor?"

The entire harem of the harem can not wait to personally take care of the emperor, Lei Huizhen clearly near the water tower first month, how it seems not too warm.

Lei Bingfu laughed. "It's not that I don't want to care about the emperor, but I am afraid that the emperor would not want to see me."

"Oh, the origin of the story of the goddess, if the emperor does not want to see you, how come to the palace," Ford said.

"That may be that I think more, only the emperor clearly used his eyes to call me away from him." Lei Bingfu put his hand, still did not intend to go to see the meaning of Murong.

There is a palace woman who took the medicine and came over. "Fu Gonggong, the emperor's medicine is good."

"Let's go and see if the emperor wakes up." Ford took a tribute to Lei Bingfu.

Lei Bingfu nodded with a smile, and was about to continue to sneak into the shack, and heard a low, hoarse voice in the dormitory. "Come in!"

"?" Lei Bingfu stunned, woke up? It’s talking to Ford.

After a moment, Ford came out of the bedroom, "The goddess, the emperor called you in."

Lei Bingfu’s mouth was pumping, and suddenly there was a bad omen.

She walked slowly into the dormitory and bowed respectfully. "Chen Chen saw the emperor."

Murong slept and felt a sweat. Now he feels that the whole person is a lot easier. He looks at Lei Bingfu faintly. "You stay, wait for you."

"Ah?" Lei Bingfu stunned, thinking that he was wrong.

"What? Isn't it still waiting for you?" Murong asked with a sneer.

Lei Bingfu’s mouth squeaked out a decent smile, “Chen Chen obeys, can’t ask for it.”

A good one can't ask for it! Murong Yu snorted in his heart.

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