When Lei Bingfu woke up, he saw the satin and the head stacked in the hall. The jewels flashed with dazzling light. It was really... flashing her eyes.

"Where did this come from?" Lei Bingfu asked again indefinitely.

"The niece, this is the emperor's reward for you." Lilac said happily. "This is the new tribute of silk this year. The slaves haven't seen any cockroaches passing through, and there are two sets of heads. It's so beautiful. Ah, look at the ruby ​​on this bracelet... You will be wearing it tomorrow, and you will definitely envy you."

Listening to the cloves, Lei Bingfu felt a sudden pain in his brain. "Okay, I know."

At first glance, I know what Murong is doing. Isn’t he just letting everyone know that she is a favorite now?

"The goddess, the emperor is very kind to you." Lilac said with joy.

Good fart! She didn't want to see these things at a glance.

"Put it up, don't put it here." Lei Bingfu said, if she was seen by Su Yingying, her fragile careful thoughts would be hurt.

Lilac said, "The goddess, these two sets of heads are the latest, you don't wear it?"

It’s a pity to receive the warehouse in this way.

"Whoever looks to see it, put it away." Lei Bingfu said faintly, she didn't have the mind to dress herself to see Murong Yu, even if she was dressed so beautifully, he would not look in the eyes.

Lilac felt a pity, and I wanted to persuade again. I saw Lei Biaofu’s look and had to close it up first.

"The niece, what clothes will be worn to see the flowers tomorrow, the slaves will go first to prepare," Li said.

"It’s not about going to the draft, it’s the same thing to wear, and it doesn’t take any trouble.” Lei Bingfu waved his hand and said nothing, “Hungry, go and prepare for me.”

She is not the little girl who has not left the cabinet to show her face. What else do I need to wear? With Murong Yu's deliberate love for her, she will be the focus of where she goes tomorrow, and no one dares to make irresponsible remarks about her dress.

This is what she has experienced.

Lilac said, "You are sleeping for a long time, even if you have not eaten breakfast, how can you not be hungry."

"That's not going to hurry to find food for me!" Lei Bingfu said with a weak voice.

"The slaves will go right away." Lilac laughed. She really couldn't understand their master. Sometimes she looked timid and afraid. Sometimes she dared to say anything. It was really not afraid that the emperor would know that she would be angry.

Lei Bingfu appetite to eat a good meat and good food, which is full of self-destruction on the soft couch.

"Mother, you are not saying that you can't lie down after eating, should you go out for a walk?" Lica asked.

"Don't go today, isn't it tired enough these days?" Since she met Murong Yu outside that night, she is now not very enthusiastic about walking and eating, so what if she meets Murong?

Lilac said, "You haven't slept enough yet?"

"Of course." Lei Bingfu yawned, she was tired for three days.

I was thinking about sleeping for a while, and there was news from Su Shi seeking to see it.

"Please Su Shi come in." Lei Bingfu sat up. When Murong was here, Su Yingying asked to see him several times, but every time she was sent by Ford, what is heard today? Only came.

"Yes, the goddess." Lilac should be.

After a while, Su Yingying walked in under the leadership of Lilac.

"I was finally able to see my sister." Su Yingying walked in with a smile and saw Lei Bingfu leaning on the soft couch with a look of tiredness and femininity, and she couldn't help but feel guilty.

In Lei Bingfu's body, she can always see a kind of flattering that is not consistent with her age, but she is obviously similar to her age.

Is this the reason why the emperor likes it?

"I was thinking about going to find you again in two days. I didn't expect you to come." Lei Bingfu said with a smile.

"Sister is busy, I want to visit, just..." Su Yingying sighed reluctantly. The emperor's illness in the palace was not a secret. She almost came to see him every day, but every time she was stopped by Fu Gonggong, the emperor was the emperor. Need a break, no one wants to see.

No one wants to see it, but only in the palace, let Lei Bingfu take care of him.

In the eyes of the emperor, only Lei Bingfu is special.

"Sister please sit." Lei Bingfu knows what Su Yingying wants to say. In addition to her, these days, Liu Wei, they often come, but fortunately she let Ford stop, otherwise everyone hates her at this time, "I It was also busy for a few days, and now I feel dizzy."

"Actually..." Su Yingying bowed her head and whispered, "I want to ask today, what happened to the emperor? I want to care about the emperor, but I have no chance. I have never slept well since I heard that the emperor is sick. I feel very worried."

Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "The emperor can go to the early morning, naturally it is innocent. In fact, although the emperor is sick in the palace, it is all taken care of by Fu Gonggong, and I am rarely close."

Su Yingying did not quite believe in the words of Lei Bingfu. The entire harem of the harem did not have the opportunity to see the emperor. Only Lei Bingfu could still see it every day. How could it not be close?

"The emperor is innocent." Su Yingying breathed a sigh of relief, and it was difficult to hide her face. "If I can see the emperor, I will be fine."

Hearing this, Lei Bingfu pretended not to hear, she knew that Su Yingying meant that she wanted her to help.

If she really wants to admire, she will not care about Su Yingying.

Unfortunately, she is still not comparable to Su Yingying, she was blocked by Murong, and she did not know why.

"My sister looks so beautiful, the emperor will love it." Lei Bingfu said with a smile.

Su Yingying laughed at herself and looked at her again. When she saw her, she didn’t recognize it.

"Well, our sisters are hard to meet, don't say these troublesome things." Lei Bingfu laughed. "It's better to say something interesting."

Is there anything more interesting than the topic of the emperor?

Su Yingying smiled. "Where is there any interesting thing, if it is outside the palace, it will have a chance to play at the flower viewing."

"Right, my sister is a person from Kyoto City. Should I have been to the flower viewing party?" Lei Bingfu asked, "Sister is telling me."

"If you say it, can you still go?" Su Yingying said, suddenly squatting and looking at Lei Bingfu, "Sister will go to the flower show tomorrow?"

Lei Bingfu hesitated and nodded gently. "Yes."

"Is the emperor answering?" Su Yingying asked slyly, even the emperor even agreed to this?

Since ancient times, in the harem, I have been able to participate in the flower viewing party. Except for the Queen Mother and the Queen, there is only a noble lady.

What is Lei Bingfu?

The emperor actually valued her so much!

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