Lei Bingfu really hopes that Mingyu can experience some life she can't experience in the palace, so that her life will not have regrets. The palace is so small, every day only surrounds those trivial things in the palace. In addition to the city of Kyoto, there are many exciting things that people can yearn for. If they don't go out, they will never be able to experience it.

How wide is the eye and how big the heart is.

Living in the palace for a long time will only make people narrow.

However, Murong Yan is obviously different from what she thought.

"I heard that the emperor left the palace when he was young?" Lei Bingfu said with a smile, and took the initiative to give Murong to the sinker.

"Yeah." Murong faintly responded, as if he didn't want to mention the previous things.

Lei Bingfu did not plan to leave this question. "Do you not like the life in the palace?"

"What do you want to ask?" Murong looked at Lei Bingfu with a stern look.

"The emperor grew up in the palace. He should know more about the life in the palace than anyone else. You have seen the wonderful outside the palace and experienced different life, but Mingyu still has no knowledge and Experienced." Lei Bingfu whispered, she did not say too well, after all, the other party is a king, but she said that this is already a great risk, accidentally will anger the emperor of.

Murong looked at her coldly. "Mingyu is still young, and this time is a very special time. Let her come back for her good."

“Is there no danger in the palace?” Lei Bingfu whispered, if Kyoto City and the Imperial Palace are really safe, there will be no previous assassinations.

This seems to step on the pain of Murong Yu, his face becomes more gloomy and ugly, "Stop!"

Lei Bingfu was silent, still couldn't help but say, "How do you know that others can't protect Mingyu? How do you know that Mingyu can't protect yourself?"

"Lei Bingfu, you are arrogant!" Murong screamed with anger, pointing at Lei Bingfu, and the eyes seemed to be fire-breathing. "You dare to doubt it!"

Lei Bingfu squatted without hesitation. "The emperor is angry, and the court is guilty."

"You are very courageous, where do you know sin!" Murong asked with anger.

"Chen Chen is wrong." Lei Bingfu pleaded guilty, and said everything, he thought about what to do.

Murong was so angry that he never said that he had said this. He cares about Mingyu and wants to protect Mingyu. What does this woman actually say? Don’t think that he can’t hear her, she is telling him that he I don't like life in the palace, but I don't want Mingyu to go out and experience another kind of life. I don't want to give it to others. Doesn't she want to say this?

He was angry at her for a while, and even more angry, she hadn’t said anything yet. She wanted to say that he was selfish and wanted to tie Mingyu tightly around, not letting her be like Mingxi, for a long time outside, heart I also followed the wild, and I am not willing to come back later.

"Where are you wrong?" Murong asked in anger, "Lei Bingfu, you are gibberish, daring!"

"Chen Chen knows wrong." Lei Bingfu buried his head on the ground, not to look at Murong's face.

What Murong Yu hated most was her false gesture and appearance. He knew that she didn't think so in her heart. She certainly didn't feel that she was wrong.

"Get up!" Murong Yan pressed down the anger of his chest. He had not made such a big temper for a long time.

Lei Bingfu coveted slowly and stood up. She knew that her words made Murong Yu feel ashamed. He was so angry that it was because... her words saw blood and poked his mind.

"Even if you know that Mingyu wants to leave the palace, are you not planning to talk to you?" Murong asked.

"Chen Chen did not dare." Lei Bingfu said that she was stupid to admit that she would cover up the jade.

Murong sneered, not convinced her to say the ghost, she forced to seize Lei Bingfu's chin, "Do not think that you are very smart, I want to return to Mingyu, it is because she is a princess, is the emperor of the future of Jin Guo, She is different from others."

Lei Bingfu felt that her chin was being crushed by her. She endured the pain. "Yes, the courtier knows."

"When you want to do what you do, what should you say, you should be clearer than anyone else." Murong looked at her young and beautiful face with cold eyes, and the anger in her heart made him feel pity.

"Chen Chen is clear, the courtier said so, but I don't want to have resentment in Ming Yu's heart." Lei Bingfu whispered, forced to look up and look at him.

Murong Yi thought that she would go to the flower viewing party tomorrow. If the chin is bruised, then her image of being a pet would be untrue. He loosened her chin and sneered and asked, "You think that Mingyu will resent in the future." I?"

"The emperor's love for Mingyu's father and daughter, everyone in the world knows that your care and love for Mingyu is true, but Mingyu's life is her own, not yours." Lei Bingfu whispered.

This time Murong was not angry, he just looked at Lei Bingfu coldly.

"What else do you want to say?" Murong asked.

"Chen Chen has nothing to say." To say what she can say, she has already finished, and Murong Yu can not listen to it, that is his business.

Murong sighed and sullen in his heart. He wanted to convict Lei Bingfu, but he knew that her words were not wrong. He was too nervous about Mingyu, and she was afraid that she would follow them and leave. The daughter he had raised in his hand had to follow.

"If Mingyu is your daughter, what about you?" asked Murong.

Lei Bingfu slightly glimpsed, did she not treat Mingyu as a daughter now? In the experience of her last life, she did not treat herself as a 16-year-old girl. She treated Mingyu as her elder.

"The emperor, if Mingyu is a relative of the courtiers, even if the courtiers are worried, they will let the daughter experience the life outside the palace. Only knowing the hardships and sorrows of the people, she knows that she will not trap her eyes in this palace. I will know what kind of king I should become in the future." Lei Bingfu whispered.

Murong Yan looked at her slightly, "You will say this because you have never had a child."

Lei Bingfu heard a sigh of relief, suddenly her chest was slightly angry, she had no children, even if she was a queen in the last life, she did not raise her own children...

She has never been born and raised in her life. When she was in the favor of her, she was already murdered and could not have children.

"The emperor..." Lei Bingfu frowned.

Murong Yu did not pay any attention to her, got up and walked away from the palace.

"What happened after I was born?" Lei Bingfu did not swear, so if she was not for Mingyu, she would not bother to tell him so much.

In fact, I also regretted it a bit. I don't know what method he would come up with to punish her.

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