Ye Hao has not been to the royal hunting ground for many years. The hunting ground is next to the Bai Garden. At the end of the east is the Women’s College. When she was at the Women’s College, she heard that Murong Chan appeared from the hunting ground. To her.

"Hey, I have something to say to you." Murong said, frowning at Ye Hao. He didn't like her eyes when he looked at him and Lei Bingfu, as if he had something with Lei Bingfu.

"Oh, okay." Ye Hao took the horse to stop, thinking that Murong Yu wanted to tell her about the assassin. Last time he urged Murong Zhan into the palace, she went without seeing him. I don't know what it is because of it.

Murong Yu took the lead for Ye Hao and walked with her to the grove on the other side.

"Hey, don't get me wrong." Murong squinted at her and said softly, "I am against Lei Bingfu...not what you think."

"The emperor, I don't quite understand what you mean." Ye Hao groaned and looked at Murong Yu strangely.

There are no other people around, only Murong and Ye Hao walk slowly in the grove.

Murong whispered, "I see Mingyu as my daughter. Someone in the court wants to secretly count and hurt her. The better I am to Mingyu, the more dangerous it is to her, so I brought Lei Bingfu up, now Everyone knows that I am specializing in Lei Bingfu, and naturally will turn my attention away from Mingyu. I just want to protect Mingyu."

Ye Hao listened to Murong Yu’s words and was shocked and speechless. She already understood what he meant. He wanted to tell her that he loved Lei Bingfu and put Lei Bingfu on the position of pet. It is not because he likes her, but to protect Mingyu, so I use Lei Bingfu. Does that mean?

"You... in the use of Lei Huizhen to protect Mingyu?" Ye Hao frowned at Murong.

"Yes." Murong said, the most important thing for him is the woman in front of her and her daughter. No one is more important than them.

Ye Hao didn't know what to look for to answer him for a long time.

She thought that he really liked Lei Bingfu. His look at Lei Bingfu was vivid and vivid. It was Murong Yu that she had never seen before. Now he said that all this is fake. He just wants to protect Mingyu. So I used Lei Bingfu.

Such a shameless and despicable thing, how can he take it for granted?

"Auntie, are you doing this, is it fair to Lei Huizhen?" Ye Hao asked softly, her heart was filled with anger, both sad and angry, she knew that Murong Yu was to protect Mingyu, but Is this protection in protection?

"I will give her a rich and wealthy, and she can give her supreme honor." Murong said in a deep voice, he felt that this is what he needs.

Ye Hao looked at Murong Yu, she did not know how Murong Yu would have such an idea, Ronghua wealth, supreme honor? These will enable him to use Lei Bingfu with peace of mind?

"Is this the condition after you talked with Lei Huizhen?" Ye Hao calmly asked, she would not look at the wrong person, Lei Bingfu is not a person who is eager to be rich and wealthy. Her intelligent person must have seen Murong Yu. The intention, if still willing to cooperate, is mostly for the sake of Ming Yu, not the so-called honor.

"She doesn't have to know so much." Murong said faintly.

Sure enough, I did not talk to Lei Bingfu! Ye Hao smiled. "You don't have to do this. Lei Bingfu is a very good girl. You shouldn't treat her like this. It will hurt her."

"I will let people secretly protect her." Murong whispered that he just wanted to catch who would hurt Mingyu, not really want to let Lei Bingfu die.

Ye Hao shook his head helplessly. "I know that you are for Ming Yu, Ming Yu is my daughter. No matter who is good to her, I am grateful. You regard Mingyu as a daughter and willing to protect her at all costs, but Excessive protection will hurt her. She and Lei Huizhen have been with each other for so long. You should be able to see that she really likes Lei Huizhen. If Lei Huizhen knows that she is favored in the future, she wants to protect Mingyu. If she has something wrong, what will Mingyu think? Have you considered the relationship between her and Mingyu? You don’t have to think about how to change someone, auntie, don’t do this to protect Mingyu.”

"Can you see that Mingyu is hurt?" Murong asked in a low voice.

"I don't want to see it, but I don't want to see you protect her like this." Ye Hao said, "Auntie, can you... let go?"

Murong’s eyes sank, and the dark and deep scorpion surged into a silent sadness. She saw it! Regardless of how well he concealed, she still saw it. "Mingyu is your daughter."

And she is his life.

Ye Hao’s eyes are slightly warm, she feels sad for Murong Yu, but she is helpless. “Ming Yu has her life. Her life is not you or what we endowed. It is her own experience. She should learn to protect herself. Not like you, you are not protecting Mingyu."

Will he transfer her feelings to Mingyu? Therefore, it is so tight that the safety of Mingyu.

"Oh..." Murong Yan reached out and held Ye Hao’s hand. "The last thing I regret in my life is that I will let you come back from Dongqing. If you didn't marry Azhan, if I took you away." Everything is different."

"You come with me." Ye Hao pulled back his hand and walked deep into the woods.

She thought that Murong Yu had already let go, and today I know that I am still his heart. If she hurts Lei Bingfu because of her, she will really feel guilty and upset. She didn’t know before, Murong will become like this. Persistent person.

He used to be so open-minded, and now he looks at him carefully, only to find that his eyebrows are hidden.

"Hey, where are you going?" Murong saw her go deeper and deeper, looking at her back with some doubts.

"I told you a story." Ye Hao looked back at him and pointed at a pear tree in front, and there was a dry well next to it. "This is the place where I met Murong Zhan for the first time. That year I At the age of eight, he was blind."

Murong groaned, how many years ago, was she not in the border town? He remembered that she was only returning to Kyoto City when she was fifteen. "How can you see Azhan when he was a teenager?"

Ye Hao smiled and continued. "At that time, I knew that he was Qin Wangye. He didn't know who I was. I only told him that my little name is 夭夭, we agreed to meet in three months. His eyes recovered his vision, and I didn't go to the appointment because I was sick. He went to the battlefield. I only hoped that he would return safely and volunteered to ask him to marry him. At that time, I knew him and our family regardless of the opposition of everyone. It is hostile, and I still have no hesitation to want to be his king."

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