Murong also hoped that the Queen Mother would stay in the Wangfu House for convenient care. Murong Yu did not insist on it. After a few words with Ye, he left with Lei Bingfu.

Ye Hao stayed in the middle of the palace, and went to sleep. She still had to give the Queen Mother the pulse, so as to determine how to treat her illness.

After about half an hour, the Queen Mother slept.

Zhao Ning came here personally with Ye Hao into the house.

"The Queen Mother’s speech is unclear. Only the next Lu Shuanger knows what she is saying. Even the aunt can’t understand. I am standing next to me. She doesn’t give me a look. Auntie showed her to her. She only had a good face." Zhao Ning whispered complaining to Ye Hao.

"It's already very good." Ye Xiao said with a smile, if the former Queen Mother would not be like this, but the Queen Mother who was hypnotized by Ye Yaoyao, the temper changed greatly, and there was always a suffocation between the eyebrows.

"The Lu Shuanger is still inside." Zhao Ning lowered his voice and entered the room with Ye Hao.

Lu Shuanger was guarding the Queen Mother. She saw Ye Hao coming in, nervous and afraid to shrink her shoulders.

"You go out first." Murong said to Lu Shuanger.

"Not out!" Lu Shuanger held the hand of the Queen Mother and watched Ye Hao with vigilance, as if Ye Hao would hurt the Queen.

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Lu Shuanger was shocked by the face of Mo Rongzhen. She pointed to Ye Hao and said, "She... she is a ghost, she will take the Queen Mother!"

"Nonsense!" Murong screamed, "Where is the ghost of the blue sky?"

Zhao Ning frowned and told Lin Zhiran, "Take her down."

Lin Zhiran took the hand of Lu Shuanger and took her down for half a slap.

"Zizi..." Murong Yu smiled helplessly at Ye Hao.

"She is really stupid." Ye Hao looked at the figure that Lu Shuanger disappeared. "Checked how she came to the Queen Mother?"

Murong said, "I have been checked. I heard that it was a roadside shackle. When I was passed by the Queen Mother, I was probably recognized by her, so she was brought back to the palace."

"That said, the Queen Mother did not get sick when she got to her." Ye Hao whispered.

"The palace lady of the palace said that the Queen Mother had already had a bad hand and foot, Lu Shuanger... very caring for the mother." Murong whispered.

Ye Hao did not say it again, but the koi sitting next to the bed, giving the Queen Mother a careful pulse.

A person can pretend to be sick, but the changes in the body's pulse are not fake, especially at the age of the Queen Mother. It is even more impossible to control his own meridians.

The Queen Mother is real... old, sick.

Murong looked nervously at Ye Hao, and saw that she had not spoken after she took back her hand. She couldn’t help but whisper, "Scorpion?"

Ye Hao never thought that seeing the Queen Mother again would be such a situation. She once loved her, and later hated her, and now she is like a helpless old man lying on this bed and can't sit anywhere.

"Dementia is difficult to heal, the Queen refuses to let me close, or she can give her acupuncture." Ye Hao whispered that acupuncture must be awake.

"Mother may be just a moment of confusion, maybe tomorrow will be fine." Murong said.

Ye Hao smiled. "I will re-open the prescription. I will try the medicine for a few days. When the Queen is willing to treat her, I will take the needle for her."

This is the only way now.

"Good." Murong snorted.

"I went out to meet Lu Shuanger." Ye Hao was slightly cold, and she still felt that it was not accidental that Lu Shuanger would appear next to the Queen Mother.

Lu Shuanger was on the steps outside the house, opposite Lin Zhiran was looking at her, and saw Ye Hao coming out, she was afraid to step back two steps.

Ye Hao came to Lu Shuanger's face and looked at her face with a look of fear and tension on her face. She could not see the fake at all.

"Give me the hand." Ye Hao whispered, holding Lu Shouer's hand to shrink back.

The pulse is very stable and the body is not as sick.

"What is your name?" asked Ye Hao.

Lu Shuanger’s hand was shaking, she was really afraid of Ye Hao, and even her voice was full of fear. “I... my name is Lu Shuanger.”

"Do you remember your name, but don't remember the other?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

"Yes... It’s the Queen Mother who said that I am Lu Shuanger. I used to be a stupid child." Lu Shuanger said.

Ye Hao pinched her veins. "Where did you come from?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything." Lu Shuanger cried and broke away from Ye Xun's hand.

"Why don't you know where you came from, who released you from the Imperial Palace?" Ye Hao is getting colder and colder. She thinks that Lu Shuanger's appearance will not be so simple.

She was locked up in the Yuanguo Palace for so many years, and if no one released her, she could not come out.

Who actually released Lu Shuanger, what purpose did that person have?

How did the man turn Lu Shuang into this way?

"I... I really don't know." Lu Shuanger wowed and cried.

Murong looked at Ye Wei strangely, "嫂子?"

Ye Hao loosened Lu Shuang's hand and looked at Lu Shuanger coldly. "Stare at her, don't let her leave the yard."

"Xunzi, I know how to do it." Murong said.

Lu Shuanger squatted aside and couldn't even look at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao frowned, and in Lu Shuanger's body, she could not see the shadow of arrogance in the past. If it was not for sure that this person was Lu Shuanger, she wondered if it was a similar person.

After leaving the palace, Ye Hao went to Lujia.

Yu has returned from Bai Garden and is playing in the courtyard with Lu Xiangyu.

After seeing the face, Ye Hao went to find Lu Xiang.

"What? Lu Shuanger came back with the Queen Mother?" Lu Xiang stood up in surprise. "How did she get to the Queen Mother?"

Before Lu Ting's letter said that Lu Shuanger was not in the Yuanguo Palace, they did not put it in their hearts. They thought that even if Lu Shuanger escaped from the palace, it would not be easy to survive outside. Who could think she would go to the Queen Mother?

"Is there any news from the second brother?" Ye Hao asked, she wondered who was going to release Lu Shuanger from the palace.

Lu Xiangzhi shook his head gently. "I am afraid that people will find him communicating with me. I have not contacted him again."

Ye Hao thought for a moment, "No problem, I let others check this out."

"This thing has to tell my mother, I may go to see her." Lu Xiangzhi said that his father has always been worried about the big house.

"I understand." Ye Dagger, "Lu Shuanger has forgotten everything, and behaves like a child. If you can see the past, it is a good thing."

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