After Huangfu’s departure, Murong Zhan saw the singer in the royal study room. If Ford told him that Huangfu was helping the sunbathing in the Royal Hospital, he would not be in a hurry.

When I came to the drug store, he didn't see the emperor. He only saw the little girl who didn't know what was in the corner. He looked at her and frowned and smiled. The whole heart became warm. I am reluctant to disturb her.

He wanted to go to her to see what she was doing, didn't think she would suddenly stand up and scare her.

"How come you are here?" Ye Hao saw that it was Murong Cham, and his face immediately sank.

Murong Zhan loosened her shoulder and said with a light cough, "Let's take a look at the road, the herbs outside are you drying?"

What is the hospital’s judgment in the Royal Hospital? I don’t know if she is a princess? Even if she is to be treated equally with other doctors, she should not let her suffer such suffering.

"The emperor, your way is too far away." Ye Hao was too lazy to pay attention to him, "Would you like to go after reading?"

Murong Zhan looked inside the drug store. He didn't see Huangfu, but he saw a moldy herb in a room. His eyebrows wrinkled. "The drug store is so dirty? What are the herbs? Is it true?" Dare to use the moldy herb decocting?"

Ye Hao said, "I am sure I don't dare. These moldy herbs are to be cleaned up, but some are a pity."

"How come you do something like this?" Murong was so sullen, he couldn't wait to hold her in his hand, and some people dared to treat her like this.

"If you didn't delay my time in the Royal Garden last night, I wouldn't use it to dry the herbs." Ye Hao glared at him.

Murong clenched his face and said to the outside, and said, "Go and scream at Gongtang."

Ye squatted and yelled at Ford, "Don't go!" Turned his head and glared at Murong Zhan. "What do you want to do? People feel that my identity is different. Can't you tell me to do things?"

"That depends on what to do. This kind of work that the eunuch's maids don't do shouldn't be what you do." Murong Zhan said coldly.

"Don't you care about my business?" She endured the martyrdom of the yellow medical officer today. She didn't want to feel that she was special on the first day of the medical school, but she was not a steamed buns. She, will she still obey?

Others will never be accustomed to the yellow medical officer. She does not want to take it out personally, but others will take the shot for her. That person cannot be Murong Cham.

Mo Rongzhan felt that he was being dismissed. He looked at her with deep gaze, and his eyes seemed to be flowing with quiet sorrow. He saw that the scalp was numb.

"You go to the Gongyuan court, others will only feel that I am deceiving, and I will complain with you with a little bit of things. How can I survive in the future?" Ye Hao whispered.

"You are a princess, how do you want to survive in a medical school, who would dare to treat you?" Murong said coldly.

Ye Hao bites his lower lip and can't tell him what he said. "You won't go anyway."

Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows and looked at her as if she was spoiled. She asked with a funny smile, "If you want to go to Gongtang?"

"That's your business." Ye Hao snorted and turned and walked into the drug store to clean up the moldy herbs.

"Is it angry?" Murong Chan hurriedly behind her, looking at her tight face, couldn't help but laugh. "You can't go, don't be angry."

Ye Yili ignored him and continued to clean up those herbs.

I looked at the outside of the door, and looked at the horizon silently. I have never seen a woman like this in the emperor. If the princess is not a princess, it is a goddess of the harem... I don’t know how to pamper. What it looks like.

Murong Chan helped Ye Hao to pick up the herbs. "These have bugs, don't touch them, let them come."

Ye Hao stood by and watched him sweep the herbs of the long worms aside. The movements were not unfamiliar. As if he used to be used to rough work, she was a little surprised. She blurted out and asked, "Have you done such a job before?"

She is not angry and willing to talk to her? Ink Murray’s mouth is smiling. “What do you think is the day in the military camp? It’s all started from the small soldiers. Whatever life is going to work, then there are no food and grass, we have to dig into the mountains. Wild vegetables, can't stand being hungry, even the roots are eaten."

Ye Hao stunned, can't see that he has experienced such a day, "Are you not a prince?"

Even if he is not pampered, he is also an imperial prince. Do you still have to suffer in the military camp?

"I used to be unloved by the father. I was sent out of the palace when I was seven or eight years old. I followed General Li in the West Camp. I killed the enemy on the battlefield at the age of thirteen. When the victory came back, the father was right. I have high hopes, and my eyes are blind." Although the King of Qin was sealed, I could not play the enemy again and lost all qualifications.

There are many things in his life that he has to rely on. In the military camp, he not only has to practice, but also learns to read books. He has to pay hundreds of times more hardships than others to have today's stability.

Ye Hao looked at him. "Yes... Ye Yisong did it?"

Murong Cham's shoulder was stiff, and he seemed to want to mention this person. He looked back at her. "Ye Yisong is not a good person, but your father is a good person."

"I know." Ye Hao said faintly, he lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Hey..." Murong Zhan whispered to her.

His words have not been said, and have been interrupted by the screams outside the door.

"The emperor, how are you here? You... what are you doing?" Gong Tang was already embarrassed by the regent of Huangfu. When he came to the drugstore, he saw that the emperor was actually cleaning up the herbs. He almost didn't feel scared. It’s down.

Huangfu smiled faintly and looked at the ink-filled medicine in the medicine. I felt very interesting.

Murong Zhan glanced at him and said coldly to Gong Tang, "Hey, I am helping you to clean up the drug store."

Gong Tang cried out, "Emperor, you... you are a smashing minister. How can this kind of rough work let you do it, I will come, I will come."

"You can't do it, can the princess do it?" Murong Chong asked coldly, holding the broom in his hand was not let go.

Gong Tang knows that the person who is drying the herb today is the princess of the princess. He said with a sad face. "The emperor, this... This person who arranges the medical woman to do things is not a micro-minister. If the micro-minister knows, how can the princess do such a thing." ”

"Look, you are too comfortable in the days, even a royal hospital can not manage." Murong Zhan threw the broom on the ground, the sound is more and more cold.

Gong Tang Khan is in the rain, "Yes, yes, the court must be strictly managed, and will not let people bully the Princess."

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