Liao Xinhai was a grumpy man. He was blocked by Shenyang Luoyang. His anger rushed up. "Shen General, are you just discipline your soldiers? It’s too much to be seen, even I dare to talk back!"

"General Liao, is a small anxious." Chen Kang smiled and apologized, learning Liao Xinhai's expression, a little sincerity.

"Chen Kang!" Shen Luoyang quietly drank him.

"Bad boy, come out, hide behind the woman." The soldier who won the game shouted loudly, a pair of Chen Kang's posture.

Liao Xinhai sneered at Shen Luoyang and said, "Shen General, I don't care if you see a woman, but this kid must be disposed of by the military."

"Although I am a woman, I don't need Liao General to grieve myself." Shen Luoyang said faintly.

"That's better than one, our general hasn't touched the woman yet." Someone laughed loudly.

Liao Xinhai looked at Shen Luoyang and grinned. "I never do anything with women. If you lose and cry, you will be annoyed."

The soldiers around Shen Luoyang glared at him.

"General, let his subordinates fight with him!" Chen Kang screamed with anger.

"No, I just want to teach the martial arts of General Liao." Shen Luoyang whispered, she looked at Ming Yu and told Chen Kang to look at her.

Ming Yu frowned and whispered, "Be careful."

This surname Liao looks like a hill, she is really worried that Shen Luoyang is not his opponent.

Shen Luoyang smiled at her. She came from China with a glimpse of water. She was already a veteran in the Yuan Dynasty. Then these newly promoted generals, because of the deep water and the attention of Ye Wei, never Putting a few veterans who had been born and died with water, especially because she is a woman, they look even more.

"Shen General, then please be merciful." Liao Xinhai finished, and laughed loudly.

Shen Luoyang went to the middle, and everyone consciously gave up the position.

Liao Xinhai took off his shirt and showed his muscular chest. He smiled arrogantly toward Shen Luoyang.

Really a villain!

Ming Yu is cold in his heart, Liao Xinhai does this, clearly wants to irony and teasing Luoyang.

Shen Luoyang is calmer than anyone else, as if he used to be used to it.

"Received!" Liao Xinhai shouted and punched in to Luoyang.

His punches were quick and awkward. There was no reason for the other party to be in the same camp. If you were hit by a punch, you would definitely be seriously injured.

Shen Luoyang avoided his fist and kicked Liao Xinhai's thigh.

Liao Xinhai suddenly stood still, "Shen General, are you doing this? This is not enough."

As he said, he quickly punched out, recruiting and punching.

"Be careful!" Ming Yu looked nervously at Luoyang, and was really worried about being hit by a punch. It hurts a lot.

Although the strength of Shen Luoyang is not as big as Liao Xinhai, her movements are sensitive and fast, and she can avoid Liao Xinhai's fist every time. However, her attack seems to have no use for Liao Xinhai.

Ming Yu looked at her for anxious, how could this be?

"You can rest assured that General Shen will not lose." Chen Kang saw Ming Yu's worry and whispered to her.

"It is not easy to win." Ming Yu said that the Liao Xinhai looks like a bear, and he can't beat it.

Chen Kangxi smiled. "You look at it."

At this moment, Shen Luoyang suddenly jumped up and fell to the shoulder of Liao Xinhai.

Liao Xinhai felt that his knees were soft and he stepped back a few steps. He almost fell and he stunned Shen Luoyang, how could it be!

"Good!" Ming Yu applauded hard, "Shen General is mighty."

"Shen General is mighty!" Chen Kang shouted.

Liao Xinhai stunned and screamed at Luoyang. If he lost to a woman here today, he would really face the face.

"General Liao, we are better at the point." Shen Luoyang said faintly.

"Good!" Liao Xinhai sneered.

Shen Luoyang thought that he would like to stop this, then turned and wanted to come back.

"Be careful!" Ming Yu shouted.

Liao Xinhai hit the back from Shenyang to Luoyang.

Shen Luoyang felt that there was a strong wind blowing behind her. She wanted to avoid it sideways, but found herself avoiding it. Liao Xinhai’s fist hit the Mingyu.

No one can directly stop Liao Xinhai's fist, and everyone has no time to react.

Ming Yu rounded his eyes and he forgot to escape.

"Ming Yu..." Shen Luoyang's face changed.

Suddenly, a long figure appeared beside Ming Yu, and Ming Yu was held in his arms.

Liao Xinhai only felt that his fist was all blocked by a dark force. He used this internal force. In the military camp, no one can resist it. If he hits Shen Luoyang, he can definitely beat her. Seriously injured.

Who can stop him?

little six! Ming Yu looked up and saw Yan Xiaoliu's pretty Qingjun's face, and his mouth smiled with a happy smile.

"Ming Yu, are you okay?" Shen Luoyang hurriedly asked.

"I am fine." Ming Yu said to Shen Luoyang shaking his head.

Liao Xinhai shocked the hand of Yan Xiaoliu. "Who are you?"

"I am... in the logistics." Yan Xiaoliu whispered.

How can there be such a deep internal force in a mixed soldier?

"He is my soldier, General Liao, do you have any opinions?" Shen Luoyang stood in front of Yan Xiaoliu, looking at Liao Xinhai with a cold eye. "Theft behind the villain, it is better to be a good person."

Liao Xinhai looked at Yan Xiaoliu with a gloomy look. His eyes did not hide his murderousness. "The generals of Shen General are really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, hiding all the powerful ones, leaving a few shrimps and crabs here."

Chen Kang, one of the shrimps and crabs, stunned Liao Xinhai.

"General Liao, today's business ends here. If you still don't give up, we can play another game." Shen Luoyang said.

"Well, I have to compare with this kid." Liao Xinhai pointed to Yan Xiaoliu.

Shen Luoyang said, "No."

"Oh, why not, Shen General will protect this boy like this, should there be any secrets that are unspeakable?" Liao Xinhai laughed.

"I am going to fight with you." Yan Xiaoliu said that he really wanted to teach, how much the most famous young generals of the Yuan Dynasty in the past two years.

He has heard of this Liao Xinhai, young and famous, and has a lot of strength. He has won a lot of victory for the water. However, this person is not in the eyes, it is a arrogant guy.

"No." Shen Luoyang frowned and looked at Yan Xiaoliu. "You may not be an opponent."

"Shen General, since this soldier is willing to fight with General Liao, you listen to him." Jiang Rong did not know when he came. He stood behind and smiled at Shen Luoyang. "You are not them." Mothers don't have to worry that they will get hurt."

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