Jiang Rong’s words are too heart-wrenching, and he is insulting Shen Luoyang.

Chen Kang, they are all angry. "What do you mean by this? Our generals are loyal to the emperor, and there is nothing to see."

"Don't be excited, I am just... guessing." Jiang Rong saw that Luo Luoyang's pros were angry. He didn't worry at all. He just smiled and appeased them. "What kind of person are you general? Are we still? Would you know?"

"Don't talk nonsense with them. If you take these two people back to interrogation, you will know who it is." Liao Xinhai said impatiently that he lost to Yan Xiaoliu because he was not reconciled. Now the two people have different identities. Even more eager to bring people back, he will not let go of this stinky boy.

Because of him, he lost a big face in front of all the soldiers.

"No one can take them away." Shen Luoyang said coldly.

Jiang Rong laughed. "Shen General, who are they? It is worthy of your protection. Isn’t the emperor a dignitary, don’t you give it?"

"Then wait for the emperor to come with me." Shen Luoyang said with a blank expression.

"Shen General, do you recognize this?" Jiang Rong took out a token and smiled at Shen Luoyang.

Shen Luoyang’s face changed and he bent down.

"If you see the emperor, see the emperor, General Shen should remember." Jiang Rong said with a smile, "So, can General Shen hand over the two of them?"

"No!" Shen Luoyang saluted the token gimmick. "These two people can't hand it to your hands. The emperor is coming. I will plead guilty with the emperor."

Liao Xinhai called. "I have said that she is suspicious. Maybe she has colluded with Jin Guo, and she has to talk nonsense with her, and first arrest everyone."

Jiang Rong signaled that Liao Xinhai was not impulsive. He took a step forward and there was no smile in his eyes. "Shen General, do you know what it means to do?"

"They are just two children, what can they do? You want to publicize your hatred." Shen Luoyang said.

"Children?" Jiang Rong looked at Yan Xiaoliu. "His martial arts is so good. Does General Shen really not doubt his origins? Or do you know who they are, but they must care for them?" For the sake of two people with unknown origins, do you want to ignore other people? If you are convicted in the future, it is not only you who are alone."

Chen Kang looked at Sun Luoyang and looked at Yan Xiaoliu. They were silent and did not speak. Since they were to protect the generals, they should protect them for whatever reason.

"Having said that for a long time, you are talking about, where are we suspicious?" Ming Yu, sitting on the horse, pointed to Jiang Rong and asked, "I am not coming to your military camp, and you are the one you want." If you lose, don’t cry, now what you count, you can’t afford to lose it.”

"Smelly head, what do you say?" Liao Xinhai was poked at the center, shouting in anger.

Ming Yu smiled sweetly. "I tell the truth, even if we don't know the origin, General Shen's official position is above you. Is it your turn to ask her here?"

Jiang Rong smiled happily. "A good gimmick, since you don't feel that your origins are unknown, then you are talking about who you are?"

"What qualification do you have to ask me?" Ming Yu glanced at him. "Want to know who I am, when you come to the emperor, I will tell him."

"Let's relax!" Liao Xinhai angered, "Give them to me."

Shen Luoyang took out the sword at the waist and pointed to Jiang Rong. "Who dares!"

Liao Xinhai asked, "Shen General, do you want our military camp to fight?"

"The person who wants to fight is not me." Shen Luoyang said, telling Chen Kang, "Send them first."

Chen Kang worried about watching Luoyang. If this continues, the emperor will really blame her.

"This is the order!" Shen Luoyang shouted.

"Shen General, you still go with us." Ming Yu said, if Shen Luoyang does not leave, waiting for the water to come back will definitely punish.

She did not want to see Shen Luoyang being convicted.

Shen Luoyang smiled at Ming Yu. "I can't go, you can leave here soon."

"These two must be the spies of the Jin State. Whoever will seize them, the emperor will definitely return to the emperor." Liao Xinhai said loudly, he did not believe that the subordinates of Shen Luoyang were really loyal, who would not want to make meritorious deeds. .

The barracks suddenly became confused, and Shen Luoyang was dragged by Jiang Rong. Yan Xiaoliu and Liao Xinhai fought again.

The soldiers on both sides have been squashed.

"Your generals collude with Jin Guo. Do you want to be a traitor to her? These two teenagers are simply the spies of Jin Guo. If you don't catch them, will the emperor come back to let you go? Think about your family in Wangdu City! Jiang Rong dragged Shen Luoyang while shouting at the soldiers. He wanted to let Shen Luoyang rebel, so that they could easily catch the two teenagers.

"You are bloody!" Shen Luoyang angered.

"General, it is better to give them to General Liao." Shen Luoyang's deputy said, "We are their own people."

Shen Luoyang’s heart was cold, and Jiang Rong’s words still played a role. Even her subordinates believed that Yan Xiaoliu was a spy.

"No!" Shen Luoyang resolutely opposed. "If there is anything, I will sin with the emperor and will not drag you down!"

"You also said that they are not suspicious. If it is really innocent, why are you afraid to hand them over to us?" Jiang Rong said.

Shen Luoyang snorted. "You have a ghost, I can't give them to you naturally."

"Ming Yu!" Yan Xiaoliu suddenly screamed. He saw two soldiers going to catch Mingyu. The result was amazement of the horse under the Mingyu, and the horse screamed and ran out frantically.

"Stop the horse!" Shen Luoyang was shocked, no longer entangled with Jiang Rong, rushed to save the Mingyu.

Although Ming Yu is good at riding, but has not yet tamed the horse, not to mention that this is still a frightened horse, Rao is her bold and calm, still was shocked, but fortunately she knows that panic is useless, just tightly Holding the horse's neck, I hope the horse can stop by himself.

Yan Xiaoliuyi palm beat Liao Xinhai out and quickly chased it up.

"Small six, save me!" Ming Yu found that the frightened horse went into a state of madness. Even the mountain peaks were not found. If she ran again, she would not be trampled to death.

Shen Luoyang saw this scene, and the heart had already mentioned the air. If there was any accident in Mingyu, she would have no face to see Scorpio with death and sin.

At this time, a sharp arrow shot at the crazy horse, the crazy horse's forefoot was soft, and the whole person of Mingyu flew out.

Oops! Yan Xiaoliu's face changed greatly.

Suddenly, a tall and straight figure appeared behind Ming Yu and took her in her arms.

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