With the maintenance of Gongtang, Huang’s medical officer did not come to Ye Hao’s trouble for several days. Ye Hao had been helping the Royal Hospital for a few days. The time was very abundant. He could go out to see the doctor, sometimes he could Studying the medical records saved by the doctors, of course, she can only see the ordinary medical records, but not the noble people in the palace.

However, this is already very good for Ye Hao.

She studied at the Royal Hospital during the day, and when she returned to the house at night, she learned the divination. The Emperor gave her a book to look at the elephant, so that she could study if she had time. She learned the divination in these days, strange. Yes, every time she goes out, it will be fierce.

Is she wrong? It seems that she is still not familiar enough.

The medical girl will have two days of rest every month. Ye Hao originally planned to go home to see the old lady in the past two days. Who knows that when she is preparing to go out, Lu Shuanger will let her go to Kun. Ning Gong.

"The noble lady, I wonder if you have something to look for me?" Ye Hao reluctantly came to Kunning Palace, and saw that Lu Shuanger still looks like a patient, and she is somewhat impatient.

"Hey, you help the palace." Lu Shuanger took Ye Hao's hands and said with sincerity. "The first two days I reprimanded Xu Xianyu at Cining Palace. The Queen Mother has refused to see me for two days. Letter to me, showing me a lot, I know that I am used to it in the palace, only to provoke the Queen Mother and the emperor to hate me, I want to go to Xu Huiru, but she said that she did not see me, hey, you represent me Would you like to apologize to her?"

Ye Hao almost didn't open her hand. How can this Lu Shuanger be so shameless? She offended Xu Huiru, and angered the Queen Mother and Murong Zhan with her? I can't pull my face and sell it, but she wants her to bow to her?

Where did she come from, confident that she would promise her to do this stupid thing?

"Mother, even if it is me, Xu Xianzhen may not see me." Ye Hao said faintly.

"She will definitely see you, you are a princess, the Queen Mother loves you, hey, you can help me." Lu Shuanger soft attitude.

Ye Hao took out his own hand. "Yiang Niang, since you know that you have done something wrong, it is only since you are looking for Xu Xianyu to be sincere. You let others pay for your crimes. This will not make the Queen Mother look at you differently."

How could she help Lu Shuanger, this woman is greedy and selfish, savvy, and vicious, if she wants to watch her self-destruction, she has already given up her hand to deal with her.

When Lu Shuanger saw Ye Hao, he refused to promise her, and his heart rushed up. "Hey, you, my sister, are you busy with this?"

"I can't help you." Ye Hao said coldly, "If there is nothing else in the maiden, I will leave."

"Stand up!" Lu Shuanger drank her. "If it wasn't for the big brother, let me ask you for help, this palace will not look for you, hey, don't forget, you still have a brother who will take the imperial examination in a few days! You Even the palace does not help, and I will count on who will help your brother in the future."

Ye Hao screamed at the land, "My brother is also your cousin!"

"It is not the brother of this palace." Lu Shuanger snorted.

"Mother, if there is no big brother, can you have today? You are best to bless the heavens, let your pro-big brother grow a hundred years old, the Holy Spirit is constantly, and you can make a contribution to protect you all your life." Ye Xie Qing Han, Lu Shuanger Disgusted to the extreme.

Lu Shuanger smiled smugly. "Then you can rest assured that Big Brother will definitely support me behind the scenes."

Ye Hao shook his head and sneered. "You want me to apologize for you, avoid talking. At most, I will accompany you to see Xu Xianyu."

She absolutely does not believe that Lu Shuanger would really like to apologize to Xu Huiru. It must be premeditated about something else. She would like to see what this woman wants to do.

Lu Shuanger hesitated for a while, and Yan Yan, who was next to him, gave a look and said to Ye Hao, "Well, let's go with the palace."

Ye Hao immediately turned his head, "Go."

"I can't go empty-handed, just before the emperor gave the palace some fine blood swallows. Isn't Xu Xianzhen not physically uncomfortable? Just give her a make-up."

"Xu Xianzhen will still be missing these things?" Ye Hao said with a frown.

Lu Shuanger said with a smile, "It’s always a treat."

Ye Hao Xiu is close to her eyes, and she still has great doubts about Lu Shuanger.

When I came to Xinhe Palace, Lu Shuanger let the palace lady go back and wanted to see Xu Huiru. The lady looked at her and looked at Ye Hao again. She turned her head and went back.

Xu Huiru has long been tired of Lu Shuanger, and she knows that her arrival will not be a good thing. However, this time she went with Lu Hao, and she was not good enough to close her door.

"Please come under the noble lady and the princess." Xu Huiru said, just take a look at what Lu Shuanger still wants to do.

Lu Shuanger slightly lifted his chin and walked in with a noble attitude. He saw Xu Huiru, who was sitting on the shackle. She smiled. "I heard that my sister is not feeling well these days. I am very worried about this palace. What about you?"

Xu Huiru took a trip and looked at Lu Shuanger faintly. "The noble lady has a heart."

Ye Hao looked at Xu Huiru carefully and found that she was really awkward. It was strange. Since it was uncomfortable, why didn’t she let the palace lady go to the hospital?

"Everyone is a sister, not to mention that this palace is the highest in the palace. Naturally, we should care more about the bodies of the younger sisters. We just took some bird's nests to the palace. This is an excellent blood swallow. It’s good for the body.” Lu Shuanger said with a smile, let Qiuyan send the bird’s nest to Xu Huiru.

Qian Lan took the blood swallow and put it on the table.

Xu Huiru faintly thanked, "Thank you for your maiden." She turned her head and looked at Ye Hao. She had a lovely smile on her face. "I heard that my Royal Highness is in a medical office, can I have a good time?"

"It's very good." Ye Hao nodded gently, but his heart was very angry. How did the blood swallow become her? What kind of ghost is Lu Shuanger doing?

Lu Shuanger successfully sent Xueyan to Xu Huiru's hands, and he was very happy. He saw Xu Huiru's display decoration here not lost to her Kunning Palace. She was not angry with one place, only felt the Queen Mother and the emperor. Eccentricity, recently decided to reward Xu Huiru a lot of good things.

The more I saw it, the more I felt angry, and she snorted. "Since Xu Xianzhen is not comfortable, the palace is not disturbing."

Xu Huiru did not want Lu Shuanger to stay here, and he got up and left Ye Hao. "There is still some discomfort in this palace. I want to ask the princess to take the pulse for this palace. You must borrow the princess for a while."

Lu Shuanger didn't like the cold temper of this cousin. Since Xu Huiru wants to stay with her, she certainly won't say anything.

"Hey, then you will accompany the Yin Niang Niang." Lu Shuanger snorted and left with his own palace lady.

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