Wang Congzhi cleaned his face and revealed a handsome young face. Wherever he was like an old man in his ear, he looked at his thirties.

"Big sister." Wang Congzhi smeared his face and kneel in front of the Queen of the Queen. "In order to avoid the pursuit of the money house, I have no choice but to let the other people in the Wang family not set the capital."

"Everyone is still... alive?" The face of Wang Huang’s back-end Zhuang was saddened by grief. Qian Jia was framed by the Wang family with unwarranted charges. She hated her as a queen but could do nothing. The majority of the court was under the control of the money house. She could only When the Qian family wants to harm the Wang family, he will arrange the road to the Wang family, but he does not know how many people can be saved.

Wang Congzhi said, "When the family came to the house, only I was at home, and everyone else had already been sent away. Both the mother and the mother were fine, and the older sister was relieved."

"What about the brother?" asked the Queen of the Queen, staring at Wang Congzhi's eyes.

"Big sister..." Wang Congzhi's eyes darkened, and he knew that he was not a big sister. The Qian family had to conspiracy to frame the Wang family for many years. The Wang family could only survive if they died. However, how could they retreat?

In order to protect them, Big Brother was taken away by the money family. Three days later, the beheading public, hanging his head on the wall for three days, this matter... The money family concealed the Queen, but also the Queen of the Queen. Let's break the net.

The Queen of the Queen was so angry that he was shaking all over the body. "Qian Jia! Qian Guizhen! I will not let them go."

"Big sister, the emperor is back." Wang Congzhi said excitedly, "Do we want to go to the palace to find the emperor?"

"Beitang is back?" The Queen of Queens raised her eyebrows slightly, not as excited as Wang Congzhi.

Wang Congzhi looked at the Queen of the Queen with a strange look, and actually called the name of the emperor.

"Big sister, do we want to go back to the palace?" Wang Congzhi whispered.

"What can I do when I return to the palace? Even if the North Hall is back, the status quo of the city will not change. Qian Danqing will soon return. Now the North Ming Kingdom has fallen into the hands of the Qianjia, and the North Hall is in the palace. It is impossible to call the same as before. His confidants and his own soldiers have long been eradicated." The Queen of the Queen said calmly, "Is there a news of the Great King?"

Wang Congzhi gradually calmed down, and Beitang’s return did not represent anything. In the past few years, Beitang’s intention was to suppress the Wang family. Their Wang family and the Qian family were sure to be evenly matched, and how they would be forced to the present.

"Big sister, Mo Mingxi said that he can help us find the great prince." Wang Congzhi said, "I didn't believe it, but since he can save you from the palace, maybe they can really find the big prince."

"Mu Mingxi?" The Queen of Queens thought of the handsome young boy. "It was the young boy who took the North Hall and later arrested the North Church."

Wang Congzhi nodded gently. "Yes, it is him."

"Where do they want to go to find the big prince?" The Queen said that her son had a pain in her heart. She could care nothing. Only for her son, that was her life, she would be acclaimed by the money family. The same is because I heard the news of the big emperor’s accident.

Qian Guizhen knows her, it is useless to deal with herself in other ways, only the big prince...

Wang Congzhi said, "He never said that we have just arrived in the capital city. Mo Mingxi was injured in the palace and is still healing."

"Then wait a second." Queen Wang whispered, she did not dare to think about whether her son is still alive, he must still be alive, she believes that God will not be cruel to this point.

"Big sister, take a rest, wait for the day to call you again, I will ask what is going on in the palace today." Wang Congzhi said.



When Beitang returned to the palace, he went to see the Queen of the Queen, but he saw the palace people face strange, and Qian Shiming even looked down at him with a low head. He was shocked. "What about the Queen?"

"The emperor..." Qian Shiming was thinking about what excuses to look for to hide the Queen's disappearance.

"Go to Fengyi Palace!" Beitang remembered that they went out to search in the middle of the night. Is it related to the Queen of the Queen?

He rushed to the Fengyi Palace in anger, where there is the Queen of the Queen, there is only one unpleasant smell in the air, but no familiar people.

"Where did the Queen go?" Beitang yelled in a loud voice.

"The emperor, tonight, an assassin sneaked into the palace and took the empress away. The minister went tonight to take the soldiers out to find the queen." Qian Shiming knew that he could not keep going, and he had to tell the truth.

In the heart of Beitang, the Queen of the Kings was full of embarrassment. When he heard Qian Shiming’s words, he was so angry that he kicked him off. “Waste! Even the Queen is not well protected!”

Qian Shiming explained, "The emperor, we have already protected the Fengyi Palace very well, I don't know how the Queen Queen was taken away."

"The whole palace, you only guard the Fengyi Palace, so you can't protect the queen, what is the use of your life!" Beitang took a long sword from the side of the shadow guard, and stabbed Qian Shiming.

"The emperor!" The ministers around him were shocked.

The long sword did not enter the shoulders of Shi Ming, and he looked at the North Hall with some unbelievable feelings. Their position in the capital city was very small. No matter who they are, they all feared three points. He did not expect that the North Hall was just back. Dare to kill him.

If he has just not avoided sideways, the sword is piercing his chest.

"Ming!" Suddenly, a shout came from outside the door, and a man in a robes strode in.

Qian Shiming looked back and said, "Grandfather!"

The person who came was the old man of the money family. Qian Xiyu of the North Ming State strode in. He saw his grandson being stabbed in a sword, and his eyes flashed with anger.

"Qian Yanxiang, you come in time!" North Hall opened the sword in his hand, looking at Qian Xiyu.

"I heard that the emperor came back, and Chen Telai came to meet." Qian Xiyu made a ceremonial gaze and looked at Beitangyu with deep gaze. "I don't know what the grandson of the court did wrong. The emperor just came back and killed him."

Beitang said, "Even the Queen is not well protected. He is the commander of the Royal Forest. Does he match?"

"What happened to the Queen?" Qian Xizhen did not know that the Queen of the Queen was rescued. He heard the words of the North Hall, and his eyes flashed strangely.

"The money is great, the queen of the king is gone." There is a palace man who said respectfully.

"If you don't see, you won't see it. People will find it." Qian Xiyu said, "Why are you killing?"

Beitang’s eyes are very cold, “Qian Xiangxiang, you mean, is it wrong?”

"The emperor just returned from Jinguo, and he was wronged in Jinguo. The court can understand, and also ask the emperor to rest well. The court, the ministers and the cabinets will not let the emperor worry." Qian Xiyu said .

"You don't have to rest, you have to see the cabinet minister now." North Hall said coldly.

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