The woman in the temple is not someone else. It is the Ye Wei who should have stayed in the Imperial Palace. She has a gorgeous red dress, which lining up her entire enchantress, and her eyebrows are a charming charm.

"I have been in the palace." Ye Wei said with a smile, sitting down opposite Qian Guizhen, "Your son will be back soon."

Qian Guizhen looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of her not long ago. She always disliked a woman who looked better than herself. This girl was so beautiful that she was too stressed, but the woman saved her. son.

"Beitang said that he made a will." Qian Guizhen whispered, "I am afraid of an accident."

"Your brothers are able to go to Jinguo to assassinate Beitang. Are you afraid of any accidents?" Ye Wei asked. "The money family is a niche. Do you still want Beitang and Wang Hao to be willing to let the throne For you guys?"

Qian Guiyan’s eyebrows flashed a haze. “My son is a prince.”

Ye Wei smiled, and Beitang Xuanzhen was swallowed up by the corpse, but there is no need to tell Qian Guifei.

"The Queen of the Queen was rescued by Mo Mingxi." Ye Wei said, "However, Mo Mingxi has been seriously injured by me, and they will not have much effect."

"Mu Mingxi?" Qian Guizhen's look changed slightly. Isn't that the boy who took her son? "He is still setting the capital now?"

"You sent people out for a long time and didn't find anyone. You said that they are not in the capital city?" Ye Wei asked faintly.

Qian Guizhen’s eyes flashed through the killing. If she was caught by Mo Mingxi, she must be smashed.

"After waiting for your son to ascend the throne, remember what you promised." Ye Wei said.

"You can rest assured that since I exchanged conditions with you, I will naturally fulfill my promise. After my son ascended the throne, he will move to Fuyang City. This palace will give you, how to repair it." Qian Guizhen said.

Ye Wei smiled lightly. "So very good."

Qian Guizhen frowned and asked, "What is your hobby is so strange, what do you want for a palace?"

"You don't have to ask more." Ye Wei said, "In short, you only need to know that I am helping you. This is enough."

"Then you can... Can you kill the Queen of Queens for me?" Qian Guizhen whispered. "After my son ascended the throne, the Queen of Queens can no longer live."

Ye Wei smiled, which was as easy for her as to pinch an ant. "Okay, I promise you."

Qian Guizhen was satisfied with the nod.

Leaving from the palace, Ye Wei came to a large house outside the city, and the air around the house was full of **** smell.

"The owner, you are back." The white woman who opened the door gave Ye Wei a ritual.

Ye Wei went straight to the backyard and saw the water in the last yard.

"The emperor, how are you here?" Ye Wei’s eyes flashed fear. "I didn't tell you, don't you come here?"

"Look at the big man." Water whispered, and when Ye Wei approached him, he unconsciously opened his side.

Ye Wei seems to be unaware of the evasiveness of the water. She looks at the closed door. "I just woke up when I was born, I need to recover my strength, nothing will happen."

As soon as the water looked up at the gray sky, he saw the underground palace and saw with his own eyes how the lying adult came out of the stone. It was definitely not something that mortals could do. He could not feel the change of the surrounding air. But know that these gray things must be related to the people inside.

"Are you going to the palace?" asked the water.

"I want to go to the underground palace, but I didn't find it." Ye Wei said, pulling the hand of the water away from the yard, "I still have to wait until the North Hall declares to ascend the throne, and find the underground palace when repairing."

Water glanced back and looked at it. "How did you know that the cold palace under the Yuan Dynasty was the underground palace?"

And still there is a ... person? I didn’t know how many years I slept in the underground of the Yuan Dynasty.

This is the real life and not old!

If he can live forever... then what else can't be done, what else can't you get?

"That was someone who reminded me." Ye Wei vaguely explained the past, did not tell the water who told her that there is a palace in the earth, "Imperial, if you have any needs, I will let people do it, you Don't approach him."

Water looked at her puzzledly. "Why? The sleeping adult looks very kind."

Harmony is also the ancient Gorefiend!

This word was swallowed at the tip of Ye Wei's tongue. "Always you listen to me."

"Good." Water thought that Ye Wei is different now. He gently beheaded. "You are not saying that Mo Mingxi is in the capital city? Have you found it?"

Ye Wei’s face was cold. “I almost killed him that day. I didn’t expect him to have a beast.”

"God beast?" Water picked up his eyebrows. Many of the things Ye Wei said were not heard before. "Mu Mingxi has been missing for a few years, is it becoming... same as you? ?"

"Not the same!" Ye Wei knew that there was some fear of her in the water. She held his hand and said softly, "I was cultivated after nine deaths. Mo Mingxi went to Xuantian mainland. They are practitioners. If it weren't for them, the Gorefiend would not be sealed for so many years, even the heavenly lords... In short, we must be enemies with them in the future."

The water was hidden in her words, but since she did not say, he did not ask more.

If Mo Mingxi went to the Xuantian continent and it became different, what about it?

Did she also become different?

On the other hand, Ye Hao and Murong Chan, because they brought Ming Yu and others, could no longer use the spiritual power to hurry, and the journey was much slower.

"Mother, are we going to Dingdu City?" Mingyu sat on the horseback. She had already asked how many times she had been on the road. Every day except for the road, she just wanted to get to the capital as soon as possible.

Ye Hao glanced at her and said with a smile, "Are you so anxious?"

"You are not saying that your brother is here, I want to go to see him soon." Ming Yu said.

"It’s coming soon. Tonight we will settle in the front place. We should be able to get to the capital city before dark tomorrow.” Ye Hao said that she also wanted to go to Dingdu City earlier. She heard that Xie met the Gorefiend, she I almost want to desperately set the capital.

Or Murong Zhan is calmer than her, and there are no children and fire phoenix around Mingxi. There should be no problem.

Ming Yu happily cheered, "Great."

Ye Hao and Mo Rongzhan looked at each other. Now that they are in the capital city, they are really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and they don’t know that the Big Wicked Viper is not there.

The python...should be the sorrow of the ridiculous **** that the former monsters said.

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