“Guan Guan?” Ming Xi and Yu Er came to the door and saw a young man squatting. Isn’t this the previous encounter in Bohai City?

"It's really you, how are you here?" Fire Phoenix also recognized the squad, and he just felt familiar, and it was him.

They watched Mingxi for a moment, pointing to the North Hall and said, "He leads the way."

Mingxi looked at the other youth sideways and saw his facial features familiar. "Hello?"

"Who are you? How can you be here?" Beitang Xuanqi is more shocked than Mingxi. This place is out of him. Only the mother knows how to come in. How can these people be here?

"Nature is brought in by someone." Fire Phoenix said with a sigh of relief, "We will ask you first, why don't you say who you are?"

Ming Xi whispered, "He is the great emperor of the North Ming Kingdom."

Beitang Xuanqi suddenly looked at Mingxi, how did he see it?

"It turns out that you are not dead." Fire Phoenix called. "That's great. You can go to the palace tomorrow to get the corpse beast... Put the North Hall out to clean up." Fire Phoenix said with a smile.

"Is your mother here to let you be here?" Beitang Xuanqi did not know who the people were in front of him, but whoever allowed them to be here besides the mother.

Ming Xi said, "Let's go inside and talk."

Beitang Xuanyuan looked at them. They were all younger than him, and they all looked outstanding. They looked like they were born. He was hesitant to go in and saw the Guanmen followed Mingxi. Going inside.

Oh, yes, they are aware of the squad, and they should not be the people of the North Hall and the money family.

Just entering the mansion, just seeing Wang Congzhi, he is going to say hello to Mingxi, and his eyes saw the North Hall after the fire phoenix. He was stunned by the whole person, thinking that he was wrong, it would not be big. Go to **** at night.

"Little!" Beitang Xuanyi screamed happily and strode to Wang Congzhi. "You are really good, what about the mother? How is she in the palace?"

"The Great Prince..." Wang Congzhi opened his mouth and reached out and touched his shoulder. "Are you still alive?"

Beitang Xuanqi hurriedly said, "I didn't take the mountain road and changed the waterway, but there were traitors in the guards. My ship was smashed. After the water fell, I was lucky enough to meet the ring. He saved me. I was in a coma for a month. When I woke up, I heard that my father came back, but..."

Wang Congzhi listened to the explanation of Beitang Xuanyuan. He whispered, "Your father has died."

"How could it..." Beitang Xuanqi shook his head, and the father was in his mind like the **** who couldn’t fall, how could he suddenly collapse.

"There must be Qianjia and Beitang Xuanzheng. After the emperor came back, he was placed under house arrest in the palace. Even the cabinet ministers could not see it. When he came back to the North Hall, he immediately reported the news of the death. Who is there?" Wang Congzhi said coldly.

Beitang Xuanqi shook his head in disbelief. "The propaganda has always been gentle and kind, how can we do such a thing."

"You know that the Beitang Xuanzhen has long changed personally." Mingxi said faintly, today's Beitang Xuanyuan is a corpse, how can he think about having a father and son with Beitang, in order to achieve the goal, Even people who have killed the entire palace are possible.

"Hey, what about the mother?" Beitang’s face was white, did he have an accident?

Wang Congzhi said, "Your mother is here, I will take you to see her."

Beitang Xuansheng said with surprise, "Is the mother not in the palace?"

"It was Ming Xi who rescued her." Wang Congzhi said, "Forget to introduce to you, this is the son of Jin Guo."

"Mu Mingxi?" Beitang Xuanqi blurted out, "I used to be the emperor of Jinguo?"

Wang Congzhi nodded gently. "Yes."

Ming Xi smiled and said, "The big prince is reunited with the Queen Mother and Mother, we will not bother."

Although there is still a lot to say, but he wants to go to see his mother, he can only temporarily suppress other words. "Ink son, thank you."

"Polite." Mingxi said faintly, they will come to the North, especially for their own affairs.

He actually doubts that the death of Beitangyu has nothing to do with the Gorefiends that day.

The Gorefiend... How could it be in the palace, is she the nephew in the palace or the palace lady?

Unfortunately, his injury is still not good, and they will not let him enter the palace.

"How can you save the North Hall propaganda?" asked the fire phoenix next to him.

Mingxi looked sideways at the gate behind him. "Guanjie, are you not with General Wang Qu?"

"The general asked me to go back to Haicheng first. I saw him fall in Bailongjiang." Guan said, "He is very hurt."

"And then you brought him to the North Ming State?" Fire Phoenix raised an eyebrow.

Guan Guan blinked and blinked. "Someone is going to kill him along the way. He is not good at martial arts. I will send him."

Ming Xi is laughing in his heart. This is the same as what he encountered before. His mind is simple and simple. He wants to save people and only wants to save people, not to think about others.

When I was in Bohai City, his scene of blood saving was too deep in Mingxi’s mind.

"Now the city is martial law, how did you get into the city?" Ming Xi asked.

"Climb the wall in." Guan said.

"..." Mingxi suddenly lost his voice, and he chuckled. "Well, well, you are tired and tired, go to the house first."

The mouth touched the stomach, "I am hungry."

Fire Phoenix couldn't help but smile. "I am going to ask someone to give you the following."

Ming Xi took the ring to the room. "First drink a glass of water. What are your plans for next?"

"What?" Guantuan took the water and drank it. When he heard Mingxi’s question, he looked blank and didn’t know what it meant.

"You have sent the Beitang Xuanzhen back, are you going to return to Haicheng, or go to Kyoto City?" Mingxi asked.

Guan Guan holding the teacup is thinking, shaking his head for a long time, "I don't know."

He stayed at Wang Qu's side. It seems that some people don't like him very much. He thinks he is a fool. He doesn't want to go to Kyoto.

"Would you like to stay here and stay with us?" Ming Xi whispered, he liked the ring very much, and knew that if he returned to Bohai City, he might be wandering around as before.

The warning is too simple. In the eyes of others, he is a fool, but Ming Xi feels that such a person is very valuable.

A person who is not conscious of saving others from their own injuries, even a fool, is a kind fool.

"Ming Xi..." The child whispered him.

"What's wrong?" Ming Xi looked at her.

The nephew looked at the ring and shook his head gently. "It's okay."

The fire phoenix came in with a large bowl of beef noodles. "The face is coming, and people are giving you more beef."

"Thank you!" The eyes of the ring were bright, and he looked really hungry.

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